Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Filter-Free Friday For Faggots - Episode #4,832 - Stupid, Stupid Civilians - Routinely, Huh? Twice In A Lifetime, Is Routinely?
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 11:10:59 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Thu, 23 Jan 2025 20:17:32 -0800,  Siri Cruise says...  

> >> Make way for the Greens.
> >>
> > Not the greens because people have had enough of this green new deal crap
> > but possibly a 3rd party.
> > That might be good.
> > 
> > 
> They are a third party, idiot.

No, faggot... they're more of a 5th or 9th party.

We've had other parties more influential, than a bunch of basement-dwelling nerds who think CO² is pollution because the media and climate scientists 
with agendas to fulfill, including making more money, say it is.


They have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science.

"YOU have a problem, and we can fix it."

They said that in 70s too, when Earth's climate cooled. And now they're saying it again. Why? To make money.


"Climate scientists need there to be a problem in order to get funding." - Dr. Roy Spenser, PhD. - Weather Satellite Team LEADER - NASA

"We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science." - Dr. John Christy, PhD.

"There's one thing you shouldn't say and that is: this might not be a problem." - Dr. Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., IPCC & M.I.T.

By the early 1990's man-made global warming was no longer a slightly eccentric theory about climate, it was a full-blown POLITICAL CAMPAIGN, it was 
attracting media attention those result, MORE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDING.

"Prior to Bush the elder, I think the level of funding for climate and climate-related sciences was somewhere around the order of 170 million dollars 
a year, which is reasonable for the size of the field. It jumped to two billion a year: more than a factor of ten and yes, that changed a lot I 
mean... (interviewer asking about jobs)... lot of jobs, it brought a lot of new people into it who otherwise were not interested. So you developed 
whole cadres of people whose only interest in the field was, that it was global warming." - Professor Richard Lindzen, Ph.D.

"If I wanted to do research on, shall we say, the squirrels of Sussex... what I would do, and this is anytime from 1990 onwards, I would write my 
grant application saying: "I want to investigate the nut-gathering behaviour of squirrels, with special reference to the effects of global warming", 
and that way I get my money. IF I forget to mention global warming, I might not get the money." - Nigel Calder, Science Writer and Editor - New 

"There's a question in my mind that the large amounts of money that have been fed into this particular, rather small area of science have distorted 
the overall scientific effort." - Professor Frederick Singer, Ph.D. - Director National Weather Service

"We're all competing for funds and if your field is the focus of concern then you have done much less work rationalizing why your field should be 
funded." - Dr. Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., IPCC & M.I.T.
