Davin News Server

From: rjac@shell02.TheWorld.com
Newsgroups: soc.culture.israel,can.politics,talk.politics.misc,uk.current-events.terrorism,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Subject: Iran authorities arrest Italy journalist on unknown charges, detaining her at notorious prison
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 20:34:42 -0500
Organization: NewsDemon - www.newsdemon.com

Iranian authorities have arrested an Italian journalist this month
under unknown charges, in what is the latest incident of a Western
visitor being detained by Iran’s security services in recent years.

According to Italy’s foreign ministry, 29-year-old Italian journalist
Cecilia Sala was detained was detained by Iranian authorities on 19
December as she was reporting in the capital Tehran. Having reportedly
entered the country on a regular journalist visa, she had been
publishing reports on the situation in Iran following the recent
collapse of the late Assad regime in Syria this month.


She's not a bad looking girl. I'm sure she's getting fucked every
which way but loose. Good for her!!