Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Oh... Here's Something That's Never Happened
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 21:34:09 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

A politician going back on his word...

... like Biden?

Broken promise: Biden makes no effort to incentivize states to restore voting rights after felony | June 13, 2024

Biden promised to support a study on reparations, but has not called for one | February 22, 2024

Joe Biden breaks promise to ban new fracking on federal lands | April 22, 2022


... like Obama?

Top 10 Broken Promises

1. Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
2. Repeal the Bush tax cuts for higher incomes
3. Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center
4. Create cap and trade system with interim goals to reduce global warming
5. Sign the Employee Free Choice Act, making it easier for workers to unionize
6. Allow imported prescription drugs
7. Sign the Freedom of Choice Act
8. Create a public option health plan for a new National Health Insurance Exchange
9. Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year
10. Bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda


... like Clinton?

Bill Clinton told Americans "it's the economy, stupid" and promised to spend the "peace dividend" here at home. But once in office, he 
couldn't resist the siren song of liberal hegemony.

Promises broken:

Middle-class tax cut: promise was modified during the campaign and then ultimately scuttled after the election.
Gas tax: opposed gasoline tax increases. Clinton proposed a broad-based energy tax.
Haitians: withdrew promise to end bush administration's policy of forcibly returning Haitian refugees.

Deficit: Early in the campaign, Clinton had vowed to "present a five-year plan to balance the budget." By the end of the race, he had 
retreated to promising to cut the federal budget deficit in half during his first term.

Bosnia: Clinton has taken incremental steps, but none equal to the tone of a July 1992 statement in which he criticized then President Bush 
for doing too little and said the crisis demanded 'the greatest possible urgency."

Gays in military: Clinton says he is committed to keeping his pledge of lifting the ban, but has delayed final action until July pending a 
Pentagon study and hearings in Congress.

High-speed rail: The administration was expected today to hedge on a campaign promise to link major cities with trains running up to 300 
miles per hour, unveiling a plan that reduces federal involvement and places most of the responsibility for construction on individual 


On Sun, 20 Oct 2024 13:31:15 +0000,  Mitchell Holman says...  

>       Trump agreed to do a thing,


What are you hoping to see in his records, Homoman?


White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very 
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health 
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year 
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of 
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than 
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among 
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women 
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said 
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of 
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify 
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a 
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have 
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health 
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% 
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in 
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted 
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health 
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of 
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health 
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as 
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals 
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental 
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental 
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle 
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he 
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion, 
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have 
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men 
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 - 
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News