Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: HUGE Percentage Of EV Owners Want To Go Back To Normal Cars,
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 13:17:24 -0400
Organization: Eek

  Alan wrote:

>  JTEM wrote:

>> I've been saying it for years:  "Electric" is stupid for motor vehicles.
>> Fossil fuels make an excellent fuel for our highway traffic. The
>> distribution systems are already in place, no need to build anything.
>> They're easy to transport, pack a great deal of energy into a
>> comparatively small space, are proven safe to handle and our economy
>> is just plain used to them. So why change?
> Because:
> 1. Fossil fuels are non-renewable.

Irrelevant. We don't need to STOP using them, we just need to be
smarter. And one thing that is "Smarter" is not re-inventing the
wheel on highway traffic when there's a great many other things
that can curb use, and make a lot of sense to do so.

I mean, why haven't we banned snowmobiles generations ago? Google
it. There was never an environmentalist -- a real environmentalist
-- who wasn't bellyaching over the damage thing like snowmobiles
inflict on our environment. And they're pure entertainment. So we're
chucking monkey wrenches into our transportation system, causing
inflation and hardship, meanwhile toys like snowmobiles and private
jets are okay.

> 2. They create CO2 as a by-product

Irrelevant. Utterly irrelevant. Two PLUS centuries of industrial
revolution and we haven't managed to warm the planet back up to
where it was prior to "The Little Ice Age."

There is an EXCELLENT and in fact MORE COMPELLING argument to be
made that fossil fuels have cooled the earth. Primarily due to
the fact that the exhaust contains all the elements of other
cooling mechanisms, such as volcanoes.

Primarily sulfur.

But even the particle pollution -- particulates -- cool the earth.
They darken the sky. Barely perceptible to you but that's true of
most everything...

>> There's a lot of things that could go electric without disruption,
>> saving what oil & natural gas for use as a motor fuel:  Tractors,
>> landscaping equipment and anything not unduly burdened by limited
>> range and lengthy charging times.

> And lots and lots of driving is "unduly burdened by limited range and 
> lengthy charging times"

Speaking of EVs? Absolutely. Which is why they can't get the job done.

NOTE:  Shipping is by far the most efficient means for transport and
batteries have not taken over. They haven't replaced 1% of shipping
and can't.

> Especially given that ranges are going up.

Lol!  You're such a retard...

Okay so "Ranges are going up" by what percentage, and at the same
time power generation is going up by what percentage?


"It's okay, the magic fairy dust will generate the power for the

India hit a new record for GROWTH in power generation, and the
percentage of that power produced using coal has GROWN. Not only
is coal the #2 producer of CO2 -- behind wood, which is declared
"Green" -- but it's the dirtiest fossil fuel.

> There are literally dozens of 
> EVs that now offer ranges of more than 500km.

More EVs require more power, longer rangers require more power.

You're a child so you can't conceive of these issues.
