Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: LOL... Faggopt Still Holding Onto Lie That Assasination Attempt Was Faked
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 16:53:45 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

So... HOW did the man covering up his family die?

How were others injured from gunshots?

Trump's ear was grazed, NOT blown off, you fucking idiot.


On Mon, 3 Feb 2025 10:09:55 -0800, Alan says... 

> > Trump is literally a man who took a bullet for his beliefs.
> > 
> > And in a political context, that could be worth more than any amount
> > of money.
> > 
> > - MSN

> 1. You're covering up that that article is not by MSN. It's by "The 
> Western Journal".

No, faggot... that's just another source. This has already been explained to you. MANY sites 'mirror" others.


> 2. The whole article is hypothetical. This is a surgeon they contact who 
> told them how it could be done.


> 3. There was certainly no plastic surgery performed before this picture 
> was taken:

The whole idea, dumb ass, is to NOT see the wound at all after plastic surgery.

> <https://www.bpmcdn.com/f/files/shared/feeds/gps/2024/07/web1_2024071319070-669307d660536bd2ab3140d8jpeg.jpg;w=960;h=640;bgcolor=000000>
> Where's the blood that should be running DOWN from the wound?

After he realized he was shot, he grabbed his ear, or do you not remember that? THAT smeared the blood.

Where did the blood come from that ran down his face... a ketchup packet?

You are one fucking idiot, if you still think this was faked.

Never took Anatomy / Physiology, I see. 

"An external injury might result in a hematoma - a LOCALIZED COLLECTION OF BLOOD outside of blood vessels - often seen as swelling or bruising AROUND 

Ear Section			Primary Function			Approximate Blood Supply (%)
Outer Ear			Sound Collection				5%

Whoo... that's a LOT of blood. Not. But this is.




So... the photographers were in on it too?


You can see, stupid fuck, blood ran into his ear too.

You know, faggot... it takes me about 10 seconds to find EXACTLY what I need to make you look faggotty, faggot.


If you REALLY think the assassination attempt was faked... say so, chicken shit. But then, you can have any further discussions with Skeeter and not 
me, because I don't argue with the insane. This is why most of the mommy's basement-dwelling nerds here, are killfiled.

They either argue like and say the most childish things, like Gronk, "Baxter", Holeman and others are killfiled permanently, coming out only on 
Fridays. Siri nerd's been let out, but a few of his most unclever quips might gets him another stint in Casa killfile. 

He's been more cogent lately. I guess he cut back on the alcohol.

Tell us you think the assassination attempt was faked and you can join the others.



Trump WINS!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. 

A Second Trump Administration