Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Permanent Diesel Generators To Charge EVs - How Fucking Absurd -
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:41:13 -0500
Organization: Eek

On 1/21/25 6:08 AM, Dhu on Gate wrote:

 > Bio-diesel is still a looong ways offa bein' "energy efficient".
 > Currently it's co$t is sufficient that it is economically warranted
 > only in underground mines and other places where operators cannot
 > avoid direct exhaust.  Turning corn that people or cows can eat
 > into coal to burn buys us nothing.

That's the point!

EVs save oil, not energy and not the environment.

Biofuels save oil, not energy and not the environment.

Bitumen saves oil, certainly no energy or the environment. In
fact it uses tons more energy...

There's no magic here. Nothing, and I do mean absolutely NOTHING
in all the Gwobull Warbling "Solutions" maps to a cleaner
environment. It all maps to saving oil. All of it.

Turn back the clock to even the 1990s and there was not a single
economist who wouldn't tell you that the economy rides on oil.

Germany not only lost WWII because of oil but largely fought it
for oil!  One reason why they did so well is because the British
and the French just kind of expected them to run out. All they
had to do was keep them mobilized and they'd burn through what
they had.

Google it:  Back when the U.K. was losing on all fronts and
Stalin wasn't doing so great either, they both stopped what
they were doing and invaded Iran, the British empire's chief
source of oil.

In the 1970s, the "Oil" embargo sent the entire west into a
bad recession.

Gasoline was rationed in much of the country. People were
only allowed so many gallons (I think it was 10 here) and often
had to wait in long lines to get it.

When the Shah of Iran lost power and Iran withdrew into itself
the planet suddenly lost about 2 million barrels per day, and
the U.S. suffered from Stagflation and double-digit mortgage rates.


We imposed a new national 55 MPH speed limit just to save fuel.

It's never not been about oil.

Yet, we never banned private jets, much less private aviation.

You can buy backyard heaters and even outdoor air conditioners.

ALL OF THE SAVINGS, 100% of the conservation is being ripped
from "The Bottom" 80 to 99% of the people... the smaller your
"Carbon Footprint," the harder you're hit by the insanely
regressive "Carbon" taxes, trading, credits & auctions.

The poorer you are the larger the percentage of your income
goes to these "Carbon" schemes, so the less you can afford. The
higher your income the easier it is for you to just pay the
tax schemes and pretend your EV is saving the polar bears.
