From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: They're Even ADMITTING It, Stupid
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2025 12:08:48 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-01-31 00:56, Skeeter wrote:
> In article <vnh2a7$35fbh$>, says...
>> On 2025-01-30 15:07, Skeeter wrote:
>>> In article <vngjk0$335nh$>, says...
>>>> On 2025-01-30 06:38, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>> In article <vneg14$2k65c$>, says...
>>>>>> On 2025-01-29 15:55, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <vne9gc$2ipf3$>, says...
>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-29 14:16, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>> In article <vne6ko$2i969$>, says...
>>>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-29 13:09, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> In article <vndo5u$28p8c$>, says...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-29 09:14, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <vnc68m$23ceu$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/28/25 7:19 PM, Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-28 13:38, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/28/25 8:12 AM, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <vn9ism$1f6me$>, says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-27 18:42, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/23/25 5:40 PM, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <vmu5t5$1oj0a$>, says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2025-01-23 06:07, Skeeter wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <vmscdn$1bbau$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In what way is showing you that Trump's ear looks EXACTLY THE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SAME as it did before the supposed shooting...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...speculation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wound heal. Maybe not in Canada.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Without a trace..., they don't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plastic surgery. Something above and beyond Canada.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wounds don't heal that thoroughly in <48 hours.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And skin over cartilage heals even slower, if at all: gaps often
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> require plastic surgery with skin grafting, which is never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scar-free.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But hey, go give yourself a 5.56mm wide cut that's full depth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and watch how you heal. Post pics of it at the start, then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every 12 hours until you're as scar-free as you think it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will ever get. We'll wait.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So you tell me what was really going on. Betcha can't.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump staged a fake assassination attempt on his life.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tell us how he did that or be known as a kook.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has been suggested that a Hollywood blood squib would look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very much like what transpired.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look for video which reveals *when* the splatter shows up:Â was it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> present before or after he slapped his own ear?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ballistic wounds have shockwaves which splatter blood at the same rate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as the temporary cavity generations (eg, within milliseconds):Â that's a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far shorter timeline than it takes to physically raise one's hand.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In any event, "just how" speculations aren't germane to the key point,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is that real wounds just don't heal that fast, and leave evidence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a wound - especially when its supposedly a puncture thru cartilage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not a set up. This is settled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When it comes to ballistics...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should listen to this man.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for that, but the basics here are so fundamental that I shouldn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even have to invoke any 'Argumentum ab Auctoritate' reminder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skeeter knows that he's lost, badly, as illustrated by his weak
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brush-off attempt. He's just trying to save face while hoping that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers don't notice that he doesn't have any credible answer for anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet in the mean time you sore losers can't back up your statements. How
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was it a set up?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Explain why there was no blood on his collar. None.
>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't look that close.
>>>>>>>>>> Why not?
>>>>>>>>> Why would I?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Explain why a Secret Service agent knew to rush onto the platform with a
>>>>>>>>>>>> small towel in his hand.
>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't ask him. Why don't you tell us?
>>>>>>>>>> Because he knew it would be needed is the obvious answer.
>>>>>>>>> So you know what he was thinking? That's pretty good. You're lying but
>>>>>>>>> still.
>>>>>>>> A Secret Service agent doesn't normally have a white hand towel as a
>>>>>>>> part of his kit.
>>>>>>> How do you know. I bet they have first aid kits close by.
>>>>>> A first aid kit? Yes, of course.
>>>>>> But that isn't what you bring when you run to cover someone.
>>>>> Do you work for them? How do you know that?
>>>> Common sense.
>>> So you really don't know.
>>>>>>>> Nor does he take the time to wipe the protectee's face clear of blood in
>>>>>>>> preference to moving them the hell out of there.
>>>>>>> Because they waited until the shooting was over you dumb kook.
>>>>>> How can they KNOW the shooting is over?
>>>>> Radios saying "shooter down" you moron.
>>>> And they could trust that there absolutely could not be a second
>>>> shooter, doofus?
>>> I don't know why don't you ask them idiot?
>> I'm asking you.
>> If you were in charge of the protection of a former president, would you
>> accept for CERTAIN, that being told the shooter was "down" would
>> guarantee there couldn't be any other shooters?
> If that's how it goes than yes.
What do you even mean "If that's how it goes"?
Once the first shot is fired, if you are Trump's direct protection
detail, you know... absolutely KNOW...
...that the people charged with ensuring the security of the site
screwed up.
And suddenly you're just going to go against protocol and let the
"target" stay on the site?