Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: New Jersey Passes Anti-Fascist Law
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 17:02:38 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Fri, 13 Dec 2024 10:58:14 -0800,  Alan says...  

> >>> Tiktoker films himself throwing Melania's book into a garbage can at Target.

> >> You get there's a difference between a private act and a government act...
> >>
> >> ...right?
> > 
> > Oh... please please PLEASE list all the Trump administration's "fascist acts".

> How is that relevant?

LOL... don't like it when it's done to you, huh? I can't count the MANY times you've gone on a tangent SO far away from the topic and posted shit 
about some words that were part of the article, but NOT the topic.

That's your MO. If you have no refutation, for ANY post, you pick out a few INSIGNIFICANT words (minutiae) and focus on them, like a pussy liberal 
does. Can't refute? Attack the author on his grammar or spelling. Faggots from California do that a lot.

Yeah, Rudy... I'm talking about you.

The article was to show the hypocrisy of those (NOT in government, per se, or at all) who SAY they're against banning books, but banned a shit-load 
themselves and are STILL "banning" them, ala this TikToker and more(see below).

There are STILL Democrats and liberals trying to ban books.

"Book Bans Live on In School Districts Now Run By Democrats" - The New York Times

"To Kill A Mockingbird And Other Books Banned From California Schools" - Newsweek

"Today, the Left wages its own crusade against authors, publishers, and teachers." - Newsweek

Around the time Dr. Seuss's books were pulled from library and bookstore shelves, Newsweek reported that videos of liberals burning Harry Potter 
books were "spreading like wildfire across TikTok." In one video, a book burner condemns the "racism" and "harmful fat-phobia" in J.K. Rowling's most 
famous work. - Newsweek

Until further notice, teachers in the area will not be able to include on their curriculum Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird",
Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men", Theodore Taylor's "The Cay" and Mildred D. Taylor's "Roll of 
Thunder, Hear My Cry". - Newsweek


With that "a government act" crack, tell us you weren't implying that Trump did, or is going to have fascist-like legislation put into place. Banning 
shit with new legislation isn't always a "fascist" act.

There are so many fucked up laws the Democrats put on the books. Those who gained from those laws, after centuries of not having them, think that 
they're "God-given" inalienable rights and that they CAN'T be taken away.

THAT'S bullshit thinking. NO ONE had a "right" to abortion before 1973, so why do they think they have the "right", now?


What about Trans' rights? If "the people" decide they don't WANT particular rights kept, THAT'S why they elect representatives to have the laws 
changed. That's Democracy and THAT'S why the Democrats are always the ones who are a threat TO that Democracy... they're always trying to get rid of 
the ways a majority has precedence.

Win an election, NO talk of electors. LOSE an election... "let's scrap the entire electorate system."

Why do you think ANY right is inalienable?

In a TRUE Democracy, the rights are bestowed by the people, through representation, of course, but some states hold referendums, which truly 
represent the will of the PEOPLE, not those who want the government to pay for their ELECTIVE shit, like gender-affirming bullshit.

I'd like to have blue eyes, but if I look into a mirror everyday and hate my shit-brown eyes and think "I'm miserable with these brown eyes", does 
that mean I should make the government pay for my Keratopigmentation surgery? 

Democrats have been trying to take rights away from us that the majority thinks we should be able to keep.

DEMOCRATS are the threat to Democracy... not Trump... not us.


> How is Trump even involved?

Going back to your crack about "a government act"...

Last three Presidents who could have had "a government act" passed, are Biden, Trump and Obama.

So... which ONE were you implicating?  

After we settle this one, we'll go to Canada, where your faggot PM has slowly changed Canada into a socialist/communist/fascist nation. (see below)

Think Trump would EVER freeze bank accounts of protesters?

WHAT did Trump EVER do to protesters while he was in office? Nothing like they did to some Jan. 6th protesters who were LET into the Capitol and did 
NOTHING but walk around, like tourists?

You need to think a little harder about the things you whine about. ANYTHING you whine about can be seen in the Democrat Party and liberals the world 


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