Davin News Server

From: The Doctor <doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: stats 2024-09
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 00:40:49 -0600
Organization: NetKnow News

Group : can.politics
Statistics : from 9/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

***** Users with most messages *****
 num| Name                            | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | AlleyCat                        |    653 | 5,932,650 | 229 | 
35.32% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Alan                            |    429 | 1,429,018 |  11 | 
23.20% xxxxxx
  3 | Skeeter                         |    129 |   562,841 |   0 |  
6.98% x
  4 | Mittens Romney                  |    100 |   286,155 |   6 |  
5.41% x
  5 | Dhu on Gate                     |     74 |   184,396 |  24 |  
4.00% x
  6 | NoBody                          |     70 |   232,854 |  20 |  
3.79% x
  7 | Governor Swill                  |     42 |   119,077 |   0 |  
  8 | citizen winston smith           |     39 |   148,491 |  10 |  
  9 | pothead                         |     39 |   127,031 |   0 |  
 10 | De-Trois-Leaning                |     37 |   189,798 |   0 |  
 11 | JTEM                            |     27 |    60,802 |   0 |  
 12 | Lil dwarf Rudey                 |     21 |   211,228 |   0 |  
 13 | Chris Ahlstrom                  |     15 |    46,053 |   0 |  
 14 | NefeshBarYochai                 |     13 |    35,273 |  11 |  
 15 | Clement VII                     |     12 |    22,017 |  12 |  
 16 | Mitchell Holman                 |     10 |    41,050 |   0 |  
 17 | R Kym Horsell                   |      9 |    29,641 |   0 |  
 18 | Gronk                           |      8 |    44,003 |   0 |  
 19 | Tall Henry                      |      6 |     9,863 |   6 |  
 20 | 186282@ud0s4.net                |      6 |    21,318 |   3 |  
 21 | Joel                            |      6 |    16,024 |   2 |  
 22 | Charlie Glock                   |      6 |    15,691 |   0 |  
 23 | kami                            |      5 |     8,659 |   0 |  
 24 | The Doctor                      |      4 |    79,491 |   2 |  
 25 | Michael Ejercito                |      4 |    15,685 |   1 |  
 26 | D. Ray                          |      4 |     9,304 |   1 |  
 27 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809 |      4 |     5,564 |   1 |  
 28 | Rod Speed                       |      4 |    15,213 |   0 |  
 29 | Trevor Wilson                   |      4 |    14,843 |   0 |  
 30 | Auric Hellman                   |      3 |     5,133 |   3 |  
 31 | Intelligent Party               |      3 |    20,947 |   2 |  
 32 | Josh Rosenbluth                 |      3 |     6,821 |   0 |  
 33 | Unum                            |      3 |     5,807 |   0 |  
 34 | Paul Aubrin                     |      3 |     5,203 |   0 |  
 35 | kymhorsell@gmail.com            |      2 |    18,007 |   2 |  
 36 | Jeanne Douglas                  |      2 |    11,930 |   2 |  
 37 | Bradley K. Sherman              |      2 |     3,542 |   2 |  
 38 | NEMO                            |      2 |     3,454 |   2 |  
 39 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells    |      2 |     3,029 |   2 |  
 40 | kleine klauschen                |      2 |     2,300 |   2 |  
 41 | WhataWonderfulWorld             |      2 |    13,383 |   1 |  
 42 | Miracles Are Seen In Light      |      2 |    12,202 |   1 |  
 43 | Loose Cannon                    |      2 |     4,708 |   1 |  
 44 | Ördög                           |      2 |     3,690 |   1 |  
 45 | Dave Smith                      |      2 |     5,805 |   0 |  
 46 | chrisv                          |      2 |     3,249 |   0 |  
 47 | Sharx335                        |      2 |     3,135 |   0 |  
 48 | -V-                             |      1 |     3,959 |   1 |  
 49 | Cap Allon                       |      1 |     3,216 |   1 |  
 50 | Eric@                           |      1 |     2,564 |   1 |  
 51 | Klaus  Schadenfreude            |      1 |     2,375 |   1 |  
 52 | cost                            |      1 |     1,927 |   1 |  
 53 | David Dalton                    |      1 |     1,681 |   1 |  
 54 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron          |      1 |     1,620 |   1 |  
 55 | MAGA                            |      1 |     1,477 |   1 |  
 56 | David                           |      1 |     1,350 |   1 |  
 57 | Wren                            |      1 |     1,156 |   1 |  
 58 | Red                             |      1 |     1,095 |   1 |  
 59 | Washburne                       |      1 |       773 |   1 |  
 60 | %                               |      1 |     5,753 |   0 |  
 61 | andal                           |      1 |     3,316 |   0 |  
 62 | jdyoung                         |      1 |     2,246 |   0 |  
 63 | Joe                             |      1 |     2,047 |   0 |  
 64 | Caleb                           |      1 |     1,897 |   0 |  
 65 | rjac@shell02.TheWorld.com       |      1 |     1,792 |   0 |  
 66 | Scott                           |      1 |     1,762 |   0 |  
 67 | Jack McPherson                  |      1 |     1,607 |   0 |  
 68 | PutinFan2020                    |      1 |     1,571 |   0 |  
 69 | Gail                            |      1 |     1,495 |   0 |  
 70 | Terry Pearson                   |      1 |     1,491 |   0 |  
 71 | Lawrence D'Oliveiro             |      1 |     1,484 |   0 |  
 72 | Larry Peel                      |      1 |     1,353 |   0 |  
 73 | Peter                           |      1 |     1,325 |   0 |  
 74 | Ward B.                         |      1 |     1,310 |   0 |  
 75 | Rich                            |      1 |     1,233 |   0 |  

***** Users with most started threads *****
 num| Name                            | or. | Nb Msg | size      | %
  1 | AlleyCat                        | 229 |    653 | 5,932,650 | 
61.56% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Dhu on Gate                     |  24 |     74 |   184,396 |  
6.45% x
  3 | NoBody                          |  20 |     70 |   232,854 |  
  4 | Clement VII                     |  12 |     12 |    22,017 |  
  5 | Alan                            |  11 |    429 | 1,429,018 |  
  6 | NefeshBarYochai                 |  11 |     13 |    35,273 |  
  7 | citizen winston smith           |  10 |     39 |   148,491 |  
  8 | Mittens Romney                  |   6 |    100 |   286,155 |  
  9 | Tall Henry                      |   6 |      6 |     9,863 |  
 10 | 186282@ud0s4.net                |   3 |      6 |    21,318 |  
 11 | Auric Hellman                   |   3 |      3 |     5,133 |  
 12 | Joel                            |   2 |      6 |    16,024 |  
 13 | The Doctor                      |   2 |      4 |    79,491 |  
 14 | Intelligent Party               |   2 |      3 |    20,947 |  
 15 | kymhorsell@gmail.com            |   2 |      2 |    18,007 |  
 16 | Jeanne Douglas                  |   2 |      2 |    11,930 |  
 17 | Bradley K. Sherman              |   2 |      2 |     3,542 |  
 18 | NEMO                            |   2 |      2 |     3,454 |  
 19 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells    |   2 |      2 |     3,029 |  
 20 | kleine klauschen                |   2 |      2 |     2,300 |  
 21 | Michael Ejercito                |   1 |      4 |    15,685 |  
 22 | D. Ray                          |   1 |      4 |     9,304 |  
 23 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809 |   1 |      4 |     5,564 |  
 24 | WhataWonderfulWorld             |   1 |      2 |    13,383 |  
 25 | Miracles Are Seen In Light      |   1 |      2 |    12,202 |  
 26 | Loose Cannon                    |   1 |      2 |     4,708 |  
 27 | Ördög                           |   1 |      2 |     3,690 |  
 28 | -V-                             |   1 |      1 |     3,959 |  
 29 | Cap Allon                       |   1 |      1 |     3,216 |  
 30 | Eric@                           |   1 |      1 |     2,564 |  
 31 | Klaus  Schadenfreude            |   1 |      1 |     2,375 |  
 32 | cost                            |   1 |      1 |     1,927 |  
 33 | David Dalton                    |   1 |      1 |     1,681 |  
 34 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron          |   1 |      1 |     1,620 |  
 35 | MAGA                            |   1 |      1 |     1,477 |  
 36 | David                           |   1 |      1 |     1,350 |  
 37 | Wren                            |   1 |      1 |     1,156 |  
 38 | Red                             |   1 |      1 |     1,095 |  
 39 | Washburne                       |   1 |      1 |       773 |  

***** Users with highest total size of messages *****
 num| Name                            | size      | Nb Msg | or. | %
  1 | AlleyCat                        | 5,932,650 |    653 | 229 | 
58.73% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Alan                            | 1,429,018 |    429 |  11 | 
14.15% xx
  3 | Skeeter                         |   562,841 |    129 |   0 |  
  4 | Mittens Romney                  |   286,155 |    100 |   6 |  
  5 | NoBody                          |   232,854 |     70 |  20 |  
  6 | Lil dwarf Rudey                 |   211,228 |     21 |   0 |  
  7 | De-Trois-Leaning                |   189,798 |     37 |   0 |  
  8 | Dhu on Gate                     |   184,396 |     74 |  24 |  
  9 | citizen winston smith           |   148,491 |     39 |  10 |  
 10 | pothead                         |   127,031 |     39 |   0 |  
 11 | Governor Swill                  |   119,077 |     42 |   0 |  
 12 | The Doctor                      |    79,491 |      4 |   2 |  
 13 | JTEM                            |    60,802 |     27 |   0 |  
 14 | Chris Ahlstrom                  |    46,053 |     15 |   0 |  
 15 | Gronk                           |    44,003 |      8 |   0 |  
 16 | Mitchell Holman                 |    41,050 |     10 |   0 |  
 17 | NefeshBarYochai                 |    35,273 |     13 |  11 |  
 18 | R Kym Horsell                   |    29,641 |      9 |   0 |  
 19 | Clement VII                     |    22,017 |     12 |  12 |  
 20 | 186282@ud0s4.net                |    21,318 |      6 |   3 |  
 21 | Intelligent Party               |    20,947 |      3 |   2 |  
 22 | kymhorsell@gmail.com            |    18,007 |      2 |   2 |  
 23 | Joel                            |    16,024 |      6 |   2 |  
 24 | Charlie Glock                   |    15,691 |      6 |   0 |  
 25 | Michael Ejercito                |    15,685 |      4 |   1 |  
 26 | Rod Speed                       |    15,213 |      4 |   0 |  
 27 | Trevor Wilson                   |    14,843 |      4 |   0 |  
 28 | WhataWonderfulWorld             |    13,383 |      2 |   1 |  
 29 | Miracles Are Seen In Light      |    12,202 |      2 |   1 |  
 30 | Jeanne Douglas                  |    11,930 |      2 |   2 |  
 31 | Tall Henry                      |     9,863 |      6 |   6 |  
 32 | D. Ray                          |     9,304 |      4 |   1 |  
 33 | kami                            |     8,659 |      5 |   0 |  
 34 | Josh Rosenbluth                 |     6,821 |      3 |   0 |  
 35 | Unum                            |     5,807 |      3 |   0 |  
 36 | Dave Smith                      |     5,805 |      2 |   0 |  
 37 | %                               |     5,753 |      1 |   0 |  
 38 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809 |     5,564 |      4 |   1 |  
 39 | Paul Aubrin                     |     5,203 |      3 |   0 |  
 40 | Auric Hellman                   |     5,133 |      3 |   3 |  
 41 | Loose Cannon                    |     4,708 |      2 |   1 |  
 42 | -V-                             |     3,959 |      1 |   1 |  
 43 | Ördög                           |     3,690 |      2 |   1 |  
 44 | Bradley K. Sherman              |     3,542 |      2 |   2 |  
 45 | NEMO                            |     3,454 |      2 |   2 |  
 46 | andal                           |     3,316 |      1 |   0 |  
 47 | chrisv                          |     3,249 |      2 |   0 |  
 48 | Cap Allon                       |     3,216 |      1 |   1 |  
 49 | Sharx335                        |     3,135 |      2 |   0 |  
 50 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells    |     3,029 |      2 |   2 |  
 51 | Eric@                           |     2,564 |      1 |   1 |  
 52 | Klaus  Schadenfreude            |     2,375 |      1 |   1 |  
 53 | kleine klauschen                |     2,300 |      2 |   2 |  
 54 | jdyoung                         |     2,246 |      1 |   0 |  
 55 | Joe                             |     2,047 |      1 |   0 |  
 56 | cost                            |     1,927 |      1 |   1 |  
 57 | Caleb                           |     1,897 |      1 |   0 |  
 58 | rjac@shell02.TheWorld.com       |     1,792 |      1 |   0 |  
 59 | Scott                           |     1,762 |      1 |   0 |  
 60 | David Dalton                    |     1,681 |      1 |   1 |  
 61 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron          |     1,620 |      1 |   1 |  
 62 | Jack McPherson                  |     1,607 |      1 |   0 |  
 63 | PutinFan2020                    |     1,571 |      1 |   0 |  
 64 | Gail                            |     1,495 |      1 |   0 |  
 65 | Terry Pearson                   |     1,491 |      1 |   0 |  
 66 | Lawrence D'Oliveiro             |     1,484 |      1 |   0 |  
 67 | MAGA                            |     1,477 |      1 |   1 |  
 68 | Larry Peel                      |     1,353 |      1 |   0 |  
 69 | David                           |     1,350 |      1 |   1 |  
 70 | Peter                           |     1,325 |      1 |   0 |  
 71 | Ward B.                         |     1,310 |      1 |   0 |  
 72 | Rich                            |     1,233 |      1 |   0 |  
 73 | Wren                            |     1,156 |      1 |   1 |  
 74 | Red                             |     1,095 |      1 |   1 |  
 75 | Washburne                       |       773 |      1 |   1 |  

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | 9/13/2024  |    161 | 1,226,251 |  25 |  8.71% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | 9/4/2024   |    159 |   636,916 |  13 |  8.60% xxxxxxxxx
  3 | 9/24/2024  |    138 |   529,365 |  12 |  7.46% xxxxxxxx
  4 | 9/6/2024   |     86 |   426,460 |  19 |  4.65% xxxxx
  5 | 9/3/2024   |     86 |   467,587 |  17 |  4.65% xxxxx
  6 | 9/9/2024   |     84 |   593,983 |  40 |  4.54% xxxxx
  7 | 9/10/2024  |     74 |   433,833 |   5 |  4.00% xxxx
  8 | 9/1/2024   |     67 |   314,213 |  20 |  3.62% xxxx
  9 | 9/7/2024   |     66 |   277,412 |  17 |  3.57% xxxx
 10 | 9/20/2024  |     62 |   367,041 |  12 |  3.35% xxx
 11 | 9/28/2024  |     61 |   377,089 |   5 |  3.30% xxx
 12 | 9/19/2024  |     60 |   306,965 |  20 |  3.24% xxx
 13 | 9/8/2024   |     58 |   303,084 |  10 |  3.14% xxx
 14 | 9/5/2024   |     57 |   299,729 |  13 |  3.08% xxx
 15 | 9/14/2024  |     57 |   472,181 |   4 |  3.08% xxx
 16 | 9/25/2024  |     57 |   274,478 |   4 |  3.08% xxx
 17 | 9/12/2024  |     55 |   358,932 |   6 |  2.97% xxx
 18 | 9/23/2024  |     52 |   175,485 |  16 |  2.81% xxx
 19 | 9/11/2024  |     51 |   362,143 |  12 |  2.76% xxx
 20 | 9/17/2024  |     48 |   232,551 |   8 |  2.60% xx
 21 | 9/29/2024  |     38 |   287,172 |   9 |  2.06% xx
 22 | 9/30/2024  |     37 |   255,248 |   8 |  2.00% xx
 23 | 9/26/2024  |     37 |   195,397 |   8 |  2.00% xx
 24 | 9/21/2024  |     36 |   242,103 |  16 |  1.95% xx
 25 | 9/2/2024   |     33 |   101,435 |   5 |  1.78% xx
 26 | 9/27/2024  |     32 |   178,052 |  11 |  1.73% x
 27 | 9/15/2024  |     29 |   133,999 |  11 |  1.57% x
 28 | 9/16/2024  |     28 |   105,820 |  11 |  1.51% x
 29 | 9/18/2024  |     26 |   118,555 |  10 |  1.41% x
 30 | 9/22/2024  |     14 |    47,774 |   5 |  0.76%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | Tuesday    |    346 | 1,663,336 |  42 | 18.71% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Friday     |    341 | 2,197,804 |  67 | 18.44% xxxxxxxxx
  3 | Wednesday  |    293 | 1,392,092 |  39 | 15.85% xxxxxxxx
  4 | Monday     |    234 | 1,231,971 |  80 | 12.66% xxxxxx
  5 | Saturday   |    220 | 1,368,785 |  42 | 11.90% xxxxxx
  6 | Thursday   |    209 | 1,161,023 |  47 | 11.30% xxxxxx
  7 | Sunday     |    206 | 1,086,242 |  55 | 11.14% xxxxx

***** Subjects with most answers *****
 num| Subject                                                           
               | Nb Msg | size    | or. | %
  1 | Yet another stupid misstep from Kamela                            
               |    161 | 809,009 |   1 |  8.71% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | "North Pole Could Be Ice Free In 2008"                            
               |    128 | 469,901 |   0 |  6.92% xxxxxxx
  3 | WHY Won't Kambala Take Questions?                                 
               |    124 | 861,319 |   1 |  6.71% xxxxxxx
  4 | NOTHING Is As Dumb As Kamala Harris on Multiple Dates             
               |     83 | 484,106 |   1 |  4.49% xxxxx
  5 | New House Committee Docs Reveal Dodd Concealed Trump's J6 Request 
For Nat'l  ... |     82 | 611,425 |   1 |  4.43% xxxxx
  6 | LOL... Faggley Tells a Lie and The Lemmings Lap It Up Like Jizz 
After Their  ... |     47 | 234,085 |   1 |  2.54% xx
  7 | Democrat Godzilla Tells Democrats To Fuck Off With Your Orwellian 
Ways           |     42 | 249,708 |   1 |  2.27% xx
  8 | There Is Inappropriate Laughter, Then There Is Kamala Harris      
               |     31 | 177,618 |   1 |  1.68% x
  9 | More And More Americans Are Starting To Realize That January 6th 
Wasn't An I ... |     30 | 168,781 |   0 |  1.62% x
 10 | Tim Walz's "compassion" in action                                 
               |     29 | 176,697 |   0 |  1.57% x
 11 | WHO Said Trump Was Talking About A Studio Audience? He wAs 
Talking About The ... |     28 | 143,671 |   1 |  1.51% x
 12 | You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck 
Faggot Boys Tea ... |     27 | 203,246 |   1 |  1.46% x
 13 | This Reporter - What a Cunt - The Truth About Arlington           
               |     27 | 122,005 |   1 |  1.46% x
 14 | You Do NOT Have The Right To Threaten Supreme Court Justice's 
Lives, No Matt ... |     26 | 140,176 |   1 |  1.41% x
 15 | Cap Allon: Failed Screenwriter Updates                            
               |     24 | 105,925 |   1 |  1.30% x
 16 | Kamala Finally Fact-Checked                                       
               |     24 |  81,352 |   1 |  1.30% x
 17 | Trump Never Told Supporters To Go INTO The Capitol                
               |     21 | 168,174 |   1 |  1.14% x
 18 | Kamala Was Wrong                                                  
               |     21 |  81,459 |   1 |  1.14% x
 19 | New House Committee Docs Reveal Dodd Concealed Trump's J6 Request 
For Nat'l  ... |     20 | 112,303 |   1 |  1.08% x
 20 | Petty Fucking Liberals                                            
               |     20 | 103,015 |   1 |  1.08% x
 21 | Harris's interview - a complete joke                              
               |     20 |  57,617 |   1 |  1.08% x
 22 | Re: Trump's Biggest Lie During The Debate                         
               |     17 | 158,401 |   1 |  0.92% x
 23 | You Fuckers Just Can't Get Anything Right - Your Failed 
Predictions Have Bec ... |     17 |  55,679 |   1 |  0.92% x
 24 | Blowback to another incredibly stupid statement by Kamela         
               |     17 |  52,430 |   1 |  0.92% x
 25 | Climate Scam Momentum Update: Episode 2,654                       
               |     16 |  52,273 |   1 |  0.87%
 26 | OT: Go ahead, explain how this isn't gibberish                    
               |     16 |  48,073 |   1 |  0.87%
 27 | Unending EV disaster - Episode 3,982                              
               |     15 | 178,283 |   1 |  0.81%
 28 | Trump Told The Truth About Crime (Of Course!) - Biden 
Administration Lying       |     15 | 115,975 |   1 |  0.81%
 29 | Re: Another High Latitude Initiated Atlantic Hurricane            
               |     14 |  35,883 |   1 |  0.76%
 30 | Notice How Liberal Toddler Never Includes Video or Audio of Trump 
"Saying" T ... |     13 | 138,917 |   1 |  0.70%
 31 | Re: Trump Returns To Praising Jeffrey Epstein                     
               |     13 |  62,008 |   1 |  0.70%
 32 | The Oceans Are BOILING! - The Earth Is on FIRE!                   
               |     13 |  56,045 |   1 |  0.70%
 33 | reproducing the 500mya climate (in a computer; we;ll do it for 
real, later)      |     13 |  39,645 |   1 |  0.70%
 34 | The World's Top Climate Scam Professional                         
               |     13 |  39,237 |   1 |  0.70%
 35 | Christians and Evangelicals For Trump                             
               |     13 |  32,675 |   1 |  0.70%
 36 | And He Wonder Why I Call HIm Toddler                              
               |     12 | 102,548 |   1 |  0.65%
 37 | Transcripts Reveal Trump, In Fact, Ordered National Guard For 
January 6th        |     12 |  68,335 |   1 |  0.65%
 38 | Thank You, Border Czar Kamala Harris                              
               |     12 |  54,398 |   1 |  0.65%
 39 | Man Who Thinks He Can Get Pregnant Cheers Ruling.                 
               |     11 | 115,117 |   1 |  0.59%
 40 | Democrat Godzilla Tells Democrats To Fuck Off With Your Orwellian 
Ways           |     11 |  32,448 |   1 |  0.59%
 41 | Commie-Driven Bloomberg Notices That Farms Keep Having Record 
Crop Yields, B ... |     10 |  27,921 |   0 |  0.54%
 42 | White Liberal Women Are The Worst                                 
               |      9 |  23,278 |   1 |  0.49%
 43 | Re: Desalinization vs. Reservoirs                                 
               |      9 |  32,103 |   0 |  0.49%
 44 | The World's Number 1 Climate Scam Fraudster Michael E. Mann...    
               |      9 |  27,812 |   0 |  0.49%
 45 | Re: Desalinization vs. Reservoirs                                 
               |      9 |  21,543 |   0 |  0.49%
 46 | Would someone like to explain how Jill Biden is the acting 
President?            |      8 |  16,911 |   1 |  0.43%
 47 | Underestimating The Enemy: Why Biden's Afghanistan Exit Went So 
Badly Wrong  ... |      7 |  56,476 |   1 |  0.38%
 48 | Re: "Slavery Was a Global Phenomenon"                             
               |      7 |  41,445 |   1 |  0.38%
 49 | Does Slav Really mean Slave?                                      
               |      7 |  16,199 |   1 |  0.38%
 50 | BUT... to be on the fair side: GAZA STARTED IT! (Re: The world 
has gotten us ... |      7 |  14,803 |   1 |  0.38%
 51 | Boom goes Hizballah                                               
               |      7 |   8,987 |   1 |  0.38%
 52 | See? They Can't Win, Unless They Cheat                            
               |      6 |  29,308 |   1 |  0.32%
 53 | Re: Why must it ALWAYS be a jew?                                  
               |      6 |  26,715 |   1 |  0.32%
 54 | Unending EV Disaster - Episode 3,981                              
               |      6 |  19,690 |   1 |  0.32%
 55 | Funny, How, When Kamala Harris Does It, It's Cute and No Big 
Deal...             |      6 |  17,026 |   1 |  0.32%
 56 | Libs try to kill Trump *twice* but it's Trump's fault???          
               |      6 |  10,002 |   1 |  0.32%
 57 | There Was Never Any Insurrection at The Capitol                   
               |      5 |  39,243 |   1 |  0.27%
 58 | Poor LITTLE Midget Rudy - Like ANYONE'S Going To Believe Anything 
Other Than ... |      5 |  30,367 |   1 |  0.27%
 59 | Rudy The Troll                                                    
               |      5 |  29,390 |   1 |  0.27%
 60 | Thank You, Border Czar Kamala Harris                              
               |      5 |  18,768 |   1 |  0.27%
 61 | Seeking Advice on mechanisms for expressing political dissent     
               |      5 |  10,190 |   1 |  0.27%
 62 | Only Those Pardoned By Trump Ever Committed Crimes Again - LOL   
Riiiiiiiiight   |      4 |  96,993 |   1 |  0.22%
 63 | Re: ABC's Shameful Debate Performance Is Costing The Network 
100's Of Millions.  |      4 |  37,090 |   1 |  0.22%
 64 | CNN FORCED TO ADMIT Trump Told Truth About Immigrant Surgery!     
               |      4 |  25,202 |   1 |  0.22%
 65 | The Not-So-Airtight Federal Election Criminal Case Against Trump  
               |      4 |  22,268 |   1 |  0.22%
 66 | Poor Lonely, Ugly, Short Rudy - No Videos Allowed, Faggot         
               |      4 |  19,040 |   1 |  0.22%
 67 | Kamela snubs the  Catholics                                       
               |      4 |  18,457 |   1 |  0.22%
 68 | Crooks, Routh, maybe Rudy Canoza is next to try?                  
               |      4 |  15,790 |   1 |  0.22%
 69 | Will....Not Maybe... WILL                                         
               |      4 |  12,359 |   1 |  0.22%
 70 | Re: Monitoring "progress" to 2050 : CO2                           
               |      4 |  10,508 |   1 |  0.22%
 71 | Bus service to help Jewish Londoners feel safe                    
               |      4 |   8,928 |   1 |  0.22%
 72 | Re: Oskar Dirlewanger would have been proud to serve with the IDF 
               |      4 |   8,485 |   1 |  0.22%
 73 | And Kamela keeps hiding like a coward                             
               |      4 |   7,943 |   1 |  0.22%
 74 | Fake Nobelist Michael E. Mann's...                                
               |      3 |  28,684 |   1 |  0.16%
 75 | Re: ?Stand your ground? laws linked to 11% rise in U.S. firearm 
homicides, s ... |      3 |  25,216 |   1 |  0.16%
 76 | Filter Free Friday For Faggot Failure Funtime Part I - Rain Rain 
Rain Dimmit ... |      3 |  21,724 |   1 |  0.16%
 77 | Re: No, Israel does not have a right to defend itself in Gaza. 
But the Pales ... |      3 |  15,686 |   1 |  0.16%
 78 | Why Does Rudy Need So Much Attention And Validation?              
               |      3 |  15,366 |   1 |  0.16%
 79 | Trudeau Allowing ISIS Terrorist Into Canada                       
               |      3 |  14,254 |   1 |  0.16%
 80 | Almost As Bad As "I Plays Football on The Football Field, With a 
Football"       |      3 |  13,652 |   1 |  0.16%
 81 | Re: KKK "Grand Dragon" molested his... GRANDdaughter!             
               |      3 |  12,377 |   1 |  0.16%
 82 | Re: Trump Vows To Deport Legally Admitted Haitians "Back To 
Venezuela"           |      3 |  10,436 |   1 |  0.16%
 83 | Harris's weak statement on the death of an American hostage held 
by Hamas        |      3 |   8,867 |   1 |  0.16%
 84 | Re: They won't even allow covering anatomy Re: FloriDUH Sex 
Education Means  ... |      3 |   8,367 |   1 |  0.16%
 85 | Democrats vote to allow illegals who commit sex crimes to stay in 
our country    |      3 |   5,611 |   1 |  0.16%
 86 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      2 | 132,501 |   1 |  0.11%
 87 | Proof That Rudy Canoza Is a Psycho                                
               |      2 |  47,902 |   1 |  0.11%
 88 | Trump Was Talking AFTER THE FACT About The TV Audience, Not 
Studio               |      2 |  29,153 |   1 |  0.11%
 89 | Re: Republicans Are Upset About FALLING Interest Rates?           
               |      2 |  22,804 |   1 |  0.11%
 90 | Rudy, The Childish Sociopath Begging For Attention                
               |      2 |  19,083 |   1 |  0.11%
 91 | So... All of The Criminal Activity Hunt Biden Committed Isn't 
Grafting, But  ... |      2 |  18,059 |   1 |  0.11%
 92 | Kamala Harris Would Not Say How She Would 'Fix' What She Broke    
               |      2 |  16,239 |   1 |  0.11%
 93 | Wind Power: So "Green"                                            
               |      2 |  14,233 |   1 |  0.11%
 94 | Water In California - Desalinization vs. Reservoirs               
               |      2 |  13,972 |   1 |  0.11%
 95 | So Fucking What? You Think The W. PA. Teamsters Are a Huge Voting 
Block?         |      2 |  13,791 |   1 |  0.11%
 96 | Trudeau Ally Refuses To Appear At Committee After Receiving $9 
Million New Y ... |      2 |  13,051 |   1 |  0.11%
 97 | Only Toddlers Assign Silly Childish Names To Our Politicians      
               |      2 |  12,879 |   1 |  0.11%
 98 | Re: The First in Eternity is God the Father                       
               |      2 |  12,202 |   1 |  0.11%
 99 | Good Republican Guy With Gun Prevails Over Bad Democrats          
               |      2 |  11,508 |   1 |  0.11%
100 | California Is Warning, 3 Times Faster Than The Rest of the 
Country, That You ... |      2 |  11,492 |   1 |  0.11%
101 | Re: Mass Shooting, Barely In The News                             
               |      2 |  11,277 |   1 |  0.11%
102 | Why Can't Rudy Canoza Stop Spreading Lies? - Because THAT'S a 
Democrat's MO  ... |      2 |  11,234 |   1 |  0.11%
103 | LOL... Psycho Rudy Thinks That Crime Exists In ONLY Big Cities    
               |      2 |  11,072 |   1 |  0.11%
104 | Rudy, The Childish Sociopath Begging For Attention                
               |      2 |  10,405 |   1 |  0.11%
105 | New House Committee Docs Reveal Dodd Concealed Trump's J6 Request 
For Nat'l  ... |      2 |  10,085 |   1 |  0.11%
106 | If You Can't See The Psychopathy In This Psycho's Words... You're 
Psychotic Too  |      2 |   9,288 |   1 |  0.11%
107 | Trump Makes Commercials Now! - WOW! He's a Man of MANY Talents! - 
He's GREAT ... |      2 |   8,375 |   1 |  0.11%
108 | Re: Israel Kills Another 32 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip        
               |      2 |   8,133 |   1 |  0.11%
109 | And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen... Is Called Bidenomics - And 
We're VERY Prou ... |      2 |   7,150 |   1 |  0.11%
110 | Re: Trudeau Humiliated by Steel Worker                            
               |      2 |   6,598 |   1 |  0.11%
111 | God... Damn These Two Idiot White Supremacists For Talking Bad 
About Blacks!     |      2 |   6,238 |   1 |  0.11%
112 | UK's Coolest Summer Since 2015                                    
               |      2 |   6,079 |   1 |  0.11%
113 | Misogynist And Anti-Feminist Mitchell Holman Hates Strong Women   
               |      2 |   5,909 |   1 |  0.11%
114 | OT:Dwindling                                                      
               |      2 |   5,860 |   1 |  0.11%
115 | Green vs. Red - Me     Thinks The Green (No... Not That "Green") 
Is Winning  ... |      2 |   5,665 |   1 |  0.11%
116 | Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'Pai                                          
               |      2 |   5,368 |   1 |  0.11%
117 | White Dudes For Kamala                                            
               |      2 |   5,258 |   1 |  0.11%
118 | Who Do You Believe And Why?                                       
               |      2 |   5,204 |   1 |  0.11%
119 | "Green" Solar Panels                                              
               |      2 |   4,983 |   1 |  0.11%
120 | Re: What happened to Rudy?  Did he die or fall down a gerbil 
hole?               |      2 |   4,701 |   1 |  0.11%
121 | OT: Another Republican scam: the SAVE act!                        
               |      2 |   4,399 |   1 |  0.11%
122 | Re: "If True, the ABC News Presidential Debate Could Be Rocked by 
Explosive  ... |      2 |   3,926 |   1 |  0.11%
123 | Re: GOP Plans To Ratfuck The Electoral College                    
               |      2 |   3,924 |   1 |  0.11%
124 | Another Biden Harris failure                                      
               |      2 |   3,907 |   1 |  0.11%
125 | Global Warming Is a Joke                                          
               |      2 |   3,727 |   1 |  0.11%
126 | The  Airtight Federal Election Criminal Case Against Trump        
               |      2 |   3,102 |   1 |  0.11%
127 | YEP! Let us rejoice! David Irving is facing yet ANOTHER day of 
suffering, pa ... |      2 |   3,028 |   1 |  0.11%
128 | Crooks Was A Registered Republican                                
               |      2 |   2,819 |   1 |  0.11%
129 | stats 2024 - 08                                                   
               |      1 |  75,888 |   1 |  0.05%
130 | Only Those Pardoned By Trump Ever Committed Crimes Again - LOL   
Riiiiiiiiight   |      1 |  62,926 |   1 |  0.05%
131 | Other Than Elon Musk, What Party Do The Uber Rich Vote For... 
Usually?           |      1 |  20,620 |   1 |  0.05%
132 | Trump's Answer Is Tariffs? We Only Have ONE Problem?              
               |      1 |  19,860 |   1 |  0.05%
133 | Alan Baker, My Creepy Internet Stalker!                           
               |      1 |  19,229 |   1 |  0.05%
134 | The Party of Pedophiles and Illegal Immigration and Those Whose 
Platform EVE ... |      1 |  18,696 |   1 |  0.05%
135 | How Times Change, Huh Lee? - Well, At Least Lee Lee Confirms Our 
Suspicions  ... |      1 |  17,471 |   1 |  0.05%
136 | Already Making Excuses For Losing In November - Russia's 2024 
Election Inter ... |      1 |  15,414 |   1 |  0.05%
137 | LOL... Rudy's So Fucked-In-The-Head From Liberalism, He Lives In 
An Alternat ... |      1 |  15,401 |   1 |  0.05%
138 | I Call Your Pittance of People And World Renown Scientists, Like 
Greta Thunb ... |      1 |  15,159 |   1 |  0.05%
139 | Only Those Pardoned By Trump Ever Committed Crimes Again - LOL   
Riiiiiiiiight   |      1 |  14,670 |   1 |  0.05%
140 | Conservatives Oppose Mail In Ballots. Except When THEY Cast Them 
- Because W ... |      1 |  14,586 |   1 |  0.05%
141 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |  14,471 |   1 |  0.05%
142 | Trump Never Told Supporters To Go INTO The Capitol                
               |      1 |  14,180 |   1 |  0.05%
143 | BLUE-City Mayor Who Supported Defend Police Movement Calls For 
More Officers ... |      1 |  13,929 |   1 |  0.05%
144 | Filter-Free Friday For Faggots Response - Episode #17 - OOOHH ... 
FBI Claims ... |      1 |  13,772 |   1 |  0.05%
145 | Transcripts Show President Trump's Directives to Pentagon 
Leadership to "Kee ... |      1 |  13,083 |   1 |  0.05%
146 | Re: Electric car demand slumps to four-year low                   
               |      1 |  13,052 |   1 |  0.05%
147 | Re: AGAIN ? Some ANTIFA-Type Creep Allegedly Points Gun at Trump  
               |      1 |  12,988 |   1 |  0.05%
148 | 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump - h/t 
Ubiquitous          |      1 |  12,986 |   1 |  0.05%
149 | Poor Rudy... Thinks People Actually Think I Wrote This TDS 
Bullshit              |      1 |  12,740 |   1 |  0.05%
150 | The Raging Anti-Intellectualism And Willful Stupidity of 
Left-Wing nuts          |      1 |  12,726 |   1 |  0.05%
151 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |  12,702 |   1 |  0.05%
152 | New Record Low, On This Date, Atlantic Hurricane Extent           
               |      1 |  12,442 |   1 |  0.05%
153 | How a Toddler Thinks                                              
               |      1 |  12,319 |   1 |  0.05%
154 | Did Don Jr Just Joke That Someone Close to Epstein Had Him 
Killed? - Yes!        |      1 |  12,126 |   1 |  0.05%
155 | Hundreds of Canadians Unemployed After Trudeau Fails To Reach 
Agreement On S ... |      1 |  12,007 |   1 |  0.05%
156 | Just The Facts: Canadian Economy Continues To Fall Behind Under 
Trudeau          |      1 |  11,944 |   1 |  0.05%
157 | Trudeau Fails To Build The Homes Canadians Need                   
               |      1 |  11,902 |   1 |  0.05%
158 | Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke Was Ordered By Biden-Harris To 
Cover Up T ... |      1 |  11,785 |   1 |  0.05%
159 | Justin Trudeau's Inflationary Spending Still Hurting Canadians    
               |      1 |  11,782 |   1 |  0.05%
160 | Re: Trump Threatens To Withold Funds From.....Firefighters?       
               |      1 |  11,477 |   1 |  0.05%
161 | Poor TDS Sufferers                                                
               |      1 |  11,026 |   1 |  0.05%
162 | Bunch of Scared Little Pussies, These Liberals                    
               |      1 |  11,000 |   1 |  0.05%
163 | Hottest "On Record"?                                              
               |      1 |  10,973 |   1 |  0.05%
164 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |  10,950 |   1 |  0.05%
165 | The Not-So-Airtight Federal Election Criminal Case Against Trump  
               |      1 |  10,949 |   1 |  0.05%
166 | Re: ABC Fact Checks Kommie on False Combat Zone Claim Nearly 
Three Weeks Aft ... |      1 |  10,836 |   1 |  0.05%
167 | So... Rudy... Are ALL These Countries Racist? - No... YOU Are, 
EXPECTING Bla ... |      1 |  10,741 |   1 |  0.05%
168 | Poor Lonely, Ugly, Short Rudy - No Videos Allowed, Faggot         
               |      1 |  10,584 |   1 |  0.05%
169 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |  10,566 |   1 |  0.05%
170 | And THIS Is Why Nanzi Pelosi Is No Longer Speaker                 
               |      1 |  10,341 |   1 |  0.05%
171 | Democrat Voters Are Less Intelligent And Cowards                  
               |      1 |   9,958 |   1 |  0.05%
172 | Why Do Liberals And Democrats Hate Women? - WE Aren't The Ones 
Fighting For  ... |      1 |   9,845 |   1 |  0.05%
173 | NO ONE Was "Shocked" At The Sleeveless Gown...                    
               |      1 |   9,830 |   1 |  0.05%
174 | "These Voting Machines Can Be HACKED Quite Easily." - Democrats   
               |      1 |   9,813 |   1 |  0.05%
175 | Pray for Canada                                                   
               |      1 |   9,763 |   1 |  0.05%
176 | Re: Smartmatic May Soon Own NewsMax                               
               |      1 |   9,732 |   1 |  0.05%
177 | Democrats, The Serial Abusers And Pedophilia Excusers             
               |      1 |   9,578 |   1 |  0.05%
178 | Democrats, The Serial Abusers And Pedophilia Excusers             
               |      1 |   9,514 |   1 |  0.05%
179 | Trump Going Full Fascist - You Mean Like These Fascist Left-Wing 
Mayors Who  ... |      1 |   9,152 |   1 |  0.05%
180 | Unum... Kymberly... Alan... Cook... Rudy? - Where Are All the 
Hurricanes?        |      1 |   9,027 |   1 |  0.05%
181 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   8,944 |   1 |  0.05%
182 | Re: John Kerry TRASH TALKS 1st Amendment - SO Inconvenient For 
His "Disinfo" ... |      1 |   8,844 |   1 |  0.05%
183 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   8,762 |   1 |  0.05%
184 | New Documents Confirm Trump Requested National Guard Before 
January 6 Riots      |      1 |   8,595 |   1 |  0.05%
185 | It's Oddly Quiet In Here About Something Idiots Like Rudy Spouted 
Off About  ... |      1 |   8,391 |   1 |  0.05%
186 | Re: Why Do Republicans Hate Women?                                
               |      1 |   8,245 |   1 |  0.05%
187 | Hitler didn’t start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did       
               |      1 |   8,189 |   1 |  0.05%
188 | Re: "[T]he right secured by the Second Amendment is not 
unlimited."              |      1 |   8,152 |   1 |  0.05%
189 | Remember This Quote The Next Time Kamala Harris Says Crime Is 
Down               |      1 |   8,017 |   1 |  0.05%
190 | For The Stupid Shit That Thinks That Just Because Trump's Pick 
For FBI Direc ... |      1 |   7,934 |   1 |  0.05%
191 | The ‘brilliant’ way Israel kills innocents                        
               |      1 |   7,931 |   1 |  0.05%
192 | House GOP Presses NOAA Over Key Data Missing In Its 
Billion-Dollar Disasters ... |      1 |   7,846 |   1 |  0.05%
193 | Awww... Po Widdle Wudy STILL Can't Provide Proof of ANYTHING      
               |      1 |   7,653 |   1 |  0.05%
194 | Caitlin Johnstone on Dick Cheney for Kamala                       
               |      1 |   7,426 |   1 |  0.05%
195 | You Wanted America To Become A Third World Shithole - Well, You 
Got It Now       |      1 |   7,309 |   1 |  0.05%
196 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   7,270 |   1 |  0.05%
197 | Germany Suffers "Spectacular" 70% Drop in Electric Car Sales      
               |      1 |   7,097 |   1 |  0.05%
198 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   7,092 |   1 |  0.05%
199 | LOL... "Fake" Is In The Eye of The Beholder - Venezuelan Gang 
Activity Confi ... |      1 |   6,996 |   1 |  0.05%
200 | Water In California - Desalinization vs. Reservoirs               
               |      1 |   6,975 |   1 |  0.05%
201 | Re: Haitian Woman Describing Dog-Eating and Voodoo Practiced in 
Home             |      1 |   6,679 |   1 |  0.05%
202 | Gen. Milley Knew All Along That Trump Wanted Nat?l Guard at 
Capitol on J6, N ... |      1 |   6,664 |   1 |  0.05%
203 | Re: ?White House Report Card: Jill Biden Takes Over As President 
Fades Away?     |      1 |   6,619 |   1 |  0.05%
204 | When The Police Departments Lie At The Will of The City Councils 
and Mayors, ... |      1 |   6,568 |   1 |  0.05%
205 | Democrat Voter "Challenge" In Video Led Up To Sacramento's 
Deadliest Mass Sh ... |      1 |   6,483 |   1 |  0.05%
206 | Poor LITTLE Midget Rudy - Like ANYONE'S Going To Believe Anything 
Other Than ... |      1 |   6,482 |   1 |  0.05%
207 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   6,455 |   1 |  0.05%
208 | Canadians Fight Back. This Is Awesome - Fuck The Muslims YOU Let 
Into Yours  ... |      1 |   6,396 |   1 |  0.05%
209 | Filter Free Friday For Faggot Failure Funtime Part III - Rain 
Rain Rain Dimm ... |      1 |   6,390 |   1 |  0.05%
210 | Rudy's Just Mad As a Child Because Trump Showed Up Biden and 
Harris              |      1 |   6,347 |   1 |  0.05%
211 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   6,328 |   1 |  0.05%
212 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   6,287 |   1 |  0.05%
213 | Rudy's Just Mad As a Child Because Trump Showed Up Biden and 
Harris              |      1 |   6,173 |   1 |  0.05%
214 | Reminder: Kamala Harris Is Our Border Czar                        
               |      1 |   6,020 |   1 |  0.05%
215 | 20 Posts With The Same Header (Header?) Within A Few Minutes      
               |      1 |   5,956 |   1 |  0.05%
216 | Deep Fake, But Oh So True                                         
               |      1 |   5,948 |   1 |  0.05%
217 | I Believe All 22% Are Here                                        
               |      1 |   5,941 |   1 |  0.05%
218 | Re: Lobster for lunch -- lobster for dinner                       
               |      1 |   5,931 |   1 |  0.05%
219 | LOL... The Faggot Midget Hypocrite, Hypocrites Again              
               |      1 |   5,839 |   1 |  0.05%
220 | A Liar Is Born - Well... Not Really                               
               |      1 |   5,825 |   1 |  0.05%
221 | National Guard Vet Claims Waltz Went Above Him on Retirement: "He 
Knew I Wou ... |      1 |   5,803 |   1 |  0.05%
222 | Re: Kamala Closes an Already Disastrous Week by Trashing Gold 
Star Families      |      1 |   5,793 |   1 |  0.05%
223 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   5,782 |   1 |  0.05%
224 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   5,765 |   1 |  0.05%
225 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   5,720 |   1 |  0.05%
226 | Trump Trolls ABC News - Trump Is ONE Helluva Guy!                 
               |      1 |   5,709 |   1 |  0.05%
227 | Re: Biden Loses It - Swears DEMS Are Cop-Funders & Constitution 
Loves "Gun C ... |      1 |   5,672 |   1 |  0.05%
228 | Filter Free Friday For Faggot Failure Funtime Part II - Rain Rain 
Rain Dimmi ... |      1 |   5,587 |   1 |  0.05%
229 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   5,586 |   1 |  0.05%
230 | Why Liberals Like Rudy Can't Handle The Truth - They Have TDSR 
-Trump Derang ... |      1 |   5,524 |   1 |  0.05%
231 | Filter-Free Friday For Faggots Response - Episode #16 - Look Who 
Thinks Joe  ... |      1 |   5,494 |   1 |  0.05%
232 | Make America Great Again, Does NOT Mean Make America Great, Like 
It Was Before   |      1 |   5,485 |   1 |  0.05%
233 | Over 97% of "Climate Scientists" Agree That...                    
               |      1 |   5,480 |   1 |  0.05%
234 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   5,393 |   1 |  0.05%
235 | Even In Our Post Hunga Tonga Days, You Know With Global Warming 
Meaning Glob ... |      1 |   5,385 |   1 |  0.05%
236 | But Truuuummmp!                                                   
               |      1 |   5,323 |   1 |  0.05%
237 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   5,244 |   1 |  0.05%
238 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   5,236 |   1 |  0.05%
239 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   5,199 |   1 |  0.05%
240 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   5,014 |   1 |  0.05%
241 | Bull Clinton, The Serial Abuser                                   
               |      1 |   4,969 |   1 |  0.05%
242 | This Is How Stupid I Am                                           
               |      1 |   4,955 |   1 |  0.05%
243 | Liberal hate rhetoric causing more threats against Supreme Court 
Justices        |      1 |   4,795 |   1 |  0.05%
244 | Poor LITTLE Midget Rudy - Like ANYONE'S Going To Believe Anything 
Other Than ... |      1 |   4,785 |   1 |  0.05%
245 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   4,785 |   1 |  0.05%
246 | Racist Democrats, Just Keep on Racisming And Kamala's on Board    
               |      1 |   4,783 |   1 |  0.05%
247 | Poor Wittle Democrats - Working At McDonald's Is Worse Than...    
               |      1 |   4,778 |   1 |  0.05%
248 | "Heartening" Chant For Legal Immigrants At Trump Rally            
               |      1 |   4,756 |   1 |  0.05%
249 | Filter-Free Friday For Faggot Failure Funtime - Episode 7,833     
               |      1 |   4,732 |   1 |  0.05%
250 | THIS, Is Who You Want As The Leader of The Free World And 
Commander-In-Chief ... |      1 |   4,668 |   1 |  0.05%
251 | When Will God Smite These Assholes For Talking About Blacks Like 
This?           |      1 |   4,567 |   1 |  0.05%
252 | Advocates demand justice after US protester killed in Israeli 
gunfire            |      1 |   4,490 |   1 |  0.05%
253 | Re: Lobster for lunch -- lobster for dinner                       
               |      1 |   4,478 |   1 |  0.05%
254 | Why Can't The Democrat Party Stop Lying? - They Think The Voter 
Is Stupid        |      1 |   4,309 |   1 |  0.05%
255 | Re: How dumb is Kamala Harris on September 4, 2024?               
               |      1 |   4,286 |   1 |  0.05%
256 | Arsetralia Ain't Got AMERICAN DEMOCRATS, Dummy                    
               |      1 |   4,259 |   1 |  0.05%
257 | First Significant Snows Forecast For The Alps                     
               |      1 |   4,199 |   1 |  0.05%
258 | Damn Those Conservative Judges For Letting Those White 
Supremacist Criminal  ... |      1 |   4,194 |   1 |  0.05%
259 | The Gaza war is an environmental catastrophe                      
               |      1 |   4,129 |   1 |  0.05%
260 | What a Whore                                                      
               |      1 |   4,068 |   1 |  0.05%
261 | And The Peer-Reviewed Science Keeps Piling On                     
               |      1 |   3,979 |   1 |  0.05%
262 | Stupid Is As Stupid Cackles                                       
               |      1 |   3,974 |   1 |  0.05%
263 | Don't Believe The Lying Liberal Media, OR Liberals, For That 
Matter              |      1 |   3,973 |   1 |  0.05%
264 | Why Rightists Trust The Gatestone Institute For All Their Lies    
               |      1 |   3,959 |   1 |  0.05%
265 | Democrat Whites Dudes For Kamala                                  
               |      1 |   3,934 |   1 |  0.05%
266 | Oh Brother! First She Was The First Indian, Then She Was The 
First Black Wom ... |      1 |   3,921 |   1 |  0.05%
267 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   3,850 |   1 |  0.05%
268 | The Global Auto Industry Feels More Dour About The All-Electric 
Future           |      1 |   3,835 |   1 |  0.05%
269 | In Case You're Undecided                                          
               |      1 |   3,819 |   1 |  0.05%
270 | Sorry Shithead...                                                 
               |      1 |   3,775 |   1 |  0.05%
271 | Rudy Canoza - Kamala's Going To Shut You Down                     
               |      1 |   3,737 |   1 |  0.05%
272 | When Democrats Are Stupid Enough To Complain About Something THEY 
Caused         |      1 |   3,731 |   1 |  0.05%
273 | On This Day Last Year Kew Gardens Recorded A Maximum Temperature 
of 32C...       |      1 |   3,506 |   1 |  0.05%
274 | Eastern U.S. Fells Cold Records, 150 Million To See Fall-Like 
Temps              |      1 |   3,468 |   1 |  0.05%
275 | More Bullshit Exposed - Is It Warmer Now Than In 2004? - Yes? - 
Then, Why This?  |      1 |   3,464 |   1 |  0.05%
276 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   3,451 |   1 |  0.05%
277 | Re: Opinion: Skank Kamala Harris's 'unrealized gains tax' - so 
dumb it's tru ... |      1 |   3,406 |   1 |  0.05%
278 | Fifty Years Ago Scientists Blamed Bad Weather on Global Cooling 
And...           |      1 |   3,386 |   1 |  0.05%
279 | ABC news does not deny the affidavit is real...hmmm               
               |      1 |   3,336 |   1 |  0.05%
280 | Canberra's Coldest Spring Morning On Record                       
               |      1 |   3,317 |   1 |  0.05%
281 | At The Annual September Minimum In 2024, The Arctic Had 26% More 
Sea Ice Tha ... |      1 |   3,262 |   1 |  0.05%
282 | Failed Screenwriter's Updates                                     
               |      1 |   3,216 |   1 |  0.05%
283 | Rudy's Reasons For Not Believing Anything Rudy Did Not Say        
               |      1 |   3,188 |   1 |  0.05%
284 | Antarctica Nears -80C (-112F)                                     
               |      1 |   3,089 |   1 |  0.05%
285 | Failed Screenwriter's Updates                                     
               |      1 |   3,076 |   1 |  0.05%
286 | The Natural Cycles of Earth For 800,000 Years Reveal An Almost 
Continually F ... |      1 |   2,900 |   1 |  0.05%
287 | More dishonesty from Kamela                                       
               |      1 |   2,867 |   1 |  0.05%
288 | California's So Fucking Hot! Out Thar, That...                    
               |      1 |   2,828 |   1 |  0.05%
289 | OT: Now this is fun: US green card questions...                   
               |      1 |   2,780 |   1 |  0.05%
290 | Addendum: The Natural Cycles of Earth For 800,000 Years Reveal An 
Almost Con ... |      1 |   2,706 |   1 |  0.05%
291 | Re: Mittens Romney Hates Democrats                                
               |      1 |   2,663 |   1 |  0.05%
292 | NO ONE Says Any of You Fuckers Are Smart - LOL                    
               |      1 |   2,652 |   1 |  0.05%
293 | Shanghai Just Experienced The Most Powerful Typhoon In 75 Years!  
               |      1 |   2,603 |   1 |  0.05%
294 | Now Venezuelian gang takes over a building in Texas               
               |      1 |   2,576 |   1 |  0.05%
295 | Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Benedictines are ALSHO NASHTY! (Worth Abbey). 
Courtesy o ... |      1 |   2,565 |   1 |  0.05%
296 | Wanted by the Toronto Police Service - but shouldn't be           
               |      1 |   2,564 |   1 |  0.05%
297 | Re: Last Friday of the Month Dinner Plans? 9/27/2024              
               |      1 |   2,544 |   1 |  0.05%
298 | Re: Squid lunch                                                   
               |      1 |   2,521 |   1 |  0.05%
299 | Re: Last Friday of the Month Dinner Plans? 9/27/2024              
               |      1 |   2,494 |   1 |  0.05%
300 | From the shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("SHEIN/Dis ... |      1 |   2,492 |   1 |  0.05%
301 | Tell the TRUTH, Palestinians! (Palestinians in the West Bank are 
completely      |      1 |   2,435 |   1 |  0.05%
302 | Voices of Lebanon: People fleeing for their lives as Israel 
attacks              |      1 |   2,421 |   1 |  0.05%
303 | Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! AY, MORE British paedo priests! Diocese 
of Middlesbr ... |      1 |   2,416 |   1 |  0.05%
304 | Typical narrative, first deny, deny, deny then grudgingly admit 
it is true m ... |      1 |   2,406 |   1 |  0.05%
305 | The US is starting to sound like Venezuela.                       
               |      1 |   2,362 |   1 |  0.05%
306 | BUT... did it happen? (Re: The ?brilliant? way Israel kills 
innocents)           |      1 |   2,360 |   1 |  0.05%
307 | Walz runs away from a question that should have been a slam dunk  
               |      1 |   2,304 |   1 |  0.05%
308 | BUT... REALLY? Who knows? (Re: Israel                             
               |      1 |   2,303 |   1 |  0.05%
309 | Re: The World According to Garp or Steven                         
               |      1 |   2,279 |   1 |  0.05%
310 | Teamsters poll favors Trump - therefore the leaders don't endorse 
anyone.        |      1 |   2,260 |   1 |  0.05%
311 | Since 1851, There Have Been 956 Hurricane Formations In The North 
Atlantic...    |      1 |   2,237 |   1 |  0.05%
312 | Re: reproducing the 500mya climate (in a computer; we;ll do it 
for real, later)  |      1 |   2,177 |   1 |  0.05%
313 | 25 Classic Books That Have Been Banned                            
               |      1 |   2,170 |   1 |  0.05%
314 | Handing the Ruskies a Hunka                                       
               |      1 |   2,158 |   1 |  0.05%
315 | B.C. will force severely addicted and mentally ill people into 
involuntary c ... |      1 |   2,107 |   1 |  0.05%
316 | Re: OT: Dame Maggie Smith Died                                    
               |      1 |   2,093 |   1 |  0.05%
317 | Re: Palestinians in the West Bank are completely unprepared for 
the coming g ... |      1 |   2,045 |   1 |  0.05%
318 | Re: Tim Walz left National Guard battalion 'hanging,' 'slithered 
out the doo ... |      1 |   2,006 |   1 |  0.05%
319 | The media hides problems in the job market                        
               |      1 |   1,961 |   1 |  0.05%
320 | Re: Money money money                                             
               |      1 |   1,957 |   1 |  0.05%
321 | Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Benedictines are ALSO NASTY! (Belmont Abbey)! 
Courtesy o ... |      1 |   1,929 |   1 |  0.05%
322 | The  Super Airtight Federal Election Criminal Case Against Trump 
- He Old an ... |      1 |   1,927 |   1 |  0.05%
323 | Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Benedictines are ALSO NASTY! (Belmont Abbey)! 
Courtesy o ... |      1 |   1,927 |   1 |  0.05%
324 | Re: REPOST: Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it 
Persist?           |      1 |   1,871 |   1 |  0.05%
325 | From the shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("SHEIN/Dis ... |      1 |   1,847 |   1 |  0.05%
326 | REALLY NOW, Pope Francis? LOMPO, shithead! Stinking, SPAMMING, 
rotting, dera ... |      1 |   1,847 |   1 |  0.05%
327 | Racial profiling by Montreal police a 'systemic problem,' judge 
rules in cla ... |      1 |   1,841 |   1 |  0.05%
328 | From the inferior sub-cockroach, nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' 
BARON ("SHEIN ... |      1 |   1,817 |   1 |  0.05%
329 | Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Archdiocese of Southwark, 1 (SHO NASHTY, 
FOLKSH!) Courte ... |      1 |   1,760 |   1 |  0.05%
330 | From the inferior cockroach, nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("Suzy/BARR ... |      1 |   1,758 |   1 |  0.05%
331 | RT Calls out Olaf Shultze for a "Lame Duck"                       
               |      1 |   1,754 |   1 |  0.05%
332 | From the shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("Suzy/BARR ... |      1 |   1,720 |   1 |  0.05%
333 | Orange Shirt Day                                                  
               |      1 |   1,681 |   1 |  0.05%
334 | Why Do So Many Psychos Want To Kill Trump?                        
               |      1 |   1,672 |   1 |  0.05%
335 |  Just keep on rocking MAGA style                                  
               |      1 |   1,665 |   1 |  0.05%
336 | From the shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("Suzy/BARR ... |      1 |   1,655 |   1 |  0.05%
337 | Filthy jizz swallowing PAEDO PRIESTS blame... the child victims! 
FEH!            |      1 |   1,647 |   1 |  0.05%
338 | Re: Why must it ALWAYS be a jew?                                  
               |      1 |   1,638 |   1 |  0.05%
339 | Even more PAEDO PRIESTS "fun" (LOL), courtesy of the crazed, 
SPAMMING nazoid ... |      1 |   1,629 |   1 |  0.05%
340 | Scum! Poland's Catholic church accused of failing to take action 
against PAE ... |      1 |   1,620 |   1 |  0.05%
341 | ‘Stupid, malicious and vulgar’                                    
               |      1 |   1,615 |   1 |  0.05%
342 | But FUCK GAZA! More important: National Socialist Leader Michael 
Kuhnen expl ... |      1 |   1,609 |   1 |  0.05%
343 | Re: Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means    
               |      1 |   1,579 |   1 |  0.05%
344 | Sorry (Re: No, Israel does not have a right to defend itself in 
Gaza. But th ... |      1 |   1,574 |   1 |  0.05%
345 | BUT... to be on the fair side... (Re: Voices of Lebanon:          
               |      1 |   1,569 |   1 |  0.05%
346 | So, what's the difference between a British Catholic priest and 
zits? Yet mo ... |      1 |   1,568 |   1 |  0.05%
347 | 'Earing tests Convergence                                         
               |      1 |   1,565 |   1 |  0.05%
348 | J.D. Vance                                                        
               |      1 |   1,537 |   1 |  0.05%
349 | Excellent PAEDO PRIEST cartoon! "Eggs Benedict"... Courtesy of 
the crazed, S ... |      1 |   1,533 |   1 |  0.05%
350 | From the jizz filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON 
("SHEIN/Suzy ... |      1 |   1,526 |   1 |  0.05%
351 | How2                                                              
               |      1 |   1,524 |   1 |  0.05%
352 | The real issue at the heart of Canada’s meat processing industry 
isn’t labou ... |      1 |   1,488 |   1 |  0.05%
353 | Excellent PAEDO PRIEST cartoon! "The Holy NOT See", LOMPO! 
courtesy of the i ... |      1 |   1,487 |   1 |  0.05%
354 | Old, stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
reports: Altar b ... |      1 |   1,486 |   1 |  0.05%
355 | Victor Orban is about to get _Spanked_                            
               |      1 |   1,485 |   1 |  0.05%
356 | Fake News from "CBC"                                              
               |      1 |   1,484 |   1 |  0.05%
357 | Excellent PAEDO PRIEST cartoon! "I'll protect you"... courtesy of 
the insane ... |      1 |   1,483 |   1 |  0.05%
358 | Re: O.T. Humor --- ? Passed Out Raccoon ?--- O.T. Humor           
               |      1 |   1,471 |   1 |  0.05%
359 | Skip POMEYDom, dudes                                              
               |      1 |   1,397 |   1 |  0.05%
360 | HUH!? Syracuse Bishop claims that child victims are partly to 
blame in pries ... |      1 |   1,382 |   1 |  0.05%
361 | Alberto Fujimori Dead at 86                                       
               |      1 |   1,349 |   1 |  0.05%
362 | Xploding Metres from EPCOR?                                       
               |      1 |   1,312 |   1 |  0.05%
363 | Aleph Beth Gimbal                                                 
               |      1 |   1,298 |   1 |  0.05%
364 | Lavrov Warns                                                      
               |      1 |   1,295 |   1 |  0.05%
365 | Who remembers Rachel Corrie?                                      
               |      1 |   1,273 |   1 |  0.05%
366 | Ian and Jane McWilliams                                           
               |      1 |   1,270 |   1 |  0.05%
367 | "...in a genuinely free and fair election, Trump would landslide 
Harlem."        |      1 |   1,246 |   1 |  0.05%
368 | Would you care for some Genocide?                                 
               |      1 |   1,213 |   1 |  0.05%
369 | You Got 6 Minutes!                                                
               |      1 |   1,204 |   1 |  0.05%
370 | Ördög wins gold for Australia in Equestrian Olympics              
               |      1 |   1,198 |   1 |  0.05%
371 | Comrade Z sez                                                     
               |      1 |   1,171 |   1 |  0.05%
372 | Yet another stupid misstep from Old faggot Trump                  
               |      1 |   1,156 |   1 |  0.05%
373 | If you were the last human alive                                  
               |      1 |   1,137 |   1 |  0.05%
374 | 
    |      1 |   1,122 |   1 |  0.05%
375 | ATTN: I will no longer tolerate being called "queer"!             
               |      1 |   1,102 |   1 |  0.05%
376 | Re: Why must it ALWAYS be a jew?                                  
               |      1 |   1,095 |   1 |  0.05%
377 | I Want 12!                                                        
               |      1 |   1,081 |   1 |  0.05%
378 | OT: Saying the quiet part out loud                                
               |      1 |   1,065 |   1 |  0.05%
379 | It's a good thing there are no socialists in Australia            
               |      1 |     773 |   1 |  0.05%
380 | Bizzarre Attacks (Lies) On Trump                                  
               |      1 |  23,547 |   0 |  0.05%
381 | Rare Summer Snow Clips Montana's Peaks                            
               |      1 |   6,945 |   0 |  0.05%
382 | Trump's Wealth Has...                                             
               |      1 |   3,028 |   0 |  0.05%
383 | Kamela needs a man to hold her hand during a simple media 
interview              |      1 |   1,897 |   0 |  0.05%
384 | Reminder: Kamala Harris Is Our Border Czar                        
               |      1 |   1,873 |   0 |  0.05%
385 | How is sex like a game of midget bridge?                          
               |      1 |   1,458 |   0 |  0.05%

***** Most used Newsreaders (distinct user) *****
 num| Newsreader                                                        | 
Util. | Nb Msg | %
  1 | Xnews/5.04.25                                                     | 
   18 |     30 | 22.22% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Mozilla Thunderbird                                               | 
   10 |    509 | 12.35% xxxxx
  3 | trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)                                      | 
    8 |     35 |  9.88% xxxx
  4 | ForteAgent/                                           | 
    7 |     17 |  8.64% xxx
  5 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.4                                         | 
    5 |    240 |  6.17% xx
  6 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 | 
    4 |    159 |  4.94% xx
  7 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.11 (GRC)                                  | 
    3 |    554 |  3.70% x
  8 | slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)                                                | 
    3 |     60 |  3.70% x
  9 | Others                                                            | 
    3 |      7 |  3.70% x
 10 | tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))            | 
    2 |     10 |  2.47% x
 11 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101      | 
    2 |      5 |  2.47% x
 12 | Pan/0.153 (Mariupol; c5405f5)                                     | 
    1 |     74 |  1.23%
 13 | Forte Free Agent 3.3/32.846                                       | 
    1 |     70 |  1.23%
 14 | Forte Agent 3.3/32.846                                            | 
    1 |     42 |  1.23%
 15 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101       | 
    1 |      8 |  1.23%
 16 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101           | 
    1 |      6 |  1.23%
 17 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14.4; rv:91.0)             | 
    1 |      4 |  1.23%
 18 | NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)                                   | 
    1 |      4 |  1.23%
 19 | Opera Mail/1.0 (Win32)                                            | 
    1 |      4 |  1.23%
 20 | Xnews/2006.08.24                                                  | 
    1 |      2 |  1.23%
 21 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101           | 
    1 |      2 |  1.23%
 22 | Forte Agent 1.91/32.564                                           | 
    1 |      2 |  1.23%
 23 | MesNews/                                             | 
    1 |      1 |  1.23%
 24 | Hogwasher/5.24                                                    | 
    1 |      1 |  1.23%
 25 | Pan/0.154 (Izium; 517acf44)                                       | 
    1 |      1 |  1.23%
 26 | Claws Mail 4.3.0 (GTK 3.24.43; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)               | 
    1 |      1 |  1.23%
 27 | Pan/0.160 (Toresk; )                                              | 
    1 |      1 |  1.23%

***** Most used Newsreaders (summary) *****
 num| Newsreader          | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | MicroPlanet-Gravity |    794 | 6,577,793 | 241 | 42.94% 
  2 | Mozilla Thunderbird |    509 | 1,614,378 |  18 | 27.53% xxxxxx
  3 | Mozilla             |    184 |   810,779 |  14 |  9.95% xx
  4 | Pan                 |     76 |   189,196 |  24 |  4.11%
  5 | Forte Free Agent    |     70 |   232,854 |  20 |  3.79%
  6 | slrn                |     60 |   188,775 |   0 |  3.24%
  7 | Forte Agent         |     44 |   122,326 |   0 |  2.38%
  8 | trn                 |     35 |    61,374 |  31 |  1.89%
  9 | Xnews               |     32 |    86,005 |   8 |  1.73%
 10 | ForteAgent          |     17 |    56,560 |  10 |  0.92%
 11 | tin                 |     10 |    31,818 |   1 |  0.54%
 12 | Others              |      7 |    25,262 |   2 |  0.38%
 13 | NewsTap             |      4 |     9,304 |   1 |  0.22%
 14 | Opera Mail          |      4 |    15,213 |   0 |  0.22%
 15 | MesNews             |      1 |    75,888 |   1 |  0.05%
 16 | Hogwasher           |      1 |     1,681 |   1 |  0.05%
 17 | Claws Mail          |      1 |     2,047 |   0 |  0.05%

***** Most used Newsreader (résumé, by user) *****
 num| Newsreader          | Util. | Nb Msg | %
  1 | Xnews               |    19 |     32 | 23.46% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Mozilla Thunderbird |    10 |    509 | 12.35% xxxxx
  3 | Mozilla             |    10 |    184 | 12.35% xxxxx
  4 | MicroPlanet-Gravity |     8 |    794 |  9.88% xxxx
  5 | trn                 |     8 |     35 |  9.88% xxxx
  6 | ForteAgent          |     7 |     17 |  8.64% xxx
  7 | Pan                 |     3 |     76 |  3.70% x
  8 | slrn                |     3 |     60 |  3.70% x
  9 | Others              |     3 |      7 |  3.70% x
 10 | Forte Agent         |     2 |     44 |  2.47% x
 11 | tin                 |     2 |     10 |  2.47% x
 12 | Forte Free Agent    |     1 |     70 |  1.23%
 13 | NewsTap             |     1 |      4 |  1.23%
 14 | Opera Mail          |     1 |      4 |  1.23%
 15 | MesNews             |     1 |      1 |  1.23%
 16 | Hogwasher           |     1 |      1 |  1.23%
 17 | Claws Mail          |     1 |      1 |  1.23%

***** Summary results *****
Total found messages : 1849 for 30 days
New threads : 372
Total replies : 1477
Total modified threads : 385
Total size : 10101253 bytes (9,864.50 KB)
Total lines : 160952 lines
Total users : 75
Average number of messages by user : 24.65
Average size of messages by user : 134,683.37 bytes (131.53 KB))
Average number of lines by user : 2,146.03

The numbers prove that usenet is not dying

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