Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: CNN: Biden's Claim That None of The Classified Material Found In His Possession Was Highly Classified Is False
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 21:03:25 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2024 16:35:55 -0700,  Michael A Terrell says...  

> >> He was *not*. At one second past noon on 01/21/2021, he was no longer president.
> >> *As* the boxes of *stolen* documents were being loaded into vehicles outside the
> >> White House, Trump was not president. He was *stealing* them.
> > 
> > Oh like Joe did.
> No, Biden didn't do that. Biden is *still* president.

Because they didn't find the documents until he was President, does *NOT* mean he was "allowed" to have them, BEFORE he 
was President... moron.

He was NEITHER President OR Vice-President from 2017 to 2021... was he? So... WHILE he was NEITHER from 2017 to 2021, 
he was breaking the laws that govern this kind of thing... you know... if Trump was breaking the law, Biden was too.

Biden stole documents when he was a Senator (look it up) AND Vice-President. Let's not focus on that.

Was he "allowed" to have *ALL* of the documents he had when VP?



Was he "allowed" to have *ANY* of these documents as NEITHER VP or Senator OR President, from 2017 to 2021?


Absolutely not.

Guilty as Trump, IF Trump is guilty, huh knee-high to a grasshopper faggot?


Narcissists Really Are Pathetic And Broken

Imagine that the only way you could feel better about yourself is by putting other people down, sabotaging them, 
crushing them, turning others against them. Entering them into a competition that they did not sign up for and beating 
them at any and all cost. Imagine having such poor, pathetic character that that's the main way that you operate in 
life. That's all you're capable of. That's all you stand for, taking away the joy and fulfillment from other people.

That's just pathetic. How empty, how shameless do you have to be to behave like that? To treat other people as only 
existing to be a means to your end? Being utterly incapable of ever truly wishing another well? That is a sad, 
desperate existence.

They are emotionally stunted. They are not capable of the full depth of emotion you and I am. They will never truly 
know love. At best the mimic the appearance of love and think that's what it is. Now that is truly sad.

The narcissist already knows that he is broken. The narcissist hates himself, has massive shame and expects everything 
he touches to turn to shit. His outer defense is to deny and avoid that shame, because he won't get the attention, 
energy, admiration and sex that he requires if he steeps himself in that toxic tea.

To be clear, I'm NOT talking about covert narcissists, because I have no experience with them.

Therefore, the overt narcissist presents a confident, powerful, indifferent, ego-centric public profile. No matter his 
stature/height, he will be "Large and in Charge," larger than life. In this case, the narcissist is 5'6", ugly, badly-
groomed, sloppily dressed and with an unseemly figure.

He's chronically depressed, frequently sunk into a pit of despair that he tries to remedy by watching porn and being 
addicted to his image on Facebook (mysterious, twistedly funny and politically "out there") with frequent rants that 
were childish and offensive to many people.

So, narcissists don't have to "find out" they're broken. If you are hoping that helping them discover their brokenness 
may lead them to an epiphany that will turn around your Usenet relationship, don't. 

Their brokenness is not fixable.