Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: The Back of Rudy's Throat Has Been Punched So Many Times By a Dick, His Brain Has Lost MANY Cells - Also, He's a Democrat, So That Explains It All
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 20:43:30 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

THIS is what a pansy-ass pussy faggot of a child does to newsgroups:

alt.fan.rush-limbaurgh(sic), alt.socially(sic).liberalism, alt.athieism(sic), alt.fucknozzles(sic),
alt.poltics(sic).democrats.d, talk.poltics(sic).guns

THIS is what an adult does:

alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, CAN.POLITICS, alt.politics.trump, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.politics.democrats, 

['oh.no.this.definitely.is.NOT.going.to.can.politics' psycho gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by commie tip-toeing to suck boyfriend's cock, repaired]


On Tue, 15 Oct 2024 08:29:34 -0700, Rudy Canoza, forever the mental and physical midget, who was *NEVER* a three sport 
letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who was *NEVER* an assistant golf pro, like me, and who 
was *NEVER* a lifeguard, like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has *NEVER* laid as many women as 
me, says... 

> > In a garage?
> He is authorized to have them.

In a garage? 

So, why didn't he get to keep them, and why was there an investigation and a possible indictment?

Rudy's too stupid to think of these questions before he starts Little Billy Kwan'ing.


LOL... Rudy relegated to being mommy's booze lackey and living with her, is SOOOO lonely, he makes shit up, JUST so 
we'll argue with him on Usenet.



Are Narcissists Lonely? - Yes, But They'll Never Admit It

Here are 5 signs of a narcissist and how they behave:

an excessive need to be adulated

a strong tendency to megalomania


a low degree of empathy towards others


4 Reasons why narcissists are lonely


Do narcissists end up alone?

Do narcissists isolate themselves?

Does the narcissist ever get sad?

Spending time alone is arguably healthy and beneficial for our mental health, 
but, regularly feeling lonely, on the other hand, can be very detrimental to 
our social and communication skills. When it comes to narcissists, they have a 
reputation for feeling superior, which means that they will do anything they 
deem necessary in order for people to admire them and never openly talk about 
their alleged "weaknesses'. Plus, they believe that being open about their 
feelings and admitting to feeling alone and misunderstood, will make them 
appear weak, which is why they often choose to flee their emotions. For them, 
remaining in the dark about what they feel this a way of saving face, although, 
in reality, they are crying out to be loved and to build connections, yet too 
proud and afraid to recognize their needs.

Harsh but true...
1) They are unable to connect with people

These folks arguably lack empathy, which means they have no time for heartfelt 
discussions, and even less time for genuine connections. They fail to see why 
having friends and being able to confide in people are important.

2) Their personalities intimidate people

Whilst people with narcissistic personality disorders can be charming at 
points, their bullish and manipulative behavior always shine through 
eventually. That's right, the prospect of becoming friends with someone so 
devious understandably scares people.

3) They have their walls up

Letting people in is definitely a narcissist's worst nightmare! It's just not 
in their nature to make themselves appear vulnerable and let people into their 
lives. For them, opening up to someone is a synonym of them relinquishing their 
power and losing the upper hand.

4) They are scared to put themselves out there

Despite the facade they hide behind, narcissists are very insecure people and 
are constantly scared of judgment. Their fear of being judged prevents them 
from creating a solid support base around them, and paradoxically encourages 
them to become more devious.

Do narcissists end up alone?

Narcissists frequently end up alone due to the simple fact that they are 
incapable of enjoying healthy relationships. Although the most high-functioning 
ones may be able to fool someone into sticking around for a set amount of time. 
However, generally, their devious ways, lack of empathy, and immeasurable egos 
prevent them from ever finding true love. Plus, they are totally against the 
idea of changing and working on themselves, which evidently scares potential 
suitors away. After all, no one wants to be the only partner making concessions 
and sacrifices in a relationship. Now, although they'll never admit it, ending 
up alone does in fact terrify these folks, however, the prospect isn't 
intimidating enough for them to want to become better people... 

Do narcissists isolate themselves?

A narcissist isolates themselves (at home for example without seeing anyone) 
WHEN they are too overwhelmed; especially in the instance when he has gone 
hunting for new prey, and has received many narcissistic sources. When their 
search for new victims has been successful, they are obliged to withdraw 
themselves from the situation because otherwise they will implode. Although 
narcissists do well for a certain amount of time during their isolation, 
they'll soon take up their narcissistic ways again. In fact, their isolation 
will not exceed 1 week max, because they cannot fight off temptation to 
manipulation any longer.

Does the narcissist ever get sad?

As much as they may like to hide and conceal their emotions, narcissists are 
just like anyone else when it comes to their feelings, meaning they do get sad 
at points. However, that being said, they'll never openly admit to feeling down 
or upset, because they are simply scared of people judging them and looking 
upon them as weak. Plus, these personalities never really talk about their 
feelings either, or share with those close to them when they are feeling down. 
In fact, their behavior gives away when they are sad, because they instantly 
become very vindictive and even more relentless in their actions.

Can a narcissist be likable?

At the beginning, narcissists can come across as very friendly, attractive and 
fun to be around. However, this is just a technique for them to seduce their 
prey and destroy them little by little. Most narcissists are unaware of their 
problem and are convinced that they are acting for the good of others (a 
minority is sadistic and takes pleasure in making others suffer). The 
manipulations of these people can be distinguished from emotional blackmail, 
small lies or guilt-tripping of others, which make everyone more or less 
manipulative. The signs are similar and usually appear in early adulthood. 

Here are 5 signs of a narcissist and how they behave:

an excessive need to be adulated
a strong tendency to megalomania
a low degree of empathy towards others
an excessive quest for recognition.

What do narcissists do when they're alone?

When a narcissist finds themselves alone in their life, they may feel an emotional void or a sense of loneliness, but 
this depends on the person and their level of self-awareness. Some people with narcissistic personality disorder may 
have difficulty coping with loneliness, as they need the attention and validation of others to feel important and 

However, other people with narcissistic personality disorder may prefer to be alone rather than in the company of 
people they consider inferior or uninteresting. These people may have interests or passions that keep them busy and 
give them a sense of satisfaction or achievement. In some cases, loneliness can actually reinforce narcissistic 
behavior in a person with narcissistic personality disorder. They may be tempted to put themselves forward or boast 
more to attract the attention of others, even when they're not in their presence. How a person with this personality 
reacts to loneliness depends on many factors, such as the severity of their disorder, their level of self-awareness, 
and their other personality traits.
Editor's opinion - Expressing their feelings is impossible for them
We all have certain struggles when it comes to talking about how we feel, but a narcissist's inability to express what 
they are going through is definitely more penalizing for them than for anyone else. These personalities are lonely, yet 
their innate traits prevent them for breaking the cycle of loneliness, and also dissuades others from attempting to 
pull them out of their misery.