Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: I Said Links, You Stupid Fuck
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 22:10:03 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 16:26:13 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > I did... longer ago than you probably remember, I TOLD you the "links" might not be in URL or HTML format. I've got
> > THAT in my archives too, so don't bother pushing it.

> You tried to justify yourself long after you said that the link was in the article.

I did?

Can you show us the words I said, to "justify" exactly what? 

Like I said... play your faggot games on the weak-minded... you know... your fella [giggle] liberals.


Yes, I'm running from you... you stalker.


I ALWAYS run away from you stalker gays. 

NOT my words:

I didn't invent Creepy Internet Stalker, stalker. "Yikes. He's spent the last 
48 hours researching me."

Or child predator: "Stalking others on the internet more times than not leads 
to pedophilia. Alan Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child 

Narcissist Stalking: Signs [Why & What To Do?] - Clario


May 8, 2023 - "Narcissist" is a term that gets thrown around a lot, so much that 
it is often misused. However, it's a term used to describe individuals with a 
specific personality disorder. ... Consider if you've noticed any of the 
narcissist stalking signs below: Not respecting your boundaries. A narcissistic 
stalker will continue to reach out and ...


Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger. 


Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against


I didn't invite you to call my grandparents at all hours of the night that
sure didn't stop you.


Creepy fuck.