Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Some People Just Can't STAND The Idea of Them Being Conquered.- NOTHING Was "Stolen" From Them - They Were CONQUERED and THAT'S What Happens
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 10:40:48 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

If the peoples of certain countries, ANY country, who feel they're "land" has been "stolen", wanted to go to war with the current holder of the 
property that makes UP their country, we'd have a true world war.

There aren't many countries left on Earth, that have never been conquered and land taken by that conquest.

Watch how many times the people of one country have taken over others.


Mexico, Central and South America are prime examples.

ALL of the Americas used to "belong" to natives, be they Aztec, Incas or Myan.

WHERE is the uproar from Brazilians? Peruvians? Guatemalans?

No... these idiots think they can push America around. Not any more, Spicollios.

EVERY country has been conquered at some point.


Map: European Colonialism Conquered Every Country In The World, But These Five ... - Vox


Here, to give you a small sense of European colonialism's massive scale, is a map showing every country put under partial or total European control 
during the colonial era, which ran roughly ...



On Sat, 8 Feb 2025 03:15:13 -0500,  WokieSux282@ud0s4.net says...  


Woman takes down US flag, replaces it with Mexican flag at
California park: 'This is Mexican land'

Crystal Aguilar, 24, allegedly threatened Kern County sheriff's
deputies and proclaimed the area to be 'Mexican land'

. . .

   Hmmmm ... just to counter Trump, the Mex prez kinda
   said the same .........

   In their reading of history, rebels/us STOLE a lot
   of long-time Mexican land in the 1840s.

   Frankly, it was a double-cross ... Mex wanted
   Americans to develop the land, and then they'd
   'nationalize' it, while Texicans planned to
   develop the land and then snatch it from Mexico.
   Fun fun fun !

   SO ... is the southwest the USA, or Mexico ???
   Depends on how you view conquest-by-force maybe.

   Cal - give it BACK to Mexico ! It's the least
   Cals, and Mexicans, deserve  :-)


Trump WINS!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. 

A Second Trump Administration