Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Faggot Plays Bullshit Liberal Semantics Games Again
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 07:54:43 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Sun, 12 Jan 2025 23:41:41 -0800,  Alan says...  

> > I'm going to use whatever fucking word *I* want to use...
> But you object when I use the word "promise"...

Promise does NOT mean "I think". 

Fire food DOES mean what people clean up to prevent fires.

I don't give a flying fuck that other people don't use the term. It's called a euphemism, faggot.

Promise is NOT a euphemism for "I think", homo.


Why Do Undeserved Narcissists Play Games?

At times, it may appear that the goal of someone living with NPD is to get their needs met, which may involve other people who consciously and 
unconsciously help them achieve that end, says Dena DiNardo, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"These 'games' are strategic manipulations," she adds. "Often, they're completely unconscious. People having trouble with this level of narcissism 
are usually in such deep pain that their ability to empathetically connect with the pain of others is low."


What games do people with narcissistic personality disorder play?

Those who live with NPD often HAVE LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

As a result, many games they play may revolve around maintaining a sense of control, so they don't have to be confronted with the shame that they may 
feel inside.

And THAT'S the only reason Ski Bunny is here.

He's lost control of what HE thinks he should have control of, so he comes here to try and control Usenet denizens.

This is why Ski Bunny can't post his own shit.

"People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to use strategies to gain power and control over the individual in order to assert superiority 
and/or dominance over them," says Rahmah Albugami, a licensed professional counselor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "In this way, they get their needs 

Poor Ski Bunny. :-(


The Narcissistic Semantics-Driven Idiot, Alan

A friend of mine was telling me recently how she'd been arguing with her husband. This guy is an alcoholic, jobless, abusive narcissist and everyone 
knows she'd be better off without him.

She told me that she found it pointless to tell him anything that was upsetting her because they'd stray from the point and just end up talking about 
her using "the wrong words."

"He always says use the right words... use the right words! So it's just not worth it." It was worth it because he was being a dick, but I can see 
where she's coming from. An argument with a narcissist is always going to be long, exhausting, and ultimately pointless. You're never going to get 
them to see your side of things because half the time you stray so far from the point that you can't remember what started the fight.

And it always seems to come down to semantics, what you said vs what you meant.

You know what you meant, they know what you meant, and you know they know what you meant. Yet here you are, arguing about what you meant. It's 
infuriating and exhausting, people use the wrong words occasionally. Or maybe there's a more appropriate word they could have used. Maybe they were 
exaggerating, something everyone does, particularly during an argument. Most people brush it off as what it was, a mistake or an exaggeration, but 
not a narcissist. They've got to prove their vast linguistic knowledge by picking you up on every little thing you said. It's their way of feeling 
smug and superior whilst attempting to make you look silly.

It's also a way of guiding the argument in a different direction, away from their behavior, onto your choice of words. This helps them avoid 
responsibility for what they did because they knew you'll eventually get tired of arguing about nonsense and give up. Then they've won three times, 
they got away with it, they've stopped the argument and they've broken your spirit that little bit more.

Narcissists operate in much the same way as an internet troll who corrects grammar and spelling. They know you're making good points and everything 
you're saying is true, so they've got nothing else to work with. So they pick on your choice of words, it's juvenile and transparent, but it's so 
frustrating that it often works.

It's misdirection in one of its most sinister forms. They're drawing your attention away from what they did and getting you to focus on something 