Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Anthropogenic Climate Change Is Real
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 23:46:30 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 09:09:04 -0000 (UTC),  Dhu on Gate says...  

> Our preblom is we've a lot of Belief Systems that depend upon a 

WHO "depends upon a STATIC UNIVERSE"?

Humans have been around for MANY climate changes, so WHY would ANYONE think ANY part "of the Universe" is going to be "static"?

Hell, the other planets change right along with us... at varying rates, of course... and so does our climate.

> You really are not clearing on the concept: climate change is real 

I never said it didn't. I KNOW it changes, but to what degree has it REALLY "changed" in the last 140 years vs. the last 10,000?

In the last 140 years...

What rainy place(s) are now deserts, because of CO² and no clear-cutting?

What dry deserts have become lush forests and jungles. Yes, we ARE greening, but not because of climate change, but because of more PLANT 
FOOD... aka, CO².

What snowy regions have lost all the snow?

What icy regions have lost ALL their ice?

The climate HAS changed before to all those degrees, but not in the last 140 years. Chicken Littling on this extremely short period of time 
(140yrs.), compared to Earth time (4,500,000,000), does nothing but panic children, like those here who believe Greta Thunberg and no REAL 

> and part and parcel to the natural order on this planet.  

Yes... I agree.

Now, HERE is where I can't tell if you're agreeing with ME or not.

> Our preblom? is we've a lot of Belief Systems that depend upon a STATIC UNIVERSE that requires no evolutionary efforts to survive in.  

To WHO and on which "side" of the argument about ANTHROPOGENIC climate change are you speaking?

> Mostly this is because our attention spans are limited to a few years rendering us "timeblind" to anything that takes longer than 
> Puberty.
Again... WHO are you referring to... the side which thinks man controls the weather with his 3% contribution to the 0.04% of the 
atmosphere, or those who don't?



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