Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: sci.environment,can.politics,seattle.politics,or.politics
Subject: Re: OT Why do people make fun of trump?
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 01:12:15 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

In sci.environment Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
> On 2024-10-02 11:49, WrongWayImNuts wrote:
>> micky wrote:
>>> Why do people make fun of trump for saying windmills cause cancer?
>>> Windmills really do cause cancer.
>> This is generally true:
>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3653647/
> An article that doesn't so much as mention cancer...

The numbers are the other way, of course:

States like:        Windpower GWh     Cancer/100k   Model
Alaska                  13.000000        139.2      151.033*
California            1521.000000        136.7      150.549*
Iowa                  3278.000000          158      149.985
Kansas                2282.000000        157.2      150.305
Massachusetts           22.000000        149.3       151.03
Michigan               553.000000        161.3       150.86*
Minnesota             1085.000000        146.8      150.689
Montana                191.000000        152.6      150.976
North.Carolina          40.000000        157.1      151.024
North.Dakota          1196.000000        142.6      150.653
Oregon                 914.000000        154.2      150.744
Pennsylvania           282.000000          161      150.947*
Rhode.Island            20.000000        154.2      151.031
South.Dakota           788.000000        156.9      150.784
Texas                 9354.000000        146.5      148.034
Washington             714.000000        148.4      150.808
Wisconsin              137.000000        153.2      150.993
Wyoming                565.000000        136.1      150.856*

y = -3.210325e-04*x + 1.510372e+02
T-test: P(beta<0) = 0.636651
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = -0.062951
	Crit val = .399 at 5%; accept H0:not_connected
r2 = .00785

If you test Beta==0 at the 5% confidence level you get a rejection:
H0 beta == 0.000000 against H1 beta != 0.000000
calculated t = -0.355718 at 16 d.f.
|t| > tc (0.0636987 2-sided); reject H0
H0 beta == 0.000000 against H1 beta < 0.000000
t < tc (1.74588 left tail); reject H0

I.e. it is not provable there is "no connection".
It is weakly negative and definitely not positive.

[GH] has to do with CO2 ABSORBING the IR, and converting that
electromagnetic energy into thermal (kinetic motion of molecules) energy.
Thus the air near the surface becomes warmer.
It has nothing to do with photons "bouncing around in transit".
-- Marvin aka Mike Varney@Boulder, 26 Mar 2014

Absorbing is perfectly reversible.
There would have to be strongly non linear thermal gradient
for air to be significantly heated by IR absorbtion.
-- Poutnik, 27 Mar 2014