From: AlleyCat <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,,,can.politics
Subject: Re: "But You ARE The Government!"
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:00:55 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
On Mon, 10 Feb 2025 17:53:50 +0000, Lee says...
> The CNN anchor pointed out,
> regardless of where he's focusing,
> the tech billionaire has access
> to sensitive information such as
> federal student loan data and the
> Medicare, Medicaid and Social
> Security payment systems.
Don't MOST people in the IRS have that same information?
Did the Trump administration change each and every person out, who worked for the Biden administration, with someone else?
The shit you post... I swear... what a fucking little child.
What... EXACTLY, make Musk more liable to expose or use that information, any more than Biden's or Obama's people did?
WHAT can he "use" the information for?
Targeting liberals like Obama did Conservatives?
God DAMN you are a child. All you post is nanny-nanny-boo-boo shit.
Trump has been President 3 whole weeks. Of COURSE the people don't trust government, but Trump is doing his damnedest to earn and gain trust.
Bu bu but Biden and bu bu but Obama blew it.
NO ONE trusted the government after THEIR Hitlerian administrations were over.
There are many similarities between the way Lee thinks and processes things and the way children do. In fact, in many ways, these processes are
virtually identical. This is because Lee has arrested emotional development.
The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Lee, for whatever reason. Often, this reason is abuse or neglect during
These things caused Lee to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the mind being taken up with trying
to defend itself from his abuse.
Lee's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are skipped, so to speak, or don't
(see Lee's separation from reality)
His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but related facets, that matures
extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense pattern malignant narcissism.
In children, these things are normal. In Lee, they are evidence of a disorder.
Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and need. They have no way of taking
care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them.
This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Lee. He does not recognize, understand or consider other people's needs.
And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.
For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Lee that is very clearly on par with a very young child's, Lee generally believes he
is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.
This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children. Lee sees feelings as facts, the
way that children do. Lee sees everything in the world as an extension of himself, the way that children do and Lee truly believes in his own
perceived omnipresence and immortality as children do.
He has always been, he will always be.
So children believe... so Lee believes.
The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.
How could it? Rather, Lee functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he experiences or encounters is related
to him in some form.
This is the same way Lee see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The idea that the world does not
revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Lee.
For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as separate people with their own
lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children; despite the fact that children are only one part of the
parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in any way.
To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only context they can understand. This is
identical to how Lee views all other people: outside of the narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.
As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as individuals that are separate from
themselves. Lee does not.
The development of Lee is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to separate himself as an authentic
individual from the external world.
Because of this, Lee often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who act in the world.
In Lee's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew the idea of himself as a
powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.
He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a small child. He seems unable to
own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a child.
Lee is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider
consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.
When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Lee may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't know" is a very common answer. It
may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things, simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.
Like a child, Lee often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.
However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If you are helpless, you can
never be forced to take responsibility.
Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Lee doesn't seem to feel he should be either. He doesn't seem to
understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting
mature adult would ever say.
He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double standards" because the kids are allowed
to get away with things that they are called out for. Lee doesn't seem to realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why
this should be.
For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw their clothing in the hamper
rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist responds that little Johnny never does it either but he
doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.
The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do his chores, not an adult. To
the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are. It does not seem to enter Lee's mind that there is a very
large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old. Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of
his argument is really unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is an
inability to even understand why this would be expected.
The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Lee does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child pretending he is somebody else to
escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Lee's reasoning is examined, when all of Lee's behavior is scrutinized and looked at
through the lens of perspective rather than pain, this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot
understand why they are expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.
All of Lee's attention seeking, all of Lee's manipulations, all of Lee's gas lighting, all of Lee's smear campaigns, all of Lee's abuse, all of the
hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.
Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who is hiding the chocolate bar
behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate." Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to
all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore. Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They
are the same childish and petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
Trump WINS!
Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.
Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.
Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.
Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
A Second Trump Administration