Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Biden's Electric Car Fiasco Is Already Causing An Economic
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 00:00:52 -0500
Organization: Eek

  AlleyCat wrote:

> Ski Bunny's not here to refute anything... he's here to quench his thirst to be known as the smartest nerd in the room, because of his low-self-
> esteem.

Lol!  That's the whole history of usenet!

Ever meet a usenet regular offline? If not, you never experienced
the joy of someone demanding "A cite" from you in person, as if
you carry source material on every imaginable topic... just in case.

I had a friend bring up Gwobull Warbling over dinner one time, and
when I responded she rolled her eyes at me. But the thing is; I
hadn't offered any opinions yet!  I just stated a few facts like how
this was the Holocene, the Holocene is an interglacial period within
a much larger ice age called the Quaternary Period... that's it.

That was as far as I got.

Yeah, she was a many-year usenet veteran...

Nothing any of us say matters. Even if an "opponent" on usenet
somehow realizes they were bested they're just going to draw all
the wrong lessons. Like demanding a cite:  Calling for a "Cite"
is a magic word, an incantation, really, which makes people look
stupid and it has nothing to do with the fact that they are
making it all up as they go along...

I got blocked in talk.origins back in... 2011? For the unforgivable
sin of opposing Gwobull Warbling doctrine. But to be honest I had
already been persona non grata for saying truly offensive things
like "Neanderthals and so called modern interbred" and even "Feathers
are not arboreal adaptations."

Madness, I know, and the fact that all the science had long since
proven those points -- neither having originated with me -- made
no difference...

I got into more than one knock down, dragged out brawl in alt.atheism
for saying that testimony is evidence submittable in court and even
used in countless "Scientific Studies," any which rely on self

There was another flamewar where all but a couple of us acknowledged
that, under current scientific conventions, dogs and wolves are one
single species. This was also a great sin... those so called "Atheists"
sure have a great many sins they need to punish!

Anyway, all of usenet is and always has been one massive symptom of
one disorder or another... anything from a personal flaw to a major
mental illness.

> He's trying to cope with his life not being what he wants it to be, by trying to make others look dumb, so he can make HIMSELF look smart and feel
> better about himself.

I dunno. Seems that spewing idiocy on topics you have little interest
in and even less knowledge is not the way to go about it.

Usenet should be all about passion:  What are you passionate about?

Originally? I never questioned Gwobull Warbling. Then when I had to
confront it, "Prove" it to myself one way or the other, I concluded
it was bullshit but i still mostly went along. I mean, I always
favored conservation! Coal is nasty, burning oil is not as dirty but
still pretty dirty...

Getting blocked in talk.origins had a lot to do with my "Passion" on
the topic. It was a real eye opener. These weren't Barney fans going
nuts on me, these were people with an interest in science, albeit a
different topic. Many of them were very highly educated and even
dedicated to battling false narratives themselves i.e. "Intelligent
Design." And here they were BLOCKING ME for doing exactly what they
were doing, but on a position that they didn't think was popular.

Under Dubya Bush we had all loved through eight years where the
scientific grant process was controlled by people beholding to the
religious right... a religious right that hated evolution and loved
Creationism and Intelligent Design. And yet only a few short years
later and every single one of them forgot. They simply couldn't
remember that science is controlled by money, the money comes from
grants and the people controlling those grants have a political

Yeah, that'll leave anyone bitter...
