Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: Next Time You Tell Me A Physicist Can't Talk About Climate...
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 20:54:13 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-10-12 20:52, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Oct 2024 20:47:23 -0700,  Alan says...
>> On 2024-10-12 19:01, AlleyCat wrote:
>>> The Climate Change Committee has appointed Emma Pinchbeck as its new CEO - a 37 year-old humanities graduate with no
>>> experience in the energy industry except lobbying. Can the caliber go any lower, asks Ben Pile.
>>> This week, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) appointed a new Chief Executive, Emma Pinchbeck, and it was as if a
>>> coronation had made some incredibly popular princess a queen. Britain's army of obsequious green blobbers and political
>>> hacks fell over themselves to pay tribute. Even former Secretary of State for Energy Security Claire Coutinho stopped
>>> trading insults with her successor (and Pinchbeck's likely appointer) Ed Miliband to welcome the "wonderful
>>> appointment" who 'speaks with both passion and expertise" and "always allowed space for thoughtful debate".
>>> Emma is a wonderful appointment. She speaks with both passion and expertise.
>>> We don't always agree, but at Energy UK she always allowed space for thoughtful debate. I hope too that she will bring
>>> her background as a strong voice for industry to her new role. https://t.co/MQP4nTwNcZ
>>> - Claire Coutinho (@ClaireCoutinho) October 9, 2024
>>> Green policymakers and the broader blob have long welcomed persons of extremely low caliber into their ranks because
>>> environmentalism is a mediocracy that thinks itself an aristocracy. Whereas the constellation of institutions that
>>> influence the design of policy and the delivery of vital infrastructure has in the past been dominated by people who
>>> came up through their trade, today's wonks, lobbyists, experts and advisors have little practical experience, if any at
>>> all. More often than not they are humanities graduates who can profess only "passionate belief" in renewable power to
>>> qualify their status as 'experts' charged with informing policymakers.
>> Remember what?
> That Physicists can know more about climate than climate scientists, stupid.

Well nothing you posted here even supports that.

> I knew you wouldn't get it.
> You really are shit at this.
> "The Climate Change Committee has appointed Emma Pinchbeck as its new CEO"
> What the fuck will she DO?
> CFO work?
> COO work?
> CTO work?
> CMO work?
> How?
Are you stupid?

CEO work: the job she was hired for.

Tim Cook is CEO of Apple. It doesn't mean he knows how to design chips 
or even program.