Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Trump Back On The Warpath Against......Wind Turbines? - You Damn
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 00:29:38 -0500
Organization: Eek

On 1/5/25 11:14 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:

> Nothing more to say.

And yet you will.

Probably our worst governor, Deval Patrick, was also the worst
at hiding it. At a time when you could walk into any mall in
the state and ask 100 people "Who is Deval Patrick" and get
ZERO answers, yet Mass Ave in Lexington, right up the street from
the Masons, was absolutely filthy with sign-waving fans.

     ...my observations were also helped by the fact that my
friend's dad was a member and knew all about it...

That's when they made it obvious for even the mouth breathers.
The guy has no political talents what so ever. He literally
shut down public transportation & banned driving FOR SNOW
STORMS, because folks in Boston didn't have any experience
with that sort of thing. One time the storm missed us and we
got a dusting. The fuhrer chucked out constitutional government
over nothing.

He ordered -- yes, ordered -- like 2 million people to stay
indoors while an army of police hunted uselessly for a
frightened 19 year old. When they did find him it was because
in a temporary moment of sanity he had called off the lockdown,
and a resident found the kid in a boat. They bravely pumped
like 200 bullets into that boat... I think they killed it, not
sure though. They needed to shoot it at least 201 times for

The next one was the second worst governor in the nation during
CoronaPanic. He was a Republican, and despised constitutional
government just as much. Charlie Baker was his name. Loved
outsourcing to well connected millionaires, loved ruling by
