From: JTEM <>
Subject: Re: Biden's Electric Car Fiasco Is Already Causing An Economic
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:46:54 -0500
Organization: Eek
On 12/28/24 7:39 PM, Alan wrote:
> The CO2 isn't gone, loser.
Speaking of losers: Who cares?
If we used it as a motor fuel you would have less CO2 is
piss your pants over, though it can't possibly make a
difference if you narrative has any truth to it.
Learn your own narrative! Your imaginary Gwobull Warbling
started when man-made emissions hit 1 billion tons, in the
19th century. Since then the human population has grown so
much that we easily surpass TWICE that just from exhaling!
You did know humans exhale CO2, right?
And the bubbles in your soda or beer? Hmm?
So not only do we have to reduce emissions from industry
BELOW that seen in the early to mid 1800s -- 1830 is, at
present, the favored start point -- but we will have to
murder roughly 7 out of every 8 people to "Reverse
Gwobull Warbling!!!!!"
Even then it couldn't work, because your narrative claims
that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for 300 to a thousand
years. But you didn't know any of this because you are so
profoundly stupid you never bothered to even figure out
WHAT you are endorsing & defending...