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From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Alan's Low Self Esteem FORCES Him To Reply, Even When There's NOTHING To Reply TO - WHY Did He Reply With Nothing?
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 22:05:56 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

And stilllllllllll tanking:



Alan's Low Self Esteem FORCES Him To Reply, Even When There's NOTHING To Reply TO

This Is Why Alan Can't Admit He's Wrong

They say it takes a big person to admit their mistakes, but for Alan, saying he's wrong feels impossible.

But why does Alan do it? We've asked psychologist Dr. Tim Sharp, chief happiness officer at The Happiness Institute, to explain:

They think being wrong means they're unworthy - Yup... Low-Self-Esteem

For Alan, conceding that he's fallible can evoke a deep psychological anxiety regarding "the risks or the consequences associated with loss 
or failure," says Sharp.

"I think the reason Alan can't apologize isn't actually because he doesn't like to be wrong, but because it's seen as an inherent character 
fault," he explains.

Sharp says that for non-apologists, the irrational need to always be "perfect" rules their ego and they feel their screw-ups are 

"The difficulty in admitting failure largely comes from the unrealistic expectation that 'I should get it right all the time, or not even 
try or make it seem as if I am'" he says.

Alan Thinks Never Admitting Fault Makes Him Look Stronger

For Alan, appearing wrong is congruent to appearing weak, but Sharp says they could not be more wrong, because a good leader admits their 

"There's some actually very interesting research that leaders who express vulnerability and are more open to being fallible tend to be more 
highly regarded," the expert explains.

"This makes sense because if someone is saying, 'I'm 100 percent perfect, I'm 100 percent right all the time,' that's pretty hard to 
believe," says the psychologist.

(But, THAT'S Ski Bunny)

"I'd find it hard to trust that person because there's no one I know 100 percent perfect.

Whereas if Alan would say, 'You know, I'm going to do my best but I'll make mistakes sometimes, I'll get it wrong, I'm sorry but I'll try 
to fix it,'... to me, that's more believable. I'd be more trusting of that sort of person."

They Don't Value The Truth

(NO liberal does... THAT'S their M.O.)

For Alan, the fact is he "doesn't necessarily value truth and honesty," says Sharp.

"While I personally value truth and honesty, what I've come to learn, which I find hard to understand but it's just a reality, is that Alan 
doesn't value those things as highly as me," says Sharp.

Taking political discussion as an example, the expert says Alan, who eats up "fake news" propaganda, doesn't value facts. When it comes to 
the truth, the expert warns that Alan "will literally say, 'I don't really care.'"

"Alan doesn't care about it because he values other aspects of what they're perceiving much more," he says.

Citing the upsurge of alt-left political movements around the world, Sharp says how Alan approaches a situation will often reveal whether 
facts or feelings will influence them more.

"[Logical people] will look for facts and information and data and make their decisions accordingly," he explains. "Other people make their 
decisions based on much more emotion. Now the problem comes when you try to talk logic to an emotional person because it just won't wear...  
you're talking different languages.