Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: LOL... Ski Bunny's So Fucked-In-The_Head With Liberalism... Thinks a Renowned Physicist At Princeton Lies - HOW Does He Keep His Job, If He Lies About What He Know, Ski Bunny
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 00:21:58 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2024 09:50:58 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > That's not his job, and I bet he can talk circles around your ignorant ass ON the topic of Climate.
> I'm sure he can.
> But I'm not a climate scientist.

But he can be, if he just says, "I will take your silly little climate class and go straight to final exams."

Taking a climate science course is BENEATH physicists.  

You think Happer climate knowledge isn't complete enough to know what he's talking about, or are you simply playing 
another faggot contrarian game?

I vote the latter, because NO ONE is stupid enough NOT knowing that physicists are leaps and bounds above climate 
scientists, and yes, what they know.

You really think Happer knows less about how climate works than Michael Mann?

What about James Hansen?

Did Happer lie, fudge data and make the now debunked "Hokey Shtick"?

Did Happer lie, saying "you" will get to a point where the oceans will boil? LOL. IF the Earth's oceans EVER get CLOSE 
to boiling, don't you think we'd all die LONG before that happens?


WHAT temperature does the atmosphere have to get to, to make miles-deep water boil?  LOLOLOLOL.

Even if the first 1mm of ocean water began to boil, we would NOT be for long on this planet. How fast can atmospheric 
temperatures rise to ~212°F, to make the first 1mm of ocean to boil?  LOL

Did Happer lie, and say Westside Highway and Manhattan would be underwater now?

No. Happer doesn't make shit up to keep his grants and funding going.

James Hansen did.

Remember... 97% of all scientists agree... they do NOT want their funding cut, so they'll say and do ANYTHING to keep 
the "I can save Earth from Climate Change" hoax going.

That's ALL they have to do. Create panic and say they can "fix" it.


Still too chicken shit to find out what he knows.

Got it.



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