From: Michael Ejercito <>
Subject: Re: The Rev'd said it best
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 21:49:18 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Loose Cannon wrote:
> Strip away the jewloving,
There is nothing wrong with loving jews the way Christ loved His
mother, St. Mary.
the ainlungus,
There is no analingus.
>the rabid 'pro-semitism'®â¢,
It is better than Judenhass.
> the 'holocaust'®⢠marketing/promotion,
I defend Holocaust truth.
>the depravity,
There is no depravity.
> the underage
> sibling sodomy,
There is none of that.
> the daily two-fingered needledick masturbation,
There is none of that.
> the
> denial of rape beneficiaries,
Rape has victims.
Our Lord God HaShem decreed that rape is immoral.
>the exaggerated umbrage at being called
> a gook,
It is immoral for you to call me or other people gooks.
> the idolising of Jeff Kakobsteen and Jack Marshall,
They are better than you!
> the
> constant "wonderfully hungry" lies,
I am wonderfully hungry!
>the online porn portfoliolioliolio
> consisting entirely of WHITE women,
There is nothing wrong with pictures of naked White women.
> the failed degree in Arithmetic at
> the California State University Long Beach,
I have a degree in finance.
>the bizarre
> 'homophobia'®â¢/'paedophobia'®â¢,
nithing bizarre about it.
>the weekend nights at the Queen Mary
> Parking Lot,
there are no such weekend nights.
>the hideous gob dripping with freshly squeezed jew
> diarrhoea,
You are so obsessed with diarrhoea.
>the feasting on dogs and other domestic pets,
I feat on no dogs.
>the delusions
> of being an American,
I am an American.
> the sheer adoration of uppity ape Chrissie
> Morton,
Chris so dominated you and humiliated you!
>the sheer terror of rapture and deportation by the ICE Five-0,
I am an American so ICe has no reason to deport me.
> the marketing/promotion of bestiality between Humans and subhuman
> species such as gooks and jews,
I market heterosexuality.
and the subsequent excretion of
> subhuman sub-babies, and what is left?
There is nothing subhuman about babies!
> Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito: a hideous, gormless, slant eyed
> mongoloid with a BLANK mind.
I am better than you!