Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Filter-Free Friday For Faggots Response #18 - Episode New House Committee Docs Reveal Dodd Concealed Trump's J6 Request For Nat'l Guard
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 22:16:31 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 15:39:52 -0700,  Siri Cruise says...  

> AlleyCat wrote:
> > New House Committee Docs Reveal Dodd Concealed Trump's J6 Request For Nat'l Guard
> > 
> > Well, what do we have here? You know that almost cliche phrase that's gone around the last couple of years, "Trump was
> > right?" According to new government documents, it appears that former President Donald Trump's claim that he requested
> > National Guard ahead of the events of January 6, 2021, and the subsequent denials and hesitation against his request,
> > looks to be verified.
> What was the clock time they arrived at the Capitol?

You tell us.

When Friday faggots ask questions instead of providing refuting evidence, they already know the answer.

So, tell us, drunkard... WHO arrived at the Capitol and what time DID they get there?


Is The 'California Is A Shithole' Starterpack Accurate?


On Feb. 15, 2022, a picture with the headline "'California is a shithole' starterpack" was posted to the r/JoeRogan 
subreddit on Reddit. The post was given dozens of awards that were bought with ...


California Is An Overrated Dump : R/Unpopularopinion - Reddit


The mountains in Northern California are nice, and it's a short drive from the Bay area, where there is literal shit on 
the streets and is a literal shit hole (not exaggerating about this). Prices are ludicrous, crowds and traffic is 
ridiculous anywhere in the state and the places that are affordable you don't want to live (Stockton, Fresno ...


California Is Gripped By Economic Problems, With No Easy Fix


Mar 31, 2024 - Throughout California's many brushes with economic trouble, its innovation-led growth model has been 
remarkably resilient. The state accounted for about 14% of America's total output last year ...


California Is Still Losing Californians. It's No Mystery Why


Apr 9, 2024 - The state has 58 counties. From July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, 17 of California's 58 counties experienced 
a population increase while the majority lost residents. Populations fell in every ...


Can Anyone Fix California? - Vanity Fair


Jun 26, 2023 - Immigrants, especially Latinos, who make up nearly 40 percent of California's population, have become 
increasingly conservative when facing the fallout from progressive cities like San Francisco.


California Is A Shithole State And Deserves To Dissolve Into The ...


California is a shithole state and deserves to dissolve into the Pacific Ocean. Of course this is my experience but let 
me explain. I went on a business trip for sales training in California. We were sent to this nice little 5 star resort, 
etc to hold the sales training and for rooms. Of course the surrounding area is nice bit going into San ...


Clueless Newsom Shocked At California's 'Third World' Conditions


California remains a lovely state, but it increasingly embodies other third-world characteristics. For instance, it has 
the largest population of super-wealthy people in the nation, as any drive ...


Failures Of Governance Is The Reason Why The "State Of California" Is ...


Year over year, California's employment has increased just .1 percent, whereas it is up 1.5 percent in the rest of the 
country. Put differently, if California was performing as well as the rest of the country's economy, California would 
have added about 300,000 jobs in the last year, not just 30,000. California is among the lowest ranking ...


Who Killed The California Dream? If You Think It Was ... - The Hill


That can mean only one thing: It's time for establishment media to once again declare the death of "the California 
dream.". It's happened every downturn since the end of the gold rush, but ...


San Francisco Falls Into The Abyss - Hoover Institution


Jan 20, 2023 - No major American city has failed at the same level as Detroit, whose population dropped from 1.85 
million people in 1950 to about 630,000 Today - . Move over Detroit, here comes San Francisco, which lost 6.3 percent 
of its population between 2019 and 2021, a rate of decline larger than