Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: They're Even ADMITTING It, Stupid
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:17:42 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2025-01-22 09:53, AlleyCat wrote:
> WHICH building are these generators powering?
> https://cowboystatedaily.imgix.net/tesla-superstation-10-1-23.jpg?
> ixlib=js-3.8.0&q=75&auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=clip&w=2048

And what makes you think those are generators?

Where are the exhaust pipes?

> This is from September 30, 2023.

Actually, no, it's not. It was taken by Manuela Durson on November 5, 2022.


And it looked the same to Google Maps in February 2023:


But you still haven't provided any evidence that those are generators.

And here's what it looks like today (well, as close to "today" as we can 


Note all the solar panels.

> In 2017, Tesla CEO said that all Superchargers in the automaker's
> network were being converted to solar.
> 7 years later, and...?
> Superchargers charge vehicles up to the 80% sweet spot in as little
> as 20 minutes, but to provide that kind of power for nearly 100 bays
> takes something solar can't provide - diesel generators.
> Investigative journalist Edward Niedermeyer discovered that the
> station was powered by diesel generators hidden behind a Shell
> station. Reporters at SF Gate tried to find out how much of the
> station's electricity was from the generators, but couldn't get a
> response from Tesla.

1. He found a temporary diesel generator PARKED (not hidden) in what had 
formerly been a drive thru car wash.


Here is that exact same spot from May 2016:


Notice what isn't there?


> The station isn't connected to any dedicated solar farms, which
> means that absent the diesel generators, the station is powered by
> California's grid.

Maybe you should look at the dedicated solar panels that were installed...

...and consider that they need batteries to store the electricity they 

> According to the U.S. Energy and Information Administration, in June
> 2023, natural gas supplied nearly 5,000 megawatt hours of
> electricity in California, whereas non-hydroelectric renewables
> supplied about 7,250 megawatt hours.
> https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/09/30/largest-ev-charging-station-
> in-the-world-uses-diesel-powered-generators/


Sorry, but it's just false.

The picture was taken after some equipment was delivered, but before the 
solar panels were installed.

'New Tesla V4 Supercharger site to feature Megapack battery storage and 
solar generation'



And finally:

'Tesla Breaks Ground on World's Largest Supercharger, Featuring Solar, 
Megapacks and Canopies'


'Tesla’s largest Supercharger site today is at the Harris Ranch complex 
in Coalinga, California. There are a staggering 98 charging stalls. An 
interesting fact about Harris Ranch is that it was also the first and 
only battery swap station that Tesla tried back in 2014. While other 
companies like Nio have continued battery swap stations, Tesla decided 
to focus on charging instead.'

They are the BATTERIES, doofus.