From: JTEM <>
Subject: Re: Reminder:
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 16:29:40 -0500
Organization: Eek
AlleyCat wrote:
> The IPCC reveals a surprising truth: climate change has minimal impact on many critical factors like floods, mean precipitation, and severe storms.
> Yet, alarmists continue to push the narrative of an impending crisis. It's time to challenge the fear-mongering and focus on the facts!
> Are we in a Climate Crisis or Climate Emergency or Climate Catastrophe?
Well they're not speaking of climate change. They're fixated on tiny and
in most cases entirely imaginary fluctuations in the weather.
When the last glacial period ended, THAT was "Climate Change." And it
brought on massive changes, all of them good. The Levant was transformed
into a bountiful land where "Stone Age" man, in just a few weeks of
labor, could collect enough wild grains to feed himself, and his family,
for an entire year. But then the Younger Dryas Cooling began and
reversed everything...
What I know about "Climate Science" I learned from my interest in
history and paleo archeology. The climate does change, yes, and when
it does it can turn everything on it's head but we have yet to see
any real climate change... not human civilization. And when we do it'll
be cold and we'll wish beyond any wish we could have made it warmer.