From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: They're Even ADMITTING It, Stupid
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 10:09:55 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-02-02 18:27, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Feb 2025 11:36:51 -0800, Alan says...
>>> So he admitted there was a wound.
>> No. He CLAIMED there was a wound.
> Plastic Surgeon Reveals Surgery To Repair Trump's Ear
> That portion of the ear "is actually one of the easier areas to
> reconstruct," Dass told the Daily Mail.
> In the procedure, known as a "helical advancement flap," surgeons
> would first remove scar tissue from the wounded ear, then take skin
> and cartilage from nearby areas of body and use it to shape a new
> ear.
> The operation itself would take one to two hours and require only a
> local anesthetic, meaning Trump would be awake for the work.
> And the price? About $10,000.
> That might be a daunting number to many Americans, but for a man who
> counts his wealth in billions, it's barely pocket change. But is it
> worth the price?
> For Trump, the bigger question about such reconstructive surgery
> might be how it would play out for voters.
> He's a man who's been the target of character assassination on a
> near-daily basis since riding down the escalator at New York's Trump
> Tower in 2015 to announce his bid for the presidency.
> Now, he's been the target of an actual assassin - thanks to a mind-
> boggling failure of security at a campaign event - and he carries
> the physical reminder of it for every supporter and potential
> supporter to see. When the bandages are gone, the scar will remain
> to do the same.
> Trump is literally a man who took a bullet for his beliefs.
> And in a political context, that could be worth more than any amount
> of money.
> -- MSN
1. You're covering up that that article is not by MSN. It's by "The
Western Journal".
2. The whole article is hypothetical. This is a surgeon they contact who
told them how it could be done.
3. There was certainly no plastic surgery performed before this picture
was taken:
Where's the blood that should be running DOWN from the wound?