From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: Biden's Electric Car Fiasco Is Already Causing An Economic "Bloodbath"
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:20:07 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2024-12-28 21:07, JTEM wrote:
> Â Alan wrote:
>> On 2024-12-28 19:02, JTEM wrote:
>>> On 12/28/24 7:47 PM, Alan wrote:
>>>> Do you know what "zero sum" means?
>>> It means that unless we murder off 7 billion people, we're
>>> still producing more than TWICE AS MUCH CO2 as your religion
>>> claims got Gwobull Warbling started.
>>> That's what it means.
>> Nope.
> I know you're retarded, not to mention mentally ill, but I
> laid it all out for you:Â YOUR narrative, the "Climate
> Change" narrative you find so precious has AGW starting in
> the 19th century -- the 1800s -- when emissions hit 1
> billion tons of CO2. And humans JUST BY BREATHING emit more
> than TWICE THAT MUCH more due to the increase in population
> size. So even if we eliminated 100% of "Carbon" emissions,
> we'd still be producing TWICE AS MUCH CO2 as is need to
> create AGW, going by your own narrative -- the official
> narrative you pretend is science.
> AND, CO2 stays in the atmosphere for 300 to a thousand years,
> according to that same narrative... that "Science."
> So CO2 levels have to keep rising NO MATTER WHAT for the
> next century... a little more actually:Â 2130 is when they
> would begin to drop, if we eliminated 7 billion people
> PLUS got emissions down below a billion tons. Then it's only
> take a minimum of 105 years.
> According to your "Science."
In order to produce CO2, a human has to be alive and to be alive, her or
she must be EATING.
And whether or not he or she is eating meat or plants, all those
calories derive from plants eventually...
...and plants take CO2 OUT of the atmosphere.
Hence: zero sum.