From: JTEM <>
Subject: Re: More Of The Same Ole Shit - Can't Generate Enough Energy With
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 02:09:01 -0500
Organization: Eek
Alan wrote:
> On 2025-01-16 22:46, JTEM wrote:
>> On 1/16/25 10:36 PM, Alan wrote:
>>> But I'm not the conjuring up stories.
>> I'm glad you're saying this in reaction to a video demonstrating
>> that it's real, so that none of the irony was lost.
>> The energy infrastructure -- the grid -- can't handle a switch
>> to EVs, and especially fast charging stations. Your house isn't
>> even capable of handling the level of power in ONE fast charging
>> station!
>> Secondly, look at the video, you mouth breathing ignoramus. It's
>> clearly winter, and as energy hungry EVs and their power stations
>> are they're even more power hungry in cold weather. So you have
>> a demand for power PER STATION that's greater than any home can
>> handle, multiple stations, plus we're talking trucks not cars
>> AND it's cold.
>> I sincerely doubt they could get buy without the diesel
>> generator in good weather! I'm kind of surprised that they can
>> make do with only one in the cold.
> Wow. The number of utterly unsupported assertions in here...
Zero, precisely.
There are ZERO unsupported assertions. If you meant "Uncited" then
there's an easy fix: Pull up Google. Because THAT'S what people
who want to know things do.
Well. Not necessarily Google. I mean they LOOK, they RESEARCH and
they don't just squat in their own bodily waste as you do, demanding
that other produce cites which you have never once ever accepted.
Here. I'll prove it:
How is your position going to CHANGE, what will your apology be if
I produce any cites proving you entirely wrong here, and proving
everything I just said a fact?
How does YOUR position CHANGE?
Because it's never changed before, never so much as altered...