Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: A Left-Wing Shitbag Who Might Be Psychotic, Who Talks About People Who Aren't Here...
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 21:59:06 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

... might be a left-wing shitbag psychotic.

On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:04:55 -0700, J Carlson says... 

> Anony-Mouse, the squat-to-piss cocksucking shitbag and subhuman Nazi filth.

So adult-like.

> I haven't seen anything from the shitbag for a few weeks.

Who the fuck cares, but a stupid, lying, jealous, gay, left-wing, shitbag, psychotic, fatherless childlike, midget, 
seeking attention? (see all below)

Now, that, I've given, you what you wanted... what are you going to do, creep?

Let us guess.

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch, the narcissist, aka 
Neutered Pussy - *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a 
golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been 
laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing 
fairy - *capitulated* and *submitted* to Rudy and then lied:

I *always* get the better of AlleyPussyBitch, the psycho squat-to-piss 
zero-achieving no-fight faggot narcissist

LOL... Rudy... so stupid (see below )... can't come up with his own insults.

THIS is why Rudy posts that:

I was a 3 sport letterman, a bouncer in THREE different restaurants / bars / lounges / discos (Chan's, Victor's Jamaica 
Joe's), an assistant golf pro, a lifeguard on the white sand beaches of Ft. Walton/Destin, (getting more pussy in a 
week, than you did your whole life), dunked a basketball at 5'9" for first time in 11th grade, played college baseball 
AND basketball (dual scholarships), and dated the captain of the cheer-leading squad as a SOPHOMORE in high school. 
(there was no freshman class)

Rudy... so jealous. (see below )


Narcissists appear ridiculously stupid because of their bloated egos that cannot be surpassed by anything but 

Imagine taking on a project of breaking down a wall using the best possible method. Non-narcissists would usually take 
it step by step, use a strategy and come up with contingency plans, in case they fail the first time around.

With a narcissist however, they will not care about consequences as their main focus is to IMPRESS not to execute. 
They'll wing it.

Narcissists automatically get into the mode of having to "convince" people for gratification of their low self-worth 
that they are stronger, braver and more beautiful than the wall! Remember, I said convince, and not "prove".

Therefore, they will just keep hitting the wall (with WHATEVER resources they have) and keep doing so until it does 
break; (usually not in the way intended) thereby destroying themselves and everything else around them.

And, by the time they are done, (which would eventually take a very long time), everybody would have forgotten what the 
original project was about, but the narcissist would be elating at their victory - over nothing.

Stupid? Hmm... yes.


Rudy, the Compulsive Liar

A compulsive liar excesively lies to fabricate reality. Compulsive liars are those who lie over and over again. The 
dishonest behavior is second nature to them, and they may not even realize they're lying half the time (despite 
displaying the classic signs of a liar). While compulsively lying isn't classified as a disorder, it can be a sign of 
other mental health disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder.

Reasoning: Compulsive liars often make up stories and white lies because they fear criticism. For them, lying is a 
defense mechanism to protect them from reality.

How to Deal: Don't engage in a compulsive liar's lies. Instead, state simply, "That's not true," and walk away.
The terms "compulsive" and "habitual" are often used interchangeably.

Rudy, the Pathological Liar

A pathological liar is persistently dishonest for no reason. These liars tell small lies compulsively and habitually-it 
comes naturally to them. More often than not, their reality becomes tangled with their lies, mixing fact and fiction. 
Perhaps they exaggerate a story or don't tell the truth about what they had for breakfast. A pathological liar can have 
such a strong belief in their lies that they believe them to be true.

Reasoning: Pathological liars tend to have low self-esteem and will often lie to boost their ego, seek sympathy, or 
cure boredom.

How to Deal: Stop engaging in the conversation if you notice that they're lying. Pathological liars want you to believe 
what they believe, and if you don't indulge in the lie, they'll likely move on.

Like compulsive liars, pathological lying may be a sign of a personality or mental-health disorder; however, it's more 
difficult to spot a pathological liar.

Rudy, the Sociopathic Liar

A sociopathic liar lies on a routine basis to cause chaos. Their lying doesn't start or end on occasion; it's constant. 
Unlike other types of liars, a sociopath lies simply because they want to. There's no rhyme or reason to it, and they 
rarely feel remorse for their actions.

Reasoning: Sociopathic liars lie to gratify their own needs. They want what they want and won't hesitate to burn a few 
bridges to get it.

How to Deal: Be honest with a sociopathic liar to derail their schemes. Call out their blatant lie with facts you know 
to be true with something like, "Really? See, I heard something different."

Sociopathic and psychopathic lying are generally the same thing, with the only difference being the personality 
disorder associated with their dishonesty.

Rudy, the Narcissistic Liar

A narcissistic liar seeks attention but denies responsibility. These types of liars use gaslighting to fuel their lies. 
They may appear to be a "people person," but their social connections often stem from exaggerations and lies. A 
narcissist's lies may seem childish, as their lies are a people-pleasing game.

Reasoning: Narcissistic liars twist the truth to hide themselves. Deep down, they're insecure and will do whatever it 
takes not to be vulnerable.

How to Deal: Don't engage in a narcissistic liar's drama. Instead, take what they say with a grain of salt and analyze 
the facts. If what they say contradicts what you know, it's probably a lie.
Narcissistic liars are a type of compulsive liar; however, they appear to be a hero or victim when fabricating their 

Rudy, the Intentional Liar

An intentional liar lies for enjoyment. These types of liars love the drama lying creates. They think lying is fun-an 
entertaining game they can play whenever they like. More often than not, their white lies, fibs, and exaggerations are 
mean-spirited and intended to stir the pot or push someone's buttons.
Reasoning: Intentional liars are deceptive for attention. They're likely insecure and lie to boost their ego and appear 

How to Deal: Avoid engaging in lies and gossip with an intentional liar. The more you react to their lies, the more 
lies they'll create.

Unlike pathological liars, intentional liars are fully aware of the dishonest web they weave.

Rudy, the Careless Liar

A careless liar doesn't care about the implications of lying. This type of liar is often sloppy or careless when it 
comes to bending the truth. They likely won't try to hide it or put much thought into forming the "perfect lie." 
Instead, they'll spew whatever comes to mind, often leading to further lies or conversational hiccups.

Reasoning: Careless liars typically lie on the spot to cover up a mistake, fear, or insecurity. The lie hastily comes 
out to protect themselves from facing the truth.

How to Deal: Call a careless liar out on their lie to halt them in their tracks. They know they're lying, and 
confronting them and genuinely asking how they're doing may help them admit it.
A careless liar's lies are usually easy to spot because they don't formulate a clever story or tale beforehand.

Rudy, the Impressive Liar

An impressive liar aims to be the best. This type of liar wants to be the most impressive of the group. They'll 
exaggerate stories and tell white lies to look like the hero. For instance, the classic "I caught a fish this big" tale 
is often told by an impressive liar.

Reasoning: Impressive liars want to feel self-assured and liked by others and often lie to hide insecurities or 

How to Deal: Let an impressive liar's lie roll off you. If something sounds too good to be true, say, "Yeah, sure," and 
walk away or change the topic.

An impressive liar doesn't lie to be malicious or mean-spirited. They lie to fabricate the truth to match their wild 
version of reality.

Rudy, the Encouraging Liar

An Encouraging liar lies to welcome conflict. Encouraging liars lie to scheme, manipulate, or intentionally harm; they 
lie to keep the argument going. Conflict is their best case scenario, and these liars often dance around the truth to 
court confrontation.

Reasoning: Encouraging liars are likely dishonest to further confrontation.

How to Deal: Don't let an Encouraging liar drag you away from an important conversation.

Encouraging liars usually lie every day; however, the more they lie, the easier it'll become and the more often they'll 
do it.


Rudy, The Insanely Jealous Narcissist 

Rudy, the narcissist, usually has a deep need to be better than everyone else. 
This makes him likely to become jealous of anyone he perceives as better than 
him in any possible way. 

Surprisingly, you don't have to be better in a real sense for you to trigger 
his jealousy. 

As long as you have any advantage he doesn't have, that's enough to make him 
jealous. Sometimes jealousy can force Rudy the narcissist to act in ways that defy normal human behaviour.

Jealousy is one of the emotions that makes Rudy, the narcissist, both hilarious and sad.

A Sense of Competition:

A sense of competition, real or perceived can trigger jealous narcissists, 
like Rudy. 

Surpassing a narcissist, like Rudy, at anything that you are both involved in 
or succeeding at something he failed at, can make him extremely jealous.

Rudy Has Low Self-Esteem: 

Rudy, the narcissist, may not be jealous of someone on Usenet, who is better looking, as long as he is confident in his 


But, he isn't, so he isn't confident in his ability to socialize. Rudy is always jealous of his social and Usenet 
rivals, who make him look like the runt child he is... daily.

Actually... Rudy, the narcissist, makes himself look like a child. We do not need to help him in this realm.

Because Rudy, the narcissist has very low self-esteem behind the mask of ultra-confidence, he becomes very jealous of 
anyone who has genuine confidence... like those he pretends to be better than.

They Are Happier Than Rudy:

When a narcissist is depressed, he doesn't like to see someone happier and excited, especially if that person makes him 
look stupid... which is usually hourly.

This is because he knows that a happy person is powerful. Powerful enough to make him feel like a worthless turd... 
that is, until that person makes a spelling or grammar mistake.

Rudy's self-esteem is so low, that even though HE'S fucked up so many times, grammatically and spelling-wise, he still 
has to show his imaginary superiority, by pointing out others' mistakes.

When you are happy, you became more confident, assertive and clear-minded. On the other hand, when a person is sad or 
depressed, he usually feels weak and vulnerable, like Rudy, who lashes out at those he sees as his superiors. 

When a narcissist, like Rudy is depressed, feelings of vulnerability that accompany depression make him see a happy 
person as a threat, especially when it's a person that he doesn't get along with, which is 99.9% of Usenet, since he's 
a homophobic racist, who insults everyone, because Rudy HATES everyone he thinks is his superior.

Rudy Is Insecure:

Insecurities make a person doubt his ability to keep anyone interested.

If he is financially unsuccessful (well... YEAH!) and believes that his Usenet rivals are MORE successful (well... 
duh!), he may be very jealous their success.

Rudy, the narcissist, hates it when people around him are better in every possible way. He needs to be above everybody 
else in order to feel superior, and have the ability to sleep.

For this reason, he becomes very jealous of anyone he sees as superior than him, especially when there is a sense of 

We Are Stealing His Attention:

RUDY, THE NARCISSIST NEEDS SO MUCH ATTENTION, hence the replies that offer NO refutations. He only replies to say, 
"play with me!"

Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity to form his own opinions on subject matters that are above his head, so he simply 
replies in the negative, even if it's proven that the OP is correct in everything he says or quotes. 

Because he thinks that he is better than common people, Rudy believes that he deserves more attention than the average 
Usenet member.

Getting the attention that a narcissist believes HE deserves, can cause a lot of jealousy.

Poor Rudy.


Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay Rudy

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken for overconfidence or conceitedness.

"Professor Canoza"

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express their sense of SUPERIORITY and 
ENTITLEMENT and BECOME DEPRESSED, ANGRY and ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings of 
insecurity and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like Rudy, may be particularly susceptible to narcissistic personality disorder
(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious feelings of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an over-compensation. 

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues. Unresolved, the symptoms of 
narcissistic personality disorder can have serious consequences, in terms of failure to form meaningful relationships, 
build friendships, develop careers and... 


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally considered to be an exaggerated sense of self-
importance, feeling superior and expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating achievements, fantasizing 
about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration and compliance, taking advantage of others while struggling 
to recognize their needs and feelings, believing they are envied by others and generally behaving arrogantly. 
Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Rudy, can help open the process of exploring issues that underlie these 

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking clinical intervention. Their erroneous 
self-perception as powerful and perfect isolates them from others including medical professionals, and they generally 
only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of depression, as a result of perceived slights or 
rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality disorder, or you're experiencing 
depression, anxiety or a disabling sadness, you should consider contacting your own doctor to discuss these feelings 
and related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or psychiatrist in London who may be able to offer 
insight, perspective and the counseling that allows you to confront this life-limiting condition. Getting appropriate 
treatment could make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.


Rudy's Psychotic Behaviour

Rudy's psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. 
It's a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are experiencing 
psychosis may have delusions.

The person experiencing psychosis may also have thoughts that are contrary to 
actual EVIDNCE.

These thoughts are known as delusions. Some people with psychosis may also 
experience loss of motivation and social withdrawal.

(like spending ALL day on Usenet, instead of socially interacting)

These experiences can be frightening. They may also cause people who are 
experiencing psychosis to hurt themselves or others.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this."

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass."

"I've beaten you to a bloody pulp"

"... you you no-fight faggot."

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes."

It's important to see a doctor right away if you or someone you know is 
experiencing symptoms of psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis include:

depressed mood
sleeping too much or not enough
withdrawal from family and friends
disorganized speech, such as switching topics erratically
suicidal thoughts or actions

A delusion is a false belief or impression that is firmly held even though it's 
contradicted by reality and what is commonly considered true. There are 
delusions of paranoia, grandiose delusions, and somatic delusions.

People who are experiencing a delusion of paranoia might think that they are 
being followed when they aren't or that secret messages are being sent to them. 
Someone with a grandiose delusion will have an exaggerated sense of importance. 
Somatic delusion is when a person believes they have a terminal illness, but in 
reality they're healthy.


THIS is why Rudy is Rudy

When Dad Isn't There

Research has found that when a father is not present it is likely:

The infant was born pre-term or low birth weight or with dwarfism. 

Many of these families will be low-income households.

Children may struggle with regulating emotions which can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior and difficulty with 
social skills. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! 

A child will become involved in risky behavior.

Sons have the potential to struggle with gender identity and role confusion.

Even if the biological father role is filled by another, some of these figures become temporary or have the potential 
of being abusive.

Children will be left with feelings of blame or emptiness as to why their father left.

Where Did He Go?

What is the reason these fathers are not staying around? Though simply having children can suggest being a father, for 
many men there is more a father wants to provide for their family. Unemployment and lack of education can be 
contributing factors as to why fathers leave.5 When men feel they are not meeting the social demands that define 
fathers, the idea of achieving other fatherly roles decreases and it may seem easier to leave. Other reasons for father 
absence can include imprisonment, infidelity, and abuse.

How to Help Children of Absent Fathers

Though the negative consequences of father absence can be disheartening, there is still hope for these children.

Include positive extended male family figures in the child's life. Children can form strong relationships as they have 
a safe, stable male figure to rely upon as they grow up. This could come from a grandparent, uncle, or another positive 
male family member. When these men are present for monumental moments in life, as well as day-to-day interactions, a 
void can be filled, and the child's confidence can grow.4 Including extended family can also provide another resource 
for the mother to help reduce stress overload and feelings of loneliness.

If there is no male family member available or near to help, try finding a mentor in the community. When a child is 
able to spend time with a successful individual in their community, different doors of potential are opened to them to 
see ways that they can become successful.8 Examples of mentors could be coaches, teachers, after school staff, 
ecclesiastical leaders, etc.

Find support groups in the local area. Just like children can find mentors, single mothers can find others working 
through these difficulties. There truly is strength in numbers. Brainstorm, network, and help each other. Though the 
past may not change, the future trajectory can be a positive one. Make time for you.

Growing up without a father brings risks, but that does not determine you or your child's future. Fatherless families 
can become resilient in their circumstance. Let those who your child will be interacting with know of their struggles. 
Teachers, caretakers, and other community figures can help alleviate the difficulties your child may face. But they 
cannot help if they are not aware. Remember, there is hope for brighter tomorrows. There are fathers who chose to stay 
in their child's life after growing up without their father. You do not have to let the absentee determine what your 
family will become. For stories of hope please visit the references below.


Why Rudy Is Childlike

There are many similarities between the way Rudy the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In 
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Rudy the narcissist has arrested emotional 

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Rudy, for whatever reason. Often, this 
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood. 

These things caused Rudy to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the 
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse. 

Rudy's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are 
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen. 

(see Rudy's separation from reality) 

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but 
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense 
pattern malignant narcissism. 

In children, these things are normal. In Rudy, they are evidence of a disorder. 

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and 
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When 
Rudy's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply 
could not cope anymore, does Rudy sympathize accordingly? Does Rudy stop crying? 

No. Rudy does not recognize this. Rudy does not care. Rudy can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs, 
regardless of his mother's suffering. 

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Rudy the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand 
or consider other people's needs. 

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Rudy is, the more narcissistic he will be, the 
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking. 

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler. 

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Rudy that is very clearly on par with a very young 
child's, Rudy the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people. 

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children. 
Rudy sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Rudy the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension 
of himself, the way that children do and Rudy the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and 
immortality as children do. 

He has always been, he will always be. 

So children believe... so Rudy the narcissist believes. 

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children. 

How could it? Rather, Rudy functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he 
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form. 

This is the same way Rudy see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The 
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Rudy. 

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as 
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children; 
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in 
any way. 

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only 
context they can understand. This is identical to how Rudy the narcissist views all other people: outside of the 
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist. 

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as 
individuals that are separate from themselves. Rudy does not. 

The development of Rudy is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to 
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world. 

Because of this, Rudy often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who 
act in the world. 

In Rudy's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew 
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life. 

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a 
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a 

Rudy the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and 
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child. 

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Rudy may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't 
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things, 
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do. 

Like a child, Rudy often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults. 

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If 
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility. 

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Rudy doesn't seem to feel he should be 
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that 
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say. 


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double 
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Rudy doesn't seem to 
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be. 

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw 
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist 
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist 
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents. 

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do 
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are. 
It does not seem to enter Rudy's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old. 
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really 
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is 
an inability to even understand why this would be expected. 

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Rudy does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child 
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Rudy's reasoning is 
examined, when all of Rudy's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain, 
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are 
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else. 

All of Rudy's attention seeking, all of Rudy's manipulations, all of Rudy's gas lighting, all of Rudy's smear 
campaigns, all of Rudy's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are 
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult. 

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who 
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate." 
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore. 
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and 
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more 
dangerous because they are coming from an adult. 

Rudy's Little Man's Disease

Rudy's disease, is a disease of short males marked by aggressive antisocial behavior and constant overcompensation 
resulting in pompous mannerisms such as spitting, twitching, swearing, speaking loudly and tough talk. 

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this." - Rudy

The disease only affects teenagers or men who are less than 5' 6" tall.

"I'm about eight inches shorter than Trump ." - Rudy

The severity of this disease is inversely proportional to the height of the sufferer. Other characteristics of this 
scourge are a very short penis, acne, low I.Q and bad etiquette.

Often these males are homophobic to the point of insanity because of latent sexual orientation issues.

**FAGGOT!** - Rudy Canoza

"Fixed your lie, you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass." - Rudy Canoza

"'Self' is redundant, you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot. - Rudy Canoza

"I've beaten *you* to a bloody pulp, you squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot - every fucking time. You're a zero, as every, 
stale, squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot who incessantly bleats about "mommy's basement" *ALWAYS* is." - Rudy Canoza

"... you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"... you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot" - Rudy Canoza

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes." - Rudy Canoza

"You a Squat-to-Piss Faggot." - Rudy Canoza

"The disgusting gurgling, slurping sounds below are just the faggots Hartung, Sanitary Napkin and Bit of Nothingness 
enjoying a three-way" - Rudy Canoza

"YOU lose, Nazi faggot." - Rudy Canoza

Little Man's Disease is an untreatable epidemic in this country. 

This is Rudy Canoza: https://i.imgur.com/kDtydh1.mp4


Why Does Narcissistic Rudy Need So Much Attention

Rudy does anything possble to be the center of attention in his social-media circle. Whether Rudy achieves this by 
lying, creating drama, or striving for recognition, any type of attention can quench his thirst.

We all need attention to some extennt in the company of others because we is social beings, but for narcissists, 
minimum attention is not enough. Rudy has a deeper hunger for it. Rudy feels satisfied only when Rudy is the center of 

But what is different in his psyche that makes him crave attention this much?

Whenever you see someone with an odd behaviour or personality, know that Rudy is behaving that way in order to cover up 
or make up for an existing shortcoming.

Like his height?


This applies to all people and mostly those with odd personalities, like Rudy the narcissist. A lying person will try 
to look as innocent as possible. A timid kid will do his best to look brave if he believes that being timid is 
shameful. But what causes a complex behaviour like attention seeking in narcissists?

1. Rudy Believes That He Deserves It

Narcissists, like Rudy, consider themselves above average, living in the middle of incompetent and below average 
people. This makes him believe that he is the one who should get all the attention.

Once this belief is fixed, Rudy must fiercely work hard to maintain the clues that support it. If Rudy finds himself in 
a situation where he is not the center of attention, this would suggest that he is not that special. This can badly 
hurt his fragile ego.

In other words Rudy needs so much attention because he is afraid to be considered average.

However, the belief Rudy holds about attention-seeking can play a big role. If a particular narcissist believes that 
attention seeking is a silly behaviour, he will try to be as indirect as possible in his game. 

2. It Is A Source of Narcissistic Supply

Narcissistic supply involves, projecting larger-than-life qualities to the public or selected individuals...

"Professor Rudy"

"Superior Rudy"

... in order to get positive feedback. This feedback comes in form of admiration, praise, and most importantly 

(Only to HIMSELF!)

Note that negative attention is also appreciated to some extent.

He would rather get negative attention that zero attention.


This narcissistic supply is the oxygen he breathes. Without it, he would sink into depression and bad moods. 

3. To Cover Up Inferiority Feelings. (LOL)

The popular definition of narcissism says that, "behind the mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem 
(inferiority)." And that is completely true. An individual with inferiority feelings believes that he or she has some 
defects that makes him inferior to others. These defects can be real or imagined.

(Oh, they're real, all right. Dwarfism?)

Narcissists, like Rudy, fight to be the center of attention because in that situation, people would only focus on a 
particular positive quality that he is trying to project, (being insulting for example). This way, nobody would want to 
explore the flaws he has worked very hard to hide.

Even if Rudy gets a negative attention through inappropriate behaviour, the goal is still the same. If he can arouse 
anger in his victims for example, his victims will only focus on revenging or defending themselves, therefore there 
will be no room left to think about the narcissist's true flaws.

4. He Feels Ignored. (ding ding ding ding... we have a winner!)

Feeling invisible is one of Rudy's worst fears.

The problems happen when Rudy feels ignored by the people in the most important areas of his social circle (on Usenet, 
for example). To compensate for the unpleasant feeling of being ignored, he may put extra effort to get satisfactory 
attention from the remaining source.

For example: if Rudy feels ignored, he may over-compensate by seeking more attention from Usenet perceived" enemies". 
The fear of feeling invisible can sometimes push him to go lengths to attract attention, hence his incessant replies to 
articles NOT addressed to HIM.