Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Rudy's Psychosis Is Characterized By An Impaired Relationship With Reality
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:26:05 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Thu, 28 Nov 2024 21:25:13 -0800,  Rudy Canoza says...  

> "Cross City" is more dangerous than Chicago.

Then take my challenge, pussy. 

It's not the rate that counts... it's the NUMBER of murders in such a small area of a city, like the DEMOCRAT Party precincts in Chicago, and how 
many days it takes to get to that number.

Chicago:	929 murders in 365 days

City:		1 murder in 365 days

Which do you think is a more dangerous place? I don't see Cross City on the Top 100 Most Dangerous Places to Live! (see below)

Take my challenge, pussy. 365 nights straight of YOU walking around the Democrat areas of Chicago, which had 929 murders and me walking around Cross 
City which had in all year.

Wherever you are, it STILL pales in comparison to MY hometown, with ZERO murders and a ZERO murder rate, and MUCH larger than Cross City.

Type:			2009	2010	2011	2012	2013	2014	2015	2016	2017	2018	2019	2020
per 100,000		 0  	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0	 0

Rate:			(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	(0)	



    No Cross City:

    Chicago, Illinois               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Chicago Heights, Illinois       - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Bessemer, Alabama               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    East St. Louis, Illinois        - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Monroe, Louisiana               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    St. Louis, Missouri             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Detroit, Michigan               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Baltimore, Maryland             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Memphis, Tennessee              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Camden, New Jersey              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Flint, Michigan                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Pine Bluff, Arkansas            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Danville, Illinois              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Gadsden, Alabama                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Kansas City, Missouri           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Wilmington, Delaware            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Little Rock, Arkansas           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Rockford, Illinois              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Saginaw, Michigan               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Chester, Pennsylvania           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina    - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    San Bernardino, California      - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Cleveland, Ohio                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Alexandria, Louisiana           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Stockton, California            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Albuquerque, New Mexico         - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Riviera Beach, Florida          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Indianapolis, Indiana           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Springfield, Missouri           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    East Point, Georgia             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Oakland, California             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Lake Worth, Florida             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Florence, South Carolina        - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Trenton, New Jersey             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Texarkana, Texas                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Shawnee, Oklahoma               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Newburgh, New York              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Muskogee, Oklahoma              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Wheeling, West Virginia         - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Charleston, West Virginia       - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Kalamazoo, Michigan             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Anchorage, Alaska               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Compton, California             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Jackson, Missouri               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Canton, Ohio                    - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Nashville, Tennessee            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Clinton, Iowa                   - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania        - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Albany, Georgia                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Niagara Falls, New York         - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Farmington, New Mexico          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Lansing, Michigan               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    New Orleans, Louisiana          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Houston, Texas                  - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Atlantic City, New Jersey       - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Daytona Beach, Florida          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Minneapolis, Minnesota          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Hartford, Connecticut           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Holyoke, Massachusetts          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Pontiac, Michigan               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Springfield, Illinois           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    York, Pennsylvania              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Chattanooga, Tennessee          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Beaumont, Texas                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Salisbury, Maryland             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Pueblo, Colorado                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Tulsa, Oklahoma                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    South Bend, Indiana             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Wichita, Kansas                 - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    North Las Vegas, Nevada         - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Buffalo, New York               - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Washington, D.C.                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Battle Creek, Michigan          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Jackson, Tennessee              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Fall River, Massachusetts       - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Huntington, West Virginia       - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Modesto, California             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Atlanta, Georgia                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Shreveport, Louisiana           - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Homestead, Florida              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Miami Beach, Florida            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Brockton, Massachusetts         - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Cincinnati, Ohio                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Fort Myers, Florida             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania      - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Juneau, Alaska                  - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Burlington, Iowa                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Richmond, California            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    North Charleston, SC            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Lauderhill, Florida             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Port Huron, Michigan            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Jacksonville, Arkansas          - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Newark, New Jersey              - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Huntsville, Alabama             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Rochester, New York             - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Knoxville, Tennessee            - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH
    Albany, New York                - Democrat-Run and/or Infested or BOTH

AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Rudy's psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. 
It's a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are experiencing 
psychosis may have delusions.

The person experiencing psychosis may also have thoughts that are contrary to 
actual EVIDNCE.

These thoughts are known as delusions. Some people with psychosis may also 
experience loss of motivation and social withdrawal.

(like spending ALL day on Usenet, instead of socially interacting)

These experiences can be frightening. They may also cause people who are 
experiencing psychosis to hurt themselves or others.

"I can kill you with one hand.  You know this."

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass."

"I've beaten you to a bloody pulp"

"... you you no-fight faggot."

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again.  Yes."

It's important to see a doctor right away if you or someone you know is 
experiencing symptoms of psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis include:

    depressed mood
    sleeping too much or not enough
    withdrawal from family and friends
    disorganized speech, such as switching topics erratically
    suicidal thoughts or actions

A delusion is a false belief or impression that is firmly held even though it's 
contradicted by reality and what is commonly considered true. There are 
delusions of paranoia, grandiose delusions, and somatic delusions.

People who are experiencing a delusion of paranoia might think that they are 
being followed when they aren't or that secret messages are being sent to them. 
Someone with a grandiose delusion will have an exaggerated sense of importance. 
Somatic delusion is when a person believes they have a terminal illness, but in 
reality they're healthy.