Davin News Server

From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics,alt.politics
Subject: Patriarch Kirill
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 08:43:57 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Says the Apocalypse is Upon US!  


"Gender transitions ‘smell of apocalypse’ – Russian Church leader"

In fairly short order the whole Tranny Situation should sort 
itself out: genuine transsexuals do exist but are a rarity (?7%of7%?)

"Political Transexuals" (the Wannabes) are usually just 
homosexuals raised in a situation that does not recognize/condone 
their sexuality, so "obviously" they were born with the wrong sex.  

This too shall pass: not only is it stupid to fix what ain't 
broke but in this case it's *expensive* and mostly a function 
of broken health-care in the USofA. 


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell