Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Biden's Electric Car Fiasco Is Already Causing An Economic
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:42:17 -0500
Organization: Eek

  Siri Cruise wrote:

> JTEM wrote:
>> the 19th century -- the 1800s -- when emissions hit 1
>> billion tons of CO2. And humans JUST BY BREATHING emit more
>> than TWICE THAT MUCH more due to the increase in population
> All the carbon dioxide we exhale is removed from the air within the year 
> and turned into sugar by plants.

"Once it’s added to the atmosphere, it hangs around, for a long
time: between 300 to 1,000 years."


You're making an excellent point about how the narrative morphs
to avoid problems.

You know what you stated is nonsense, abject idiocy, because why
wouldn't that be the case with CO2 produced by coal or oil?

Burning wood produces more CO2 than coal, the dirtiest of fossil
fuels, but that's certified "Green" and promoted as an "Alternative."

The rise in population just since the fairy tale has AGW starting
accounts for MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH CO2 as they claim sparked AGW
in the first place, and you testifying that it's okay. Plants can
tell that humans breathed it out so, unlike with coal or oil, they'll
use *That* CO2.

The lie you're spreading is not a mistake, it's not a random error.
It's to point away from the fact that it's literally impossible to
stop this imaginary AGW without slaughtering 87.5% of mankind, at the
very least.

I'm not saying it's your lie, that you originated it, only that you
are propagating disinformation designed to eliminate a massive
contradiction in the "Climate Change" narrative.
