Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: Without Evidence [Because There Fucking Isn't Any], Liberals and
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 12:00:17 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2025-01-31 11:02, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2025 10:39:00 -0800,  Alan says...
>> On 2025-01-31 10:09, AlleyCat wrote:
>>> LOL... EVERY Liberal Blaming Trump for DC Crash
>>> https://x.com/search?
>>> q=democrats%20blaming%20trump%20for%20dc%20crash%20-
>>> dei&src=typed_query&f=top
>> Without evidence, Trump blamed DEI...
> Nope.


He absolutely did.

'When a reporter challenged the president on how he could say that
diversity hiring was to blame for the crash even though basic facts
about the midair collision were still being sought by investigators, he
said: “I have common sense,”'

> Again, with the off-topic bullshit. Read it again, moron.
> Without Evidence [Because There Fucking Isn't Any], Liberals and
> Democrats Blame FAA Committee Initiatives For The Crash
> THIS thread is about liberals/Democrats blaming Trump, you fucking
> ignorant faggot... NOT Trump blaming anything.

I see.

So when you want to change the subject, it's all cool...

...but no one else can even point out a related point?

> For fuck's sake, homo... take the dick out of your mouth and pay
> attention.
> BUT... just to make you feel stupid... I'll play along.
> Reports say the Blackhawk driver was a female with HALF the hours in
> the cockpit than average. The average hours in the cockpit for a
> Blackhawk driver is twice that what this female pilot has under her
> belt.

1. What reports say that?

2. "HALF" the average is not a good guide to competency. The female 
pilot had 500 hours of experience.

> Now... *I'M* not saying that was the reason for the crash, but that
> IS evidence that it might be a DEI hire issue.

In what way?

> Also... women overwhelmingly get into aircraft crashes
> disproportionately to their male counterparts.


 From the same study you reference below:

'Male pilots  have  higher  per  capita  rates  of crashes, both fatal 
and  nonfatal,  than  females (3,20). '

> (A) study found that most crashes involved some form of pilot error
> - 95 percent for women and 88 percent for men. Loss of control on
> landing or takeoff was the most common crash circumstance for both
> sexes, leading to 59 percent of female pilots" crashes and 36
> percent of males".
> The most common pilot error-mishandling aircraft controls-was more
> frequent among female pilots (81 percent) than males (48 percent).
> Stats ain't racist, and stats ain't misogynistic.

Stats can be manipulated to serve racist and misogynistic purposes.

For example:

'Among other differences noted by the study: Older pilots (ages 55-63) 
made fewer errors than younger pilots (40-49'

Since piloting hasn't been a popular career choice for women for as long 
as it has for men, that would lead to female pilots being younger on 

You also omitted this:

'"Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of all 
aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as 
for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes of female pilots,"'

Kind of makes your entire argument bullshit, doesn't it?

Oh, you want me to show MY source?

Google it.