Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: More Of The Same Ole Shit - Can't Generate Enough Energy With
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 09:57:20 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2025-01-16 23:09, JTEM wrote:
>   Alan wrote:
>> On 2025-01-16 22:46, JTEM wrote:
>>> On 1/16/25 10:36 PM, Alan wrote:
>>>> But I'm not the conjuring up stories.
>>> I'm glad you're saying this in reaction to a video demonstrating
>>> that it's real, so that none of the irony was lost.
>>> The energy infrastructure -- the grid -- can't handle a switch
>>> to EVs, and especially fast charging stations. Your house isn't
>>> even capable of handling the level of power in ONE fast charging
>>> station!
>>> Secondly, look at the video, you mouth breathing ignoramus. It's
>>> clearly winter, and as energy hungry EVs and their power stations
>>> are they're even more power hungry in cold weather. So you have
>>> a demand for power PER STATION that's greater than any home can
>>> handle, multiple stations, plus we're talking trucks not cars
>>> AND it's cold.
>>> I sincerely doubt they could get buy without the diesel
>>> generator in good weather! I'm kind of surprised that they can
>>> make do with only one in the cold.
>> Wow. The number of utterly unsupported assertions in here...
> Zero, precisely.

Which is why you had to snip my text rather than rebut it.

> There are ZERO unsupported assertions. If you meant "Uncited" then
> there's an easy fix:  Pull up Google. Because THAT'S what people
> who want to know things do.
> Well. Not necessarily Google. I mean they LOOK, they RESEARCH and
> they don't just squat in their own bodily waste as you do, demanding
> that other produce cites which you have never once ever accepted.
> Here. I'll prove it:
> How is your position going to CHANGE, what will your apology be if
> I produce any cites proving you entirely wrong here, and proving
> everything I just said a fact?
> How does YOUR position CHANGE?
> Because it's never changed before, never so much as altered...
I see a lot of dodging, but you never produce cites, so it hardly matters.

But if you produce cites that show this trailer is a permanent thing, 
I'll admit I was wrong.