Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: You Fucking Faggots Just Don't Get It
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 19:30:24 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Mon, 10 Feb 2025 18:42:31 -0500,  Joel says...  

> Trump is going to find himself surprised by the limits
> of his power, if he pursues unilateral action that ignores checks and
> balances.

Yes Joey... we know there are more branches than just the "Executive", so, why did Obama and to a lesser extent, Biden, pretty much do what they 

Here are a few examples: (ignore any numbering and you'll have to pick out overreach by Obama, I'm not editing)

801) Obama illegally ignored Obamacare author Jonathan Gruber's comments that subsidies only apply to state exchanges

On January 18, 2012, Jonathan Gruber, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist who helped write Obamacare, said:

"What's important to remember politically about this is if you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their 
tax credits."

You can see him saying it in this video. Link set to start video at 31:25, the relevant point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtnEmPXEpr0

On January 10, 2012, Gruber said:

"... if your governor doesn't set up an exchange, you're losing hundreds of millions of dollars of tax credits to be delivered to your citizens..."

You can hear him saying it in this video. Link set to start at 1:16, the relevant point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbMmWhfZyEI&t=1m16s

So how is it that the federal government is giving subsidies through the federal exchange?

It's because under the corrupt leadership of President Obama, the IRS illegally gave itself new power without approval from Congress.

802) Paid dozens of federal paralegals $60,000 to $80,000 a year even though they had no work to do

On July 31, 2014, the Washington Post reported:

Dozens of federal employees at an obscure agency that handles appeals of patent applications went years with so little work to do that they collected 
salaries - and even bonuses - while they surfed the Internet, did laundry, exercised and watched television, an investigation has found.

The employees, paralegals making $60,000 to $80,000 a year, were idle with full knowledge of their immediate bosses and multiple layers of managers 
and judges who "sat on their hands" waiting for work to give them, a year-long probe by the Commerce Department inspector general's office uncovered.

803) Obama illegally allowed the IRS to strike a deal with atheists to monitor churches

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had illegally allowed the IRS to strike a deal with atheists to monitor churches.

804) Refused to prosecute federal employees who committed time and attendance fraud

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had refused to prosecute federal employees who committed time and attendance fraud.

805) Used the Department of Homeland Security to raid the home of someone who was not suspected of terrorism

In July 2014, the Department of Homeland Security raided the home of Jennifer Brinkley of North Carolinian, even though she was not suspected of 

806) Falsely accused the Pennsylvania State Police of "employment discrimination against women" because it held male and female applicants to the 
same standard

In July 2014, Obama's Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the Pennsylvania State Police, accusing it of "employment discrimination against 
women," because it held male and female applicants to the same standard.

807) Helped Hamas obtain the construction materials that it used to dig its terror tunnels

In August 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had helped Hamas obtain the construction materials that it used to dig its terror 

808) Obama's Securities and Exchange Commission bypassed the courts, which is unconstitutional

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama's Securities and Exchange Commission had bypassed the courts, which is unconstitutional.

809) Obama's "transparency" website was missing information about how $619 billion had been spent

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama's "transparency" website was missing information about how $619 billion had been spent.

810) Repealed the 1983 ban on Libyans receiving training as pilots and nuclear scientists in the U.S.

In August 2014, Obama repealed the 1983 ban on Libyans receiving training as pilots and nuclear scientists in the U.S.

811) Hid important information from federal torture report

In August 2014, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) accused the Obama administration of hiding important information from a federal report 
on torture.

812) Criticized corporations for using legal methods to reduce their taxes

In August 2014, Obama criticized corporations for using legal methods to reduce their taxes.

813) Illegally planned to change the tax laws without approval from Congress

Article I, section 7 of the U.S. Constitution states:

"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives"

President Obama took the following oath at both of his inaugurations:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, 
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

You can see him taking the oath here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvEANPi1c6k

In addition, Obama has a Harvard Law degree.

Furthermore, Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years.

However, in August 2014, Associated Press reported:

"Aiming to sidestep a logjam in Congress, the Obama administration is looking for steps it could take on its own to prevent American companies from 
reincorporating overseas to shirk U.S. taxes, officials said Tuesday."

814) "US inspectors general say gov't has blocked access"

In August 2014, Associated Press reported:

US inspectors general say gov't has blocked access

Independent watchdogs of dozens of federal agencies decried on Tuesday what they said were Obama administration efforts to delay or stall their 

A letter to Congress from a broad cross-section of inspectors general cites specific instances in which watchdogs for the Justice Department, 
Environmental Protection Agency and the Peace Corps said they were denied timely access to documents and other information while doing their 
investigations. The letter says other inspectors general have faced similar obstacles, and that congressional action may be needed to ensure 
cooperation from government agencies.

815) Lied about the reason U.S. corporations incorporate overseas

In August 2014, Obama said the reason U.S. corporations incorporate overseas is that

"They're basically renouncing their citizenship and declaring they're based somewhere else, just to avoid paying their fair share."

Despite Obama's claim, these corporations are still paying taxes to the U.S. government on the profits that they earn in the U.S. The only tax they 
are avoiding is the U.S. tax on the profits that they earn overseas. But the U.S. is the only major country in the world that taxes overseas profits.

816) Helped one corporation use a certain tax loophole, but later criticized other corporations for using the exact same tax loophole

In 2009, the Obama administration helped Delphi, a U.S. corporation, reduce its taxes by declaring it to be a British company. However, in 2014, 
Obama criticized other U.S. corporations for doing the exact same thing.

817) Said we should pass an equal pay law, while ignoring the fact that such a law has already been in place since 1963

In August 2014, Obama said we should pass a law that requires men and women to be paid the same for doing the same work. However, such a law has 
already been in place since 1963.

818) Bombed Iraq in August 2014, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011

In August 2014, Obama bombed Iraq, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011.

819) Lied about the reason he sent U.S. troops to Iraq

In June 2014, when Obama sent U.S. troops to Iraq, he said they would only have an advisory role, and would not participate in combat. However, in 
August 2014, he ordered those troops to bomb Iraq.

820) Lied about which President removed U.S. troops from Iraq

Obama repeatedly gave himself credit for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq that happened in late 2011. However, in August 2014, he blamed the 
troop withdrawal on Bush. I'm not going to say which of Obama's two statements is true, and which is a lie. But one of them must be a lie.

821) Illegally tried to block a Freedom of Information release of the video that shows Michael Brown committing theft and assault

On August 15, 2014, NRP reported:

 Jackson said he had gotten numerous Freedom of Information Act requests from the media to release the video. "I had to release it," he said.

"I had been sitting on it and too many people put in FOIA requests for it and I had to release it," he said.

On August 16, 2014, CBS News reported:

Feds opposed releasing Ferguson robbery video

Federal authorities opposed Friday's release of a surveillance video showing a man resembling Michael Brown committing a robbery at a convenience 
store in Ferguson, Mo., CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports.

The Justice Department asked Ferguson police not to release the video, believing that it would roil the community further, and were able to 
successfully prevent the video from being released Thursday, the U.S. law enforcement official said.

Friday's release occurred over the objection of federal authorities, the official said.

Here is the video that Obama illegally tried to prevent people from seeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2z5-H8NSGA

822) Obama sued Bank of America because it did exactly what he had told it to do. Obama then gave some of the settlement money to left wing groups 
that he had worked for.

While working as a "community organizer," Obama filed lawsuits which forced banks to give mortgages to people with bad credit and low incomes. As a 
result, many of these people ended up defaulting on their mortgages. As their attorney, Obama collected $23,000 in legal fees for himself.

Then in April 2013, during Obama's second term as President, the Washington Post reported that President Obama was still pressuring banks "to make 
home loans to people with weaker credit."

However, in August 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had sued Bank of America for giving mortgages to people who could not afford 
to pay them back, and the bank had agreed to pay $16.6 billion in order to avoid further prosecution from the federal government.

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama had given some of the settlement money from Bank of America to left wing organizations including the 
National Council of La Raza, Operation Hope, and National Community Reinvestment Coalition. These groups used to be known, collectively, as ACORN. In 
the past, these organizations had pressured banks to give mortgages to people who could not afford to pay them back.

In addition, Obama had worked with ACORN in the past. Obama had represented them in a lawsuit where they tried to get Illinois to adopt a "motor-
voter" law. On top of that, Obama had taught leadership training sessions for ACORN. Also, Obama had worked as an organizer for Project Vote, an 
ACORN offshoot. Furthermore, Obama had been on the board of directors of the Woods Fund when it gave ACORN $75,000 in 2001, and $70,000 in 2002. 
Finally, during the 2008 primary campaign, Obama's campaign had given Citizens Services Inc., an ACORN affiliate, more than $800,000 for "get out the 
vote" efforts.

823) 47 out of 73 Inspectors General wrote a letter to Congress complaining about Obama's lack of transparency

In August 2014, 47 out of 73 Inspectors General wrote a letter to Congress complaining about Obama's lack of transparency. The letter can be read 

824) Illegally treated independently owned McDonald's franchises as a big corporation

In July 2014, the Obama administration illegally treated independently owned McDonald's franchises as a big corporation.

825) Broke his promise not to take any vacations during his presidency

In 2008, Obama falsely promised not to take any vacations during his presidency. You can see the video of him saying it at 

826) Operated an illegal lottery

During Obama's 2008 campaign, he used a lottery to raise money, which is illegal.

827) Obama's lottery fraudulently continued to sell tickets after one of the winners had already been chosen

In 2008, Obama's lottery fraudulently continued to sell tickets after one of the winners had already been chosen.

828) Veterans Administration spent $399 million of Obama's "stimulus" on green energy while patients were dying due to lack of care

In August 2014, it was reported that the Veterans Administration had spent $399 million of Obama's "stimulus" on green energy while patients were 
dying due to lack of care.

829) Obama's so-called "recovery" actually hurt blacks, women, and the poor

In August 2014, the Wall St. Journal wrote:

If the Obama recovery had been as strong as the average of the previous 10 postwar recoveries, 13.9 million more Americans would be working today and 
the average real per capita income of every man, woman and child in America would be $6,308 higher.

But the real scorecard on the Senate Democrats elected in 2008 is in the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey data. While all Democrats claimed 
to be champions of the middle class and defenders of minorities and women, census data show how their program did not live up to their campaign 

Since the Senate Democratic Class of 2008 took control, the average real income of the poorest one-fifth of American families has declined every 
year, falling to $15,534 in 2012 from $16,962 in 2008 (the 2013 data will be released Sept. 16). The average real income of the lowest quintile of 
Americans is now below the level it was in 1968, the year when the War on Poverty began its spending surge.

The next-highest income quintile, often referred to as the working class, has also experienced a continuous decline in real income since January 
2009. The average income of these Americans has fallen 6.5% and is now $1,182 lower than it was when President Reagan left office.

The third quintile-America's middle class-has seen its average income decline to $62,464 from $65,672. More than half of this decline has occurred 
since the recovery officially began in the second quarter of 2009.

Under the Obama administration, the median income of women has fallen more during the recovery than it did during the recession, an unprecedented 
economic failure in postwar America.

The real median income of African-American households has fallen by 9.5%, more than any other major census classification.

830) Obama criticized local police for using the military gear that he had given them

In 2013, the Obama administration gave nearly $450 million of military gear to local police. However, in 2014, Obama criticized local police for 
actually using that military gear.

831) Obama's "job training" program left many participants unemployed and in debt

In August 2014, it was reported that Obama's "job training" program had actually left many of its participants unemployed and in debt.

832) Obama helped fund the construction of a solar power plant that incinerated as many as 28,000 birds each year

Obama gave Ivanpah a $1.6 billion federal loan guarantee to build a solar power plant. After the plant began operation, it incinerated as many as 
28,000 birds each year. During an early inspection, it was discovered that the birds killed by the plant included "a peregrine falcon, a grebe, two 
hawks, four nighthawks, and a variety of warblers and sparrows."

833) Illegally ignored a subpoena which had ordered the release of 1,300 pages of information on Fast and Furious

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder illegally refused to release 1,300 pages of information on Operation Fast and Furious, even after he had been 
subpoenaed to do so.

834) Cause of Action sued twelve federal agencies for violating the Freedom of Information Act

In August 2014, Cause of Action, a civic watchdog group, sued twelve federal agencies for violating the Freedom of Information Act.

835) Banned school cafeterias from serving the following nutritious foods:

Obama banned school cafeterias from serving the following nutritious foods:

grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup

spaghetti with meatballs

turkey sandwich

hard boiled eggs

falafel with flatbread and rice pilaf

pasta primavera with roasted vegetables and olive oil


836) Set limits on how much milk and juice students could drink at school cafeterias

Obama limited elementary school students to eight ounces of milk or juice at school cafeterias, and limited middle school students to twelve ounces.

837) Forced school cafeterias to throw away more than one billion dollars worth of perfectly good fruits and vegetables

Obama required that fruits and vegetables be placed on students' lunch trays, even if the students did not want to eat them. The food that they 
didn't eat was then thrown into the garbage. In September 2014, it was reported that Obama had forced school cafeterias to throw away more than one 
billion dollars worth of perfectly good fruits and vegetables.

838) Exempted his own children from the very same food rules that he forced everyone else's children to follow

While Obama was busy forcing everyone else's children to obey a very strict and very ridiculous set of food rules, he allowed his own daughter to 
have bacon and eggs covered in a buttery sauce, with no fruits and no vegetables.

839) Falsely claimed that his "Cash for Clunkers" would help the auto industry

Although Obama claimed that his "Cash for Clunkers" program would help the auto industry, it actually hurt the auto industry, because it encouraged 
buyers to purchase vehicles that were less profitable than what they would have purchased if the program had not been in effect.

840) 46% of doctors gave Obamacare a "D" or an "F"

In a September 2014 survey by the Physicians Foundation, 46% of doctors gave Obamacare a "D" or an "F."

841) Spent taxpayers' money on elevator operators

Obama spent taxpayers' money on elevator operators so U.S. Senators wouldn't have to press the buttons themselves.

842) When Obama's approval rating was only 35%, he said, "All around the country, wherever I see folks, they always say... you're so great."

In September 2014, when Obama's approval rating was only 35%, he said:

"All around the country, wherever I see folks, they always say, oh, Barack, we're praying for you - boy, you're so great."

843) Although Obama banned school vending machines from selling sugary snacks with more than 200 calories, he allowed a White House vending machine 
to sell honey buns with 590 calories

Although Obama banned school vending machines from selling sugary snacks with more than 200 calories, he allowed a White House vending machine to 
sell honey buns with 590 calories.

844) Illegally transported two illegal aliens

In October 2014, Obama gave two illegal aliens a ride. Giving a ride to an illegal alien is a crime that could get the person as much as five years 
in prison.

845) Falsely said it was "unlikely" that anyone from Africa with Ebola would fly to the U.S. because the "necessary precautions" were being taken

On September 16, 2014, Obama said:

"First and foremost, I want the American people to know that our experts, here at the CDC and across our government, agree that the chances of an 
Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low. We've been taking the necessary precautions, including working with countries in West 
Africa to increase screening at airports so that someone with the virus doesn't get on a plane for the United States. In the unlikely event that 
someone with Ebola does reach our shores, we've taken new measures so that we're prepared here at home."

However, on September 19, 2014, just three days after Obama made the above statement, the only thing that Liberian Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan 
had to do to get past these "necessary precautions," was to lie on an airport questionnaire. After Duncan lied, he was allowed to fly from Liberia to 
Dallas, Texas.

846) Refused to answer reporter's question about whether or not the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. was a U.S. citizen

On September 30, 2014, during a press conference, the Obama administration refused to answer a reporter's question about whether or not an Ebola 
patient who traveled from Liberia to Dallas, Texas, was a U.S. citizen. Afterward, the Liberian government identified the patient as Thomas Eric 
Duncan, a Liberian citizen.

847) Allowed people under "quarantine" for having had contact with an Ebola patient to go to the store

Although the Centers for Disease Control had placed people who had come into contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan under "quarantine," it 
allowed them to go to the store during their so-called "quarantine."

848) As President, Obama urged Congress to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank and said it "pays for itself," after having previously referred to it 
as "corporate welfare" during his election campaign

During his 2008 election campaign, Obama said the Export-Import Bank was "corporate welfare." However, in 2014, he urged Congress to reauthorize it, 
and said it "pays for itself."

849) Cornel West said of Obama: "He posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone 

Cornel West, a professor at Union Theological Seminary, said of Obama:

"He posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency."

850) Ordered reporters to stop filming Michelle Obama on a public sidewalk at Martha's Vineyard

In August 2014, the Obama administration ordered reporters to stop filming Michelle Obama on a public sidewalk at Martha's Vineyard.

851) Illegally pressured banks to stop doing business with pawn shops and payday lenders

In August 2014, Obama pressured banks to stop doing business with pawn shops and payday lenders. Because Obama did this without approval from 
Congress, his actions were illegal.

852) Illegally pursued an international climate agreement without approval from Congress

In August 2014, Obama illegally pursued an international climate agreement without approval from Congress.

853) Continued Bush's illegal policy of trying to force New York Times reporter James Risen to reveal his confidential source

Obama continued Bush's illegal policy of trying to force New York Times reporter James Risen to reveal his confidential source.

854) Ordered a reporter not to talk to the people in the crowd at a Michelle Obama event

In September 2014, the Obama administration ordered a reporter not to talk to the people in the crowd at a Michelle Obama event.

855) Falsely said that U.S. intelligence agents had "underestimated" ISIS

In September 2014, Obama said that U.S. intelligence agents had "underestimated" ISIS. However, during three previous occasions, Obama had been given 
information which was contrary to his September 2014 claim.

856) Falsely said that a travel ban on people from Ebola infected countries could make the Ebola outbreak worse

In October 2014, CDC Director Tom Frieden said that a travel ban on people from Ebola infected countries could make the Ebola outbreak worse. 
However, the first people to contract Ebola in the U.S. got it from Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian Ebola patient who had flown to the U.S.

857) Falsely told nurse who had cared for Ebola patient and who had a fever that it was OK for her to fly on a commercial flight

In October 2014, the CDC told Amber Vinson, a nurse who had cared for Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, and who had a fever, that it was OK for her 
to fly on a commercial flight. However, after she took the flight, she was diagnosed with Ebola, and the CDC started to monitor the 132 passengers.

858) Lied about the results of an Ebola study that had been funded by his own administration

After a federally funded study concluded that there was a nearly 25% chance of Ebola reaching the U.S. in September 2014, Obama said:

"First and foremost, I want the American people to know that our experts, here at the CDC and across our government, agree that the chances of an 
Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low."

859) Said you can give, but can't get, Ebola on a bus

In October 2014, CDC Director Tom Frieden said that you cannot get Ebola on a bus, but also said that people with Ebola should not ride on buses 
because they might give Ebola to someone else.

860) The first 500 U.S. soldiers that Obama sent to Africa to fight Ebola were given only four hours of Ebola-related training

In October 2014, it was reported that the first 500 U.S. soldiers that Obama had sent to Africa to fight Ebola had been given only four hours of 
Ebola-related training.

861) Obama's Ebola czar had zero background in medicine or health care, but was a "key player" in Obama's Solyndra con game

In October 2014, it was reported that Ron Klain, Obama's newly appointed Ebola czar, had zero background in medicine or health care, but was a "key 
player" in Obama's Solyndra con game. (See #25 on this list for a thorough explanation of Obama's Solyndra con game.)

862) Broke his promise to finish his first term in the U.S. Senate and not run for President in 2008

Obama broke his promise to finish his first term in the U.S. Senate and not run for President in 2008.

863) Obama's biggest lie of all

President Obama falsely took the following oath at both of his inaugurations:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, 
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

864) Broke his promise to "walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America"

On November 3, 2007, Obama falsely said:

"And understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I'm in the White House, I'll put on 
a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I'll will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America. Because workers deserve 
to know that somebody is standing in their corner."

865) Spent $466,642 of taxpayers' money to find out why obese teenage girls have a hard time getting dates

In October 2014, it was reported that Obama had spent $466,642 of taxpayers' money to find out why obese teenage girls have a hard time getting 

866) Planned to illegally let thousands of Haitians into the U.S.

In October 2014, Obama announced that he would let thousands of Haitians into the U.S., even though Congress had not approved it.

867) Created a fake Facebook account using a woman's name and photos without her permission

In October 2014, it was reported that the DEA had created a fake Facebook account using a woman's name and photos without her permission.

868) Obama's new Ebola czar did not attend his very first Ebola meeting

In October 2014, Ron Klain, Obama's newly appointed Ebola czar, did not attend his very first Ebola meeting.

869) Did not answer reporter who asked what the Ebola czar knew about Ebola

Ron Klain was Obama's Ebola czar. In October 2014, White House press secretary Josh Earnest refused to answer a reporter who asked "What does Ron 
Klain know about Ebola?"

870) Banned U.S. flights to Israel, and lied about the reason for the ban

In July 2014, the the Obama administration banned U.S. flights to Israel, based on the Obama administration's false claim that Hamas rockets were 
being fired at the Israeli airport. Once this lie was exposed, the flight ban was lifted.

871) Planned to illegally let illegal aliens join the U.S. military

In October 2014, it was reported that Obama was planning to illegally let illegal aliens join the U.S. military.

872) Planned to illegally give guns to illegal aliens

In October 2014, it was reported that Obama was planning to illegally give guns to illegal aliens.

873) Refused to answer reporters' questions about the cost of his fundraising trips

In October 2014, White House spokesman Eric Schultz refused to answer reporters' questions about the cost of Obama's fundraising trips.

874) Spent $667,000 of taxpayers' money to study the health benefits of watching reruns on television

In October 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $667,000 of taxpayers' money to study the health benefits of watching reruns 
on television.

875) Spent $600,000 of taxpayers' money to find out why chimpanzees throw their poop

In October 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $600,000 of taxpayers' money to find out why chimpanzees throw their poop.

876) Spent $350,000 of taxpayers' money to study the importance of imagination while golfing

In October 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $350,000 of taxpayers' money to study the importance of imagination while 

877) Lied about the results of an investigation into White House employees' involvement with a prostitute in Cartagena, Colombia

On April 23, 2012, White House press secretary Jay Carney said that there were

"... no specific, credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the White House advance team or the White House staff."

"Nevertheless... out of due diligence, the White House Counsel's office has conducted a review . . .  came to the conclusion that there's no 
indication that any member of the White House advance team engaged in any improper conduct or behavior."

However, in October 2014, it was discovered that Carney had been lying.

878) Tried to help illegal aliens get driver's licenses

In September 2014, the Obama administration tried to help illegal aliens in Arizona get driver's licenses.

879) CDCs "enhanced screening" allowed an Ebola patient to ride the New York City subway

Craig Spencer is a U.S. doctor who, as a participant in Doctors Without Borders, went to Guinea to treat Ebola patients. After he got back to the 
U.S., he passed the so-called "enhanced screening" that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control gives to all returning travelers from West Africa. After 
he passed this "enhanced screening," he rode on the New York City subway system, went to a bowling alley, and rode in a taxi. After that, he tested 
positive for Ebola. CDC Director Tom Frieden said that people with Ebola should not ride on mass transit because they might give Ebola to someone 

880) CDC said health care workers being "quarantined" for possible exposure to Ebola could go "jogging in the park"

In October 2014, the CDC said that health care workers being "quarantined" for possible exposure to Ebola could go "jogging in the park."

881) Illegally hacked into and monitored the computer of CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson

In October 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had illegally hacked into and monitored the computer of CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

882) Was "more restrictive" and "more dangerous" to the press than any other president in history

In October 2014, USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page said that Obama was "more restrictive" and "more dangerous" to the press than any other 
president in history.

883) "This administration exercises more control than George W. Bush's did."

In October 2013, Bob Schieffer, a TV news anchor for CBS, as well as its chief Washington correspondent, said, "This administration exercises more 
control than George W. Bush's did."

884) Stopped telling reporters what wine he was serving

Historically, the White House has always told reporters what wine it was serving. However, after the media reported that one of the wines served by 
the Obama administration had originally sold for $115 per bottle bottle and was selling for $399 per bottle at the time it was served, the Obama 
administration stopped telling reporters what wines it was serving.

885) Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Obamacare was passed due to "lack of transparency" and "the stupidity of the American voter"

In October 2013, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said:

"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO  scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. 
Okay, so it's written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in - you made 
explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed... Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And 
basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass....Look, I 
wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I'd rather have this law than not."

886) Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber lied to the New York Times in a disclosure contract that he signed

In January 2010, the New York Times wrote:


January 9, 2010

Editors' note

On July 12, the Op-Ed page published an article by Jonathan Gruber, a professor of economics at M.I.T., on health insurance and taxation. On Friday, 
Professor Gruber confirmed reports that he is a paid consultant to the Department of Health and Human Services, and that his contract was in effect 
when he published his article. The article did not disclose this relationship to readers.

Like other writers for the Op-Ed page, Professor Gruber signed a contract that obligated him to tell editors of such a relationship. Had editors been 
aware of Professor Gruber's government ties, the Op-Ed page would have insisted on disclosure or not published his article.

887) When M.I.T. economics professor Jonathan Gruber wrote a pro-Obamacare opinion piece for the Washington Post, he did not disclose the fact that 
the Obama administration had paid him $392,000 to help write Obamacare

In December 2009, when M.I.T. economics professor Jonathan Gruber wrote a pro-Obamacare opinion piece for the Washington Post, he did not disclose 
the fact that the Obama administration had paid him $392,000 to help write Obamacare.

888) Obama ordered Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber to lie about Obamacare's Cadillac tax

In July 2009, Obama ordered Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber to lie about Obamacare's Cadillac tax.

889) Falsely said that he had never worked with Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber at the White House

Although the Obama administration said that Obama had never worked with Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber at the White House, White House visitor 
logs show that Obama and Gruber were together in the same room in the White House for nearly four hours on July 20, 2009.

890) Nancy Pelosi gave Obamacare waivers to 38 restaurants, nightclubs, and hotels in her own Congressional district

Although Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California) voted for Obamacare, in April 2011, she gave Obamacare waivers to 38 restaurants, nightclubs, and 
hotels in her own Congressional district.

891) Falsely said, "If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world."

In June 2009, Obama said:

"If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world."

However, at the time Obama made his statement, there were 57 countries that had more Muslims than the U.S.

892) Illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Request regarding the FCC's plan to put government bureaucrats inside TV stations and 
newspaper offices to monitor their activities

In November 2014, the Obama administration illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Request regarding the FCC's plan to put 
government bureaucrats inside TV stations and newspaper offices to monitor their activities.

893) Announced plans to illegally send 1,500 U.S. troops to Iraq in November 2014, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011

In November 2014, Obama announced plans to send 1,500 U.S. troops to Iraq, even though the Iraq War had allegedly ended in December 2011.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) said of this:

"I do not think president has the ability under current authority to authorize 1,500 troops without Congress acting."

894) Falsely said he would not send U.S. troops to Iraq

In June 2014, Obama said he would not send U.S. troops to Iraq. However, in November 2014, he announced plans to send 1,500 U.S. troops to Iraq.

895) In Obama's own words, his actions on illegal aliens mean that he is "ignoring the law"

In September 2013, Obama said that if he allowed illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. without approval from Congress, it would mean that

"... I'll be ignoring the law..."

However, in November 2014, Obama said he would allow up to five million illegal aliens to stay in the U.S., even though he did not have approval from 

896) In Obama's own words, he has declared himself to be "emperor of the United States"

In February 2013, when Obama was talking about what he could and couldn't do for illegal aliens when Congress was not cooperating with him, he said:

"This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency... The problem is, is that I'm the president of the United States, I'm not the 
emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed."

However, in November 2014, Obama said he would allow up to five million illegal aliens to stay in the U.S., even though he did not have approval from 

897) Falsely said "All we're saying is we're not going to deport you."

In Obama's November 2014 immigration reform speech, he said:

"All we're saying is we're not going to deport you."

However, Associated Press responded with the following:

"He's saying, and doing, more than that. The changes also will make those covered eligible for work permits, allowing them to be employed in the 
country legally and compete with citizens and legal residents for better-paying jobs."

898) Falsely said "...  this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border."

In Obama's November 2014 immigration reform speech, he said:

"... this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border."

However, Associated Press responded with the following:

"... it was more than a 'brief spike.' The number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border has been on the rise since the 2011 budget 
year. That year about 16,000 children were found crossing the border alone. In 2012, the Border Patrol reported more than 24,000 children, followed 
by more than 38,800 in 2013. In the last budget year, more than 68,361 children were apprehended."

899) Falsely said "... what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm 
promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible."

In 2008, Obama said:

"... what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to 
move that forward as quickly as possible."

He broke that promise.

900) Obama used the Department of Homeland Security to buy thousands of pairs of underwear for illegal aliens, even though none of them were actually 

Although the Department of Homeland Security was created to protect the U.S. from terrorism, Obama used it to purchase thousands of pairs of 
underwear for illegal aliens, none of whom were terrorists. This included 4,800 in size 2X-Large, 4,800 3X-Large  4,800 4X-Large,  3,600 5X-Large, 
and 2,400 in size 6X-Large, which are for men who weigh as much as 500 pounds.

901) Emails prove that the Obama administration pressured CBS News to stop airing reports by Sharyl Attkisson

On October 3, 2011, CBS News aired a story by Sharyl Attkisson which showed that Attorney General Eric Holder had lied under oath regarding Fast and 
Furious. The report can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JaDEShZIvQ

On October 4, 2011, Holder's top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, wrote the following in an email to White House Deputy Press Sectary Eric Schultz:

"I'm also calling Sharryl's  editor and reaching out to Scheiffer. She's out of control."

Schultz responded with an email that said:

"Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG."

Afterward, CBS made it harder and harder for Attkisson to do reports on Fast and Furious, and she eventually quit her job at CBS.

902) Gave employers a $3,000 annual incentive, per employee, to hire illegal aliens instead of U.S. citizens

Obamacare, when combined with Obama's November 2014 executive amnesty, gives employers a $3,000 annual incentive, per employee, to hire illegal 
aliens instead of U.S. citizens.

903) Falsely overstated the number of Obamacare signups by incorrectly including dental subscribers

In November 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had falsely overstated the number of Obamacare signups by incorrectly including 
380,000 dental subscribers.

904) Falsely said that his "Power Africa" plan had achieved 25% of its goal during its first 17 months

In June 2013, Obama announced a new program called "Power Africa," with a goal of building 10,000 megawatts of new electricity generation in Africa. 
In November 2014, the organization claimed that it had reached 25% of that goal. However, some of that claimed amount included electricity plants 
that had already been built before the plan was created. Also, some of that claimed amount included electric plants that had not been built at all, 
which had merely been written down on contracts that had been signed with the promise of getting built in the future.

905) Gave $100,000 of taxpayers' money to one of his campaign donors to build an urban garden that never actually got built

When Obama was a state Senator in Illinois, he gave $100,000 of taxpayers' money to Kenny B. Smith, an Obama campaign donor, to build an urban garden 
that never actually got built. The Chicago Sun-Times wrote of this:

"... what was supposed to be a six-block stretch of trees and paths is now a field of unfulfilled dreams, strewn with weeds, garbage and broken 

906) IRS employees who did not pay their taxes were still eligible for bonuses

In 2014, IRS employees who did not pay their taxes were still eligible for bonuses.

907) Falsely said that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be "shipping Canadian oil to world markets, not to the United States"

In November 2014, Obama said that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be

"... shipping Canadian oil to world markets, not to the United States."

Afterward, PolitiFact responded with:

We asked several energy economics experts, and they believe that quite a bit - if not most - of the Keystone XL crude oil will be bought and used by 
American refineries.

"It's difficult to say with any certainty, but it is most likely that most would be refined in the U.S.," said Kenneth Medlock, an expert in energy 
economics at Rice University in Texas.

A recent State Department report argues that it would not be "economically justified" for Canada to primarily export its Keystone XL oil to countries 
other than the United States, when there are plenty of American refineries to consume it.

Some independent refineries - particularly those in the upper Midwest, but also in Texas - are in desperate need of crude oil, said Charles Ebinger, 
a senior fellow in energy security at the Brookings Institution. Currently, the refineries have to import crude from places like Venezuela and Mexico 
- though it would be cheaper and better for overall energy security to buy from a North American source, rather than pay high transport costs.

On Nov. 17, TransCanada told Reuters, it "makes no business sense for our customers to transport oil down to the U.S. Gulf Coast, pay to export it 
overseas but then pay to transport millions of barrels of higher-priced oil back to the U.S. refineries to create the products we rely on."

Ebinger added that many American refineries are geared to use heavy crude, which is what Keystone would transport from Canada's tar sands.

908) Illegally obtained, and illegally released, confidential tax information about the Koch Brothers

In August 2010, the Obama administration illegally obtained confidential tax information about the Koch Brothers from the IRS. White House economic 
advisor Austan Goolsbee illegally released this confidential information to the media.

909)  After three private companies did exactly what Obamacare told them to do, the Obama administration sued them for violating the Americans with 
Disabilities Act

Obamacare encourages employers to offer their employees financial incentives to engage in healthy behaviors, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, 
etc. However, in November 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had sued Honeywell International and two smaller companies for doing 
exactly that. The Obama administration claimed that by doing what Obamacare told them to do, they were violating the Americans With Disabilities Act.

910) November 2014 Gallup poll showed that Obamacare made health care less affordable, which is the opposite of what Obama had promised

President Obama signed Obamacare in March 2010. In November 2014, the Daily Caller reported:

Gallup: Peak Number Of Americans Delaying Medical Care Over Costs

One in three Americans has put off seeking medical treatment in 2014 due to high costs, according to Gallup - the highest percentage since Gallup 
began asking the question in 2001. 

Thirty-three percent of Americans have delayed medical treatment for themselves or their families because of the costs they'd have to pay, according 
to the survey. Obamacare, of course, had promised that it would help make health care more affordable for everyone, but the number of people who 
can't afford a trip to the doctor has actually risen three points since 2013, before most Obamacare provisions took effect.

The hardest-hit: the middle-class. Americans with an annual household income of between $30,000 and $75,000 began delaying medical care over costs 
more in 2014, up to 38 percent in 2014 from 33 percent last year; among households that earn above $75,000, 28 percent delayed care this year, 
compared to just 17 percent last year.

911) Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber secretly told the Democratic governor of Wisconsin that Obamacare would make premiums more expensive, at the 
same time that Obama was telling everyone it would make them less expensive

In November 2014, it was reported that in 2010, when Obama was telling everyone that Obamacare would make premiums less expensive, Obamacare 
architect Jonathan Gruber secretly told Jim Doyle, the Democratic governor of Wisconsin, that Obamacare would make premiums more expensive.

912) Obama nominated the defender of a convicted cop killer to be the head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division

In 2014, Obama nominated Debo Adegbile to be the head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. Previously, Adegbile had worked as a lawyer 
for Mumia Abu-Jamal, who had been convicted of murdering a Philadelphia police officer. After Abu-Jamal had been sentenced to death, Adegbile got the 
death sentence overturned.

913) Illegally made it easier for illegal aliens who were convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse, burglary, unlawful possession or use of a 
firearm, drug dealing, and drunk driving, to stay in the U.S. after they finish their prison sentence

In November 2014, Obama made it easier for illegal aliens who were convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse, burglary, unlawful possession or use 
of a firearm, drug dealing, and drunk driving, to stay in the U.S. after they finish their prison sentence. Because Obama did this without approval 
from Congress, his action was illegal.

914) After Palestinian terrorists murdered four Jews at a synagogue in Jerusalem, Obama said, "too many Palestinians have died"

In November 2014, after Palestinian terrorists murdered four Jews at a synagogue in Jerusalem, Obama said, "too many Palestinians have died."

915) As part of Obama's "stimulus," he gave google billionaires a $1.6 billion loan guarantee to build a solar power plant that only produced half as 
much electricity as what they had predicted

Ivanpah is a solar power company owned by Google, BrightSource Energy, and NRG.

In April 2011, as part of Obama's "stimulus," Obama gave Ivanpah a $1.6 billion loan guarantee to build a solar power plant.

In November 2014, when the plant was up and running, Associated Press reported that it was producing only "about half of its expected annual 
output." The California Energy Commission blamed this failure on "clouds, jet contrails, and weather."

In November 2014, Ivanpah asked Obama for a $539 million bailout.

Google is owned by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. At the time they requested this $539 million bailout, Page was the 19th richest person in the world, 
with assets of $30.4 billion, and Brin was the 20th richest person in the world, with assets of $30 billion.

916) Photographs from 2007 show Obama marching with and speaking to the New Black Panther Party

These photographs from 2007 show Obama marching with and speaking to the New Black Panther Party.

917) Refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for their plot to commit murder and bombing

In a November 2014 undercover sting operation, the St. Louis police sold a fake bomb to members of the New Black Panther Party, who thought they were 
buying a real bomb. They tried to buy two additional bombs, but the EBT card that they were using did not have enough money on it. They were planning 
to murder Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson and St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, and bomb the Gateway Arch.

Normally, the federal government would have charged them with terrorism.

However, the Obama administration refused to charge them with terrorism, or with plotting to commit murder and bombing. The only charges filed by the 
federal government were for making false statements when they attempted to purchase two 0.45 caliber pistols. The federal indictment made no mention 
whatsoever of their plot to commit murder and bombing.

918) Refused to explain why he nominated a campaign fundraiser who knew nothing about Hungary to be the ambassador of Hungary

In December 2014, Colleen Bell became the new U.S. ambassador to Hungary, even though she had been unable to name even one strategic interest the 
U.S. had with Hungary during her conformation hearing. When ABC reporter Jon Karl asked White House spokesman Josh Earnest why Bell was given this 
position, Earnest refused to answer. Bell had helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obama's 2012 campaign.

919) Falsely said that letting illegal aliens stay in the U.S. "will help secure the border"

In December 2014, the Obama administration released a fact sheet which falsely said that letting illegal aliens stay in the U.S. "will help secure 
the border."

920) Refused to pay Obamacare navigators for work that they had done more than half a year earlier

In November 2014, it was reported that some Obamacare navigators had not been paid for work that they had done at the beginning of the year.

921) Forced some people to buy an Obamacare policy even though they were also enrolled in Medicare

In December 2014, it was reported that some people were being forced to buy an Obamacare policy even though they were already enrolled in Medicare. 
When these people tried to cancel their Obamacare plans, they were unable to do so.

922) After police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, Obama ignored the testimony from seven black witnesses, and the forensic 

On October 23, 2014, the Huffington Post reported:

Over a half-dozen black witnesses who have testified before a grand jury deciding whether to indict the police officer who killed Michael Brown have 
provided testimony that "largely supports" Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson's account of events...

... forensic evidence showed that Brown's blood was on the gun... other evidence was consistent with Wilson's account of the shooting...

Based on this testimony and evidence, a St. Louis County grand jury decided on November 25, 2014, that it would not file charges against officer 

When Obama expressed his disappointment with the grand jury's decision, he made no reference to these "witnesses" or "evidence." The complete text of 
Obama's statement can be read here.

In addition, after the grand jury announced its decision, the Obama administration said that it would continue its own investigation of officer 

923) For some families, Obamacare's "affordable" insurance can cost them "almost a quarter of their family income"

In December 2014, NPR reported:

Don Benfield of Taylorsville, N.C., makes $11 an hour...

The situation only gets worse if Benfield decided to add his wife to his employer policy. Adding her would nearly triple the annual cost, driving it 
up to $6,200 a year, almost a quarter of their family income.

924) Illegally told employers that they could not dump their sick employees onto Obamacare exchanges

Obamacare allows employers to dump their sick employees onto Obamacare exchanges. However, in December 2014, the Obama administration told employers 
that they were not allowed to do this. Because Obama made this change to Obamacare without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

925) Illegally ordered for cash benefits to be given to illegal aliens

In November 2014, Obama ordered for cash benefits to be given to illegal aliens. Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action 
was illegal.

926) Released 30,862 foreign criminals into U.S. cities and neighborhoods during fiscal year 2014

During fiscal year 2014, Obama released 30,862 foreign criminals into U.S. cities and neighborhoods.

927) Deported less than 1% of illegal aliens during fiscal year 2014

During fiscal year 2014, Obama deported less than 1% of the illegal aliens who were living in the U.S.

928) Falsely said "the good book says don't throw stones at glass houses"

In December 2014, Obama falsely said, "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses."

929) Illegally made it easier for illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections

According to federal law, if an illegal alien with a child born in the U.S. wants to apply to become a U.S. citizen, the illegal alien must leave the 
U.S. and wait 10 years before their U.S. born adult child can sponsor them for citizenship. If and when they eventually do become a U.S. citizen, 
they would then be allowed to vote in U.S. elections. However, in November 2014, Obama eliminated this 10 year waiting requirement. Because he did 
this without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

930) "I'm an Obama supporter. But Obamacare has hurt my family. Obamacare has been far more frustrating than I'd ever dreamed."

In December 2014, the Washington Post wrote:

I'm an Obama supporter. But Obamacare has hurt my family.

Obamacare has been far more frustrating than I'd ever dreamed.

By Catherine Keefe

December 10, 2014

Obamacare brought us new health insurance options, but cost us our more affordable plans.

In November 2013, Jim learned his small-business policy would be canceled because it didn't comply with the new mandate to cover pediatric dentistry 
and maternity care.

The individual plan I had with Blue Cross was canceled, too.

We learned patience, but we couldn't keep our doctors.

We had applied online and sent copies of our passports to California Covered for verification, but we received no bill, no confirmation of our 
coverage, no insurance cards. Jim spent an hour and a half on hold once before getting disconnected. He tried again the next day, waiting another two 
hours before getting disconnected.

... the urologist wouldn't accept our new Blue Shield plan - even though the Blue Shield website said he did.

We have no choice to opt out of the required pediatric dentistry or maternity coverage we'll never use...

931) Skipped 57% of his daily intelligence briefings during his first term

During Obama's first term, he skipped 57% of his daily intelligence briefings.

932) Obama said 20% of female college students are sexually assaulted, but a study by his own Department of Justice said the actual number was 0.61%

Obama said 20% of female college students are sexually assaulted, but a study by his own Department of Justice said the actual number was 0.61%.

The 20% figure came from a study that counted "attempted forced kissing" as sexual assault.

933) Illegally used a racial double standard to decide who would get prosecuted for growing and selling marijuana

In December 2014, the Obama administration said that it would not prosecute Native Americans for growing and selling marijuana. This exemption is 
illegal for two reasons. First, the exemption was not approved by Congress. And secondly, the Constitution requires that federal laws apply equally 
to everyone.

934) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 against the Obama administration's claim that international law superseded U.S. law

In 1993, the U.S. adopted an international treaty called "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of 
Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction." The purpose of this treaty was to deal with the possible widespread use of chemical weapons against large 
numbers of people by terrorists.

However, the Obama administration used this treaty to prosecute a woman who, after finding out that her husband had had an affair with another woman, 
used toxic chemicals to contaminate the mailbox and car of that other woman. The Obama administration argued that international law superseded U.S. 
law. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that this crime fell under the jurisdiction of state government, and not the international treaty.

935) Harvard faculty members who supported the passage of Obamacare later complained that they had to pay for it

In January 2015, the New York Times reported:

For years, Harvard's experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a 
reasonable cost. But those remedies will now be applied to the Harvard faculty, and the professors are in an uproar.

Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes that would 
require them and thousands of other Harvard employees to pay more for health care. The university says the increases are in part a result of the 
Obama administration's Affordable Care Act, which many Harvard professors championed.

The faculty vote came too late to stop the cost increases from taking effect this month, and the anger on campus remains focused on questions that 
are agitating many workplaces: How should the burden of health costs be shared by employers and employees? If employees have to bear more of the 
cost, will they skimp on medically necessary care, curtail the use of less valuable services, or both?

In Harvard's health care enrollment guide for 2015, the university said it "must respond to the national trend of rising health care costs, including 
some driven by health care reform," in the form of the Affordable Care Act. The guide said that Harvard faced "added costs" because of provisions in 
the health care law that extend coverage for children up to age 26, offer free preventive services like mammograms and colonoscopies and, starting in 
2018, add a tax on high-cost insurance, known as the Cadillac tax.

Richard F. Thomas, a Harvard professor of classics and one of the world's leading authorities on Virgil, called the changes "deplorable, deeply 
regressive, a sign of the corporatization of the university."

Mary D. Lewis, a professor who specializes in the history of modern France and has led opposition to the benefit changes, said they were tantamount 
to a pay cut. "Moreover," she said, "this pay cut will be timed to come at precisely the moment when you are sick, stressed or facing the challenges 
of being a new parent."

Jerry R. Green, a professor of economics and a former provost who has been on the Harvard faculty for more than four decades, said the new out-of-
pocket costs could lead people to defer medical care or diagnostic tests, causing more serious illnesses and costly complications in the future.

"It's equivalent to taxing the sick," Professor Green said. "I don't think there's any government in the world that would tax the sick."

"It seems that Harvard is trying to save money by shifting costs to sick people," said Mary C. Waters, a professor of sociology. "I don't understand 
why a university with Harvard's incredible resources would do this. What is the crisis?"

936) Nominated someone for attorney general who had illegally used secret sentencing procedures to reward criminals for their cooperation

In January 2015, it was reported that Loretta Lynch, Obama's nominee for attorney general, had illegally used secret sentencing procedures to reward 
criminals for their cooperation.

937) Although Obama said Obamacare would reduce the number of E.R. visits, a Harvard study showed there was actually an increase

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama said it would reduce the number of emergency room visits. However, a study published by Harvard University in 
January 2014 showed that Obamacare had actually caused an increase in emergency room visits.

938) Although Obama claims to be against income inequality, he dined at a restaurant that charges $500,000 to be a "Charter Member," and $50,000 to 
be a "Special Member" 

Although Obama claims to be against income inequality, in January 2015 he dined at a restaurant that charges $500,000 to be a "Charter Member," and 
$50,000 to be a "Special Member."

939) Gave federal employees in Cannes, France, a travel allowance of $702 per day, even though a three star hotel in that city only cost about $100 
per night

In December 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had given federal employees in Cannes, France, a travel allowance of $702 per day, 
even though a three star hotel in that city only cost about $100 per night.

940) Illegally seized seven bows from the Budapest Festival Orchestra at JFK International Airport based on a false accusation that they were made 
from ivory

In June 2014, the Obama administration illegally seized seven bows from the Budapest Festival Orchestra at JFK International Airport based on a false 
accusation that they were made from ivory. At the time, all seven bows had documentation with letters and and photographs from their makers which 
proved that they did not contain any ivory.

941) Illegally destroyed 13 handmade flutes belonging to Boujemaa Razgui at JFK International Airport based on a false claim that they were "fresh" 

In December 2013, the Obama administration illegally destroyed 13 handmade flutes belonging to Boujemaa Razgui at JFK International Airport based on 
a false claim that they were "fresh" bamboo.

942) Spent $550 million of taxpayers' money on "improvements" to the FBI's IT system which actually made it worse

In September 2014, it was reported that the FBI had spent $550 million of taxpayers' money on "improvements" to its IT system which actually made it 

943) Falsely said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant "is not Islamic"

In September 2014, Obama falsely said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant "is not Islamic."

944) Signed a law that allows unions to cut the retirement benefits of their workers and retirees if the plan is 20% or more underfunded

In December 2014, Obama signed a law that allows unions to cut the retirement benefits of their workers and retirees if the plan is 20% or more 

945) Forced a pair of U.S. Army captains to change their wedding plans at the last minute so he could play a round of golf

In December 2014, Obama forced a pair of U.S. Army captains to change their wedding plans at the last minute so he could play a round of golf.

946) After Vermont paid Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber $80,000 for his "research assistants," Gruber refused to provide the names, W-2's, and 
other information to prove that these "research assistants" actually existed

In November 2014, after Vermont paid Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber $80,000 for his "research assistants," Gruber refused a request to provide 
the names, W-2's, and other information to prove that these "research assistants" actually existed.

947) Obama said that it's wrong to criticize a man who raped a child

When Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was 53 years old, he raped a girl who was either nine or ten years old at the time.

In September 2012, Obama said:

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

You can see him saying it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPKf5IUGn_Y

948) Falsely said "My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live 
their lives and see their children live better lives"

In 2009, Obama said:

"My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and 
see their children live better lives."

However, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution which says that that is part of the President's job.

949) Although 44% of college graduates were already working at jobs that did not require a college degree, Obama proposed that even more people go to 

In January 2015, Obama proposed that anyone with a C+ average should get two years of free tuition at community college. However, in June 2013, 44% 
of college graduates were already working at jobs that did not require a college degree.

950) Commander-in-Chief Obama gave female Navy recruits an exemption from getting a mandatory short haircut when they arrive at boot camp

Although Obama claims to believe that women and men should be treated the same, in January 2015 Commander-in-Chief Obama gave female Navy recruits an 
exemption from getting a mandatory short haircut when they arrive at boot camp.

951) Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said "The real substance of cost control is all about a single thing: telling patients they can't have 
something they want."

In October 2009, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber wrote:

"The real substance of cost control is all about a single thing: telling patients they can't have something they want."

Although liberals ignored Gruber's remark, two months earlier, in August 2009, they were very critical of Sarah Palin's claim that Obamacare would 
result in "death panels."

I don't know if Palin's claim about "death panels" is true or false. But I do know that the liberals who criticized Palin's statement while ignoring 
Gruber's statement were being hypocritical.

952) Announced plans to illegally create a new retirement plan

In January 2014, Obama announced that he would order the Treasury to create a new retirement plan. Because Obama was planning to do this without 
approval from Congress, his plan was illegal.

953) Only 9% of the illegal aliens that Obama had freed during the border surge of 2012-2014 showed up for their mandatory court appearance

In December 2014, it was reported that only 9% of the illegal aliens that Obama had freed during the border surge of 2012-2014 showed up for their 
mandatory court appearance.

954) Obama gave funding to the Free Syrian Army, which is controlled by Al-Qaeda

In December 2014, it was reported that Obama had given funding to the Free Syrian Army, which was controlled by Al-Qaeda.

955) Obamacare illegally gave the President powers that were not permitted by the Constitution

In December 2014, the American Spectator wrote:

The Constitution does not permit Congress to cede its legislative powers to any other branch of the government. Yet, this is precisely what the 
Democrats did in the case of IPAB. Prior to the passage of Obamacare only Congress had the power to make changes to Medicare's payment rates or 
coverage. But PPACA transferred that power to IPAB, an Executive branch body whose members will be appointed by the President.

956) Instead of prosecuting Alissa Starzak for stealing classified documents from the CIA, Obama nominated her to be the U.S. Army's top lawyer

In December 2014, it was reported that Alissa Starzak had stolen classified documents from the CIA. However, instead of prosecuting her, Obama 
nominated her to be the U.S. Army's top lawyer.

957) Obama refused to fire or prosecute NSA employees who illegally used the NSA's spying technology to spy on their romantic partners

In December 2014, it was reported that Obama had refused to fire or prosecute NSA employees who illegally used the NSA's spying technology to spy on 
their romantic partners.

958) Social Security Administration broke its promise to "immediately" stop collecting debts from the children of people who had been wrongly paid 
decades earlier

In April 2014, the Social Security Administration said it would "immediately" stop collecting debts from the children of people who had been wrongly 
paid decades earlier. However, in December 2014, it was still making such collections.

959) Awarded a grant to create a video game which involves the player "consensually slapping her girlfriend in the face"

In 2013, the National Endowment for the Arts awarded a grant to create a video game which involves the player "consensually slapping her girlfriend 
in the face."

960) Illegally seized $33,000 from law abiding restaurant owner Carole Hinders

In 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had illegally seized $33,000 from Iowa restaurant owner Carole Hinders, even though she had 
not been charged with any crime.

961) "Ecuador Family Wins Favors After Donations to Democrats"

In December 2014, the New York Times reported:

Ecuador Family Wins Favors After Donations to Democrats

The Obama administration overturned a ban preventing a wealthy, politically connected Ecuadorean woman from entering the United States after her 
family gave tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic campaigns, according to finance records and government officials.

The woman, Estefanía Isaías, had been barred from coming to the United States after being caught fraudulently obtaining visas for her maids. But the 
ban was lifted at the request of the State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton so that Ms. Isaías could work for an 
Obama fund-raiser with close ties to the administration.

962) During Obama's first six years as President, new rules issued by the EPA contained 43 times as many words as the Gutenberg Bible

During Obama's first six years as President, new rules issued by the EPA contained 43 times as many words as the Gutenberg Bible.

963) For four years after a new NASA rocket program was cancelled, Obama continued construction of a $349 million test facility that had been started 
by President Bush

In 2007, when Bush was President, NASA started constructing a $349 million test facility for a new rocket program in Gulfport, Misissippi. In 2010, 
the rocket program was canceled. However, the construction of the test facility continued for four more years. In June 2014, the construction was 
finished, at which point the test facility was shut down, never having been used.

964) Hired a convicted thief to work at HUD, who then went on to steal more than $800,000 of taxpayers' money

After Brian Thompson was convicted of theft, HUD hired him as a GS-13 loan guarantee specialist, for an annual salary of nearly $90,000. He then went 
on to embezzle more than $800,000 of taxpayers' money. The Obama administration said that criminal background checks were a form of "race 

965) Spent $33,341 to find out if gay and lesbian couples lived near stores that sold cigarettes

In December 2014, the Obama administration spent $33,341 to find out if gay and lesbian couples lived near stores that sold cigarettes.

966) Allowed his friend Al Sharpton to avoid being prosecuted for long term non-payment of millions of dollars of taxes

During Obama's first six years as President, his friend Al Sharpton visited the White House 72 times. In 2009, Sharpton owed $1.1 million in back 
taxes. As of November 2014, Shaprton owed more than $4.5 million in back taxes.

967) Although carbon dioxide is the bottom of the food chain, John Holdren, Obama's science adviser, said we should try to get its emissions "close 
to zero by 2100?

Carbon dioxide is the bottom of the food chain. All plants and algae need to consume it in order to live. Every living person and animal emits it. 
However, in December 2014, John Holdren, Obama's science adviser, said we should try to get carbon dioxide emissions "close to zero by 2100."

968) Used taxpayers' money to fund a "blacks only" meeting for the All African People's Revolutionary Party

In December 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had given taxpayers' money to the All African People's Revolutionary Party to fund a 
"blacks only" meeting in Portland, Oregon.

969) Lied about the rate of economic growth

Although the economic growth rate during the third quarter of 2014 was 2.7%, the Obama administration falsely claimed that it was 5.0%.

970) Eric Schultz, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary, falsely said "We don't give concessions to terrorist organizations"

In May 2014, Obama released five "high risk" Taliban terrorists in exchange for U.S. military deserter Bowe Bergdahl. However, in January 2015, Eric 
Schultz, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary, said, "We don't give concessions to terrorist organizations."

971) The "most transparent administration in history" said it won't let the public see its 332 page net neutrality plan until after the FCC voted on 
its implementation

In February 2015, the Obama administration said that it would not let the public see its 332 page proposal for net neutrality until after the FCC 
voted on its implementation.

972) Obama's 332 page net neutrality plan contained excessive levels of taxation and regulation

Republican FCC Commissioner Ajit Paisaid said that Obama's net neutrality plan was 332 pages long, and that

"It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works..."

"The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband... These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and 
more hidden fees that they have to pay."

"The plan saddles small, independent businesses and entrepreneurs with heavy-handed regulations that will push them out of the market... As a result, 
Americans will have fewer broadband choices. This is no accident. Title II was designed to regulate a monopoly. If we impose that model on a vibrant 
broadband marketplace, a highly regulated monopoly is what we'll get."

The Daily Caller reported:

In his initial cursory overview of the plan, the commissioner said it would hinder broadband investment, slow network speed and expansion, limit 
outgrowth to rural areas of the country and reduce Internet service provider (ISP) competition.

973) "President Obama's 2016 budget targets retirement accounts"

In February 2015, MSN published this article titled "President Obama's 2016 budget targets retirement accounts."

974) Tax Policy Center, a liberal think tank, said Obama's proposed "middle class" tax cut was actually an increase in taxes for the middle class

In January 2015, Tax Policy Center, a liberal think tank, said that Obama's proposed "middle class" tax cut was actually an increase in taxes for the 
middle class. Specifically, it said Obama's policy would result in a seven dollar tax increase for the middle quintile.

975) Bill Maher said Obama "... is perhaps the worst president we've had on clamping down on the press"

In January 2015, Bill Maher said Obama...

"... is perhaps the worst president we've had on clamping down on the press."

976) George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley said of Obama, "... many of his actions... are violations of his oath of 

In January 2015, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley said of Obama:

"The effort to establish unilateral authority presents an existential threat to our system of government. Although the President has insisted that he 
is merely exercising executive discretion, any such discretion by definition can only occur within the scope of granted authority and only to the 
extent that it is not curtailed by the language of the Constitution. This includes his obligation to faithfully execute the law. U.S. Const. art. II, 
§ 3, cl. 4. Some of the President's actions can be viewed as within permissible lines of discretion. However, many of his actions cannot and are 
violations of his oath of office. That oath is not merely an affirmative pledge to defend the Constitution but to yield to its limitations on his own 
authority. To put it simply, that was the deal struck on January 20, 2013."

977) Julie Moreno borrowed $14,000 to pay for cataract surgery because her Obamacare policy refused to pay for it

In February 2015, it was reported that Julie Moreno of Mountain View, California, borrowed $14,000 to pay for cataract surgery because her Obamacare 
policy refused to pay for it.

978) Lied about the unemployment rate

In February 2015, Gallup CEO Jim Clifton wrote:

The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

Here's something that many Americans - including some of the smartest and most educated among us - don't know: The official unemployment rate, as 
reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading 
for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to 
stay in the market.

None of them will tell you this: If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job - if you are so 
hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks - the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. 
While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly 
in the news - currently 5.6%. Right now, as many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed. Trust me, the vast 
majority of them aren't throwing parties to toast "falling" unemployment.

There's another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you're an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail 
manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 - maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn - you're not 
officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this.

Yet another figure of importance that doesn't get much press: those working part time but wanting full-time work. If you have a degree in chemistry 
or math and are working 10 hours part time because it is all you can find - in other words, you are severely underemployed - the government doesn't 
count you in the 5.6%. Few Americans know this.

There's no other way to say this. The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently 
unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.

979) Instead of deporting illegal aliens, the Obama administration spent taxpayers' money to give them hormone therapy

In January 2015, it was reported that instead of deporting illegal aliens, the Obama administration spent taxpayers' money to give them hormone 

980) Illegally gave 982,000 work permits to illegal aliens and other foreign nationals who were not legally qualified for admission

During Obama's first six years as President, he illegally gave 982,000 work permits to illegal aliens and other foreign nationals who were not 
legally qualified for admission.

981) Obamacare customer service telephone number connected an Obamacare customer to "someone reading off a script in the Philippines"

In November 2014, a New York Times article on Obamacare said that Health Republic Insurance was

... a new co-op plan created under the law, for people who lived in the area.

In February 2015, the New York Times wrote:

Compounding the problem is the lack of basic information to shop effectively. When Andrea Greenberg, a New York lawyer, called the help line of 
Health Republic to clarify the difference between two plans, she found herself speaking to someone reading off a script in the Philippines. "I was 
really outraged," she said. "This is an important decision with potentially dire consequences. It's not like you're choosing a sweater."

982) During the first year that Obamacare was in effect, the percentage of U.S. citizens who said they had trouble affording health care increased 
from 36% to 46%

In February 2015, the New York Times wrote:

A recent New York Times/CBS poll found that 46 percent of Americans said they had trouble affording health care, up 10 percentage points in just one 

983) A year after Obamacare took effect, the New York Times wrote, "For still others, the new fees are so confusing and unsupportable that they just 
avoid seeing doctors"

A February 2015 New York Times article on Obamacare said:

"For still others, the new fees are so confusing and unsupportable that they just avoid seeing doctors."

984) Although Obamacare gives employers an incentive to reduce their employees' hours, Obama criticized companies that actually responded to this 

Because Obamacare's employer mandate only applies to employees who work 30 or more hours per week, it gives employers an incentive to reduce their 
employees' hours to 29 hours per week.

In July 2013, the New York Times reported that Obamacare

"... sharply penalizes full-time employment in favor of part-time employment."

In July 2013, leaders of the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE sent a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi which said that Obamacare will

"... destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class... the law creates an incentive for employers 
to keep employees' work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers' hours to avoid this obligation."

Although it was Obama himself who signed Obamacare into law in March 2010, in February 2015 Obama said:

"... when I hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse 
for cutting back workers' wages, shame on them."

985) Falsely said, "There is no reason for an employer who is not currently providing health care to their workers to discourage them from either 
getting health insurance on the job or being able to avail themselves of the Affordable Care Act."

In February 2015, Obama said:

"There is no reason for an employer who is not currently providing health care to their workers to discourage them from either getting health 
insurance on the job or being able to avail themselves of the Affordable Care Act."

However, in the same article, Reuters explained that there is indeed such a reason:

"The Affordable Care Act requires companies with more than 50 employees to pay for health insurance for people who work 30 hours a week or more. 
Reuters has reported that some businesses are keeping staffing numbers below 50 or cutting the work week to less than 30 hours to avoid providing 
employee health insurance."

986) In February 2015, Democrats who voted for Obamacare complained that people actually had to pay for it

In February 2015, Associated Press reported:

Democrats seek relief from health law penalties

Senior Democrats seek sign-up extension for people facing health law penalties

Three senior House members told The Associated Press that they plan to strongly urge the administration to grant a special sign-up opportunity for 
uninsured taxpayers who will be facing fines under the law for the first time this year.

The three are Michigan's Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, and 
Lloyd Doggett of Texas. All worked to help steer Obama's law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010.

"Open enrollment period ended before many Americans filed their taxes," the three lawmakers said in a statement. "Without a special enrollment 
period, many people (who will be paying fines) will not have another opportunity to get health coverage this year.

"A special enrollment period will not only help many Americans avoid making an even larger payment next year, but, more importantly, it will help 
them gain quality health insurance for 2015," the lawmakers added.

987) "Top teacher" said she resigned because of Obama's Common Core and Obama's continuation of Bush's No Child Left Behind

In February 2015, Stacie Starr, winner of the 2014 "Top Teacher" award by "Live with Kelly and Michael," said that she was resigning because of 
Obama's Common Core and Obama's continuation of Bush's No Child Left Behind. She did not quit teaching per se. Instead, she resigned her official 
teaching position, and said she would be focusing her efforts on alternative systems of education that were not controlled by the federal 

988) Gave out even more illegal exemptions to Obamacare

In February 2015, Obama gave out even more exemptions to Obamacare. Because he did this without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

989) Sent false tax information to 800,000 Obamacare enrollees

In February 2015, it was reported that the Obama administration had sent false tax information to 800,000 Obamacare enrollees.

990) Falsely said that "economic grievances" were a cause of terrorism

In February 2015, Obama said that "economic grievances" were a contributing factor to terrorism. However, in the real world, many terrorists come 
from middle class and wealthy backgrounds.

991) Illegally continued part of his illegal amnesty program even after a federal judge blocked it

In February 2015, the Obama administration continued part of its illegal amnesty program even after a federal judge blocked it.

992) Department of Energy spent taxpayers' money on a casino night, a Super Bowl party, a golf tournament, a banquet on a dinner cruise boat, and 
dinner at the NASCAR Hall of Fame

Between April 2013 and September 2014, the Department of Energy spent taxpayers' money on a casino night, a Super Bowl party, a golf tournament, a 
banquet on a dinner cruise boat, and a dinner at the NASCAR Hall of Fame.

993) Advised border patrol agents to release drunk drivers

In February 2015, the Obama administration advised border patrol agents to release drunk drivers.

994) Made it possible for illegal aliens to collect back tax refunds even if they had never actually paid any taxes

In February 2015, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress that Obama's amnesty program for illegal aliens made it possible form them to collect 
back tax refunds even if they had never actually paid any taxes.

995) After an Islamic terrorist who murdered four Jews at a kosher supermarket in France said he had specifically targeted them because they were 
Jewish, Obama falsely said the attack was "random"

In January 2015, an Islamic terrorist named Ahmedy Coulibaly murdered four Jews at Hyper Cacher, a kosher supermarket in France.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Coulibaly called a French TV station from the kosher supermarket and said he was an al-Qaida terrorist and that he chose the kosher supermarket 
because he wanted to kill Jews.

However, Obama said the murders were "random."

996) Broke his promise to release a 28 page document which allegedly proved that the Saudi Arabian government had supported the September 11, 2001 
terrorist attacks

In September 2014, it was reported that Obama had broken his promise to release a 28 page document which allegedly proved that the Saudi Arabian 
government had supported the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

997) Pressured colleges to adopt sexual harassment rules that were so bad that 28 Harvard Law School professors signed a letter of protest

In February 2015, it was reported that the Department of Education had pressured colleges to adopt sexual harassment rules that were so bad that 28 
Harvard Law School professors signed a letter which criticized the rules for being "inconsistent with many of the most basic principles we teach" and 
for giving accused people "the absence of any adequate opportunity to confront witnesses and present a defense." The complete text of the letter can 
be read here.

998) Illegally refused to provide annual reports on ways to reduce the complexity of the tax code

In January 2015, it was reported that the IRS had illegally refused to provide annual reports on ways to reduce the complexity of the tax code.

999) Illegally implemented net neutrality rules

In February 2015, the Obama administration implemented net neutrality rules. Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action was 

1,000) Falsely said there were "nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country"

In June 2009, Obama said there were

"nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country"

However, in June 2009, PolitiFact wrote:

We are using numbers from the CIA Online World Factbook, a highly regarded government source for global statistics. It's updated twice a month, and 
we're relying on the latest version. By the World Factbook's count, Muslims in the United States make up about 0.6 percent of the population. That's 
around 1.8 million.

1,001) Held a fundraiser in the living room of terrorist bomber and communist Bill Ayers

In 1969, a guy named Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground, whose founding document called for "world communism."

In 1969, Ayers set off a bomb in Chicago at a statue that was dedicated to the city's police. At the time of the explosion, no one was close enough 
to the statue to be killed. However, the explosion was so powerful that it broke almost 100 windows.

On March 6, 1970, three members of Weather Underground, including Diana Oughton (Ayers's girlfriend) and Terry Robbins (Ayers's close friend), were 
killed when they accidentally, prematurely set off a bomb which they were in the process of building, in their townhouse in the Greenwich Village 
neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. The explosion was so powerful that it destroyed the entire four-story townhouse.

In 1970, Ayers bombed the headquarters of the New York City Police Department.

In 1971, Ayers bombed the United States Capitol building.

In 1972, Ayers bombed the Pentagon.

Although charges were filed against Ayers for these bombings, the charges were later dropped because law enforcement agents had conducted wiretaps 
and property searches without warrants.

In 1995, when Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Obama held a fundraiser in the living room of Bill Ayers's home.

1,002) After Eric Holder participated in a five day takeover of an abandoned ROTC headquarters at Columbia University, Obama hired him to be the 
country's highest ranking law enforcement official

In 1970, Eric Holder participated in a five day takeover of an abandoned ROTC headquarters at Columbia University.

Afterward, Obama hired Holder to be Attorney General.

1,003) Used taxpayers' money to refurbish Muslim mosques in other countries

In July 2011, it was reported that the Obama administration had used taxpayers' money to refurbish Muslim mosques in other countries.

1,004) After Hillary Clinton stole $28,500 of furniture from the White House, Obama hired her to be Secretary of State

In February 2001, it was reported that Hillary Clinton had stolen $28,500 of furniture from the White House.

Afterward, Obama hired Clinton to be Secretary of State.

1,005) After Hillary Clinton cheated on her taxes, Obama hired her to be Secretary of State

In 1980, Hillary Clinton avoided reporting $6,498 of income from commodities trading on her income tax form.

Afterward, Obama hired Clinton to be Secretary of State.

1,006) In her own words, Hillary Clinton, Obama's Secretary of State, said that her own use of a private email account for official government 
business had "shredded" the U.S. Constitution

In 2007, when Bush was President, Hillary Clinton said that the use of private email accounts by members of the Bush administration "shredded" the 
U.S. Constitution.

However, in March 2015, it was reported that when Clinton had been Obama's Secretary of State, she herself had used a private email account to 
conduct official government businesses. Clinton's emails were not archived in official government records, even though such archiving is required by 
federal law. The New York Times reported

Mrs. Clinton's exclusive use of personal email for her government business is unusual for a high-level official, archive experts have said. Federal 
regulations, since 2009, have required that all emails be preserved as part of an agency's record-keeping system. In Mrs. Clinton's case, her emails 
were kept on her personal account and her staff took no steps to have them preserved as part of State Department record.

By using a private email account, Clinton was able to thwart record requests that had been made by Congressional investigators in 2012 regarding the 
terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

In 2013, Clinton used her private email account to thwart a Freedom of Information request by Nitasha Tiku, a reporter for Gawker, regarding 
information about Sidney Blumenthal.

The New York Times reported that Clinton's use of the private email account

protected a significant amount of her correspondence from the eyes of investigators and the public

1,007) Falsely said he learned about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account "the same time everybody else learned it 
through news reports"

In March 2015, Obama said he had first learned about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account

"the same time everybody else learned it through news reports."

However, the White House had actually been informed about Clinton's use of a private email account in August 2014.

In addition, Obama himself had emailed Clinton at her private email account.

1,008) The "most transparent administration in history" illegally ignored Freedom of Information requests from Associated Press regarding information 
on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

In March 2015, it was reported that the Obama administration had illegally ignored Freedom of Information requests from Associated Press regarding 
information on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

1,009) Gave H-1B visas to Southern California Edison so it could fire its American employees and replace them with with foreign workers - the company 
even had the nerve to order the American employees to train their foreign replacements

Although the alleged reason for the H-1B visa program is to fill jobs that Americans don't want to work at, in February 2015 it was reported that the 
Obama administration had given H-1B visas to Southern California Edison so it could fire its American employees and replace them with with foreign 
workers. The company even had the nerve to order the American employees to train their foreign replacements.

1,010) Loretta Lynch, Obama's nominee for Attorney General, falsely said that illegal aliens have a "right" to work in the U.S.

Even though it is illegal for U.S. employers to hire illegal aliens, in January 2015 Loretta Lynch, Obama's nominee for Attorney General, said:

"I believe that the right and obligation to work is shared by everyone in this country, regardless of how they came here."

1,011) Proposed an illegal retroactive tax on corporate income held abroad

In March 2015, it was reported that Obama had proposed a retroactive tax on corporate income held abroad. However, retroactive taxes are illegal, as 
the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from passing ex post facto laws.

1,012) Even though it would be illegal, Josh Earnest, Obama's Press Secretary, said Obama was "very interested" in raising taxes without approval 
from Congress

Even though it would be illegal, in March 2015 Josh Earnest, Obama's Press Secretary, said Obama was "very interested" in raising taxes without 
approval from Congress.

1,013) Spent taxpayers' money to pay government employees to try to find out how a picture of one of his daughters got on the internet

In January 2015, it was reported that Obama had spent taxpayers' money to pay government employees to try to find out how a picture of one of his  
daughters got on the internet.

1,014) Falsely said the Ferguson, Missouri police department was racist because it stopped black drivers at a higher rate than white drivers, which 
contradicted a report by Obama's own administration which said the reason black drivers were stopped more often than white drivers was because black 
drivers were more likely to break the traffic laws

In March 2015, Attorney General Eric Holder said the police in Ferguson, Missouri were racist because they stopped black drivers at a higher rate 
than white drivers.

However, a 2013 report by Obama's own administration said:

Seat-belt usage is chronically lower among blacks. If a law enforcement agency aggressively enforces violations, police will stop more black drivers.

In addition, in March 2015, Investor's Business Daily wrote:

... federal data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that blacks violate traffic laws at higher rates than whites in 
every offense, including driving with an invalid license.

Also, in March 2015, the New York Post - citing statistics from the federal government - wrote:

... blacks die in car accidents at a rate about twice their share of car owners.

1,015) Falsely said the proposed Keystone XL pipeline "bypasses the United States"

In February 2015, Obama said:

"I've already said I'm happy to look at how we can increase pipeline production for U.S. oil, but Keystone is for Canadian oil to send that down to 
the Gulf. It bypasses the United States and is estimated to create a little over 250, maybe 300 permanent jobs. We should be focusing more broadly on 
American infrastructure for American jobs and American producers, and that's something that we very much support."

Afterward, the Washington Post responded with:

The crude oil would travel to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined into products such as motor gasoline and diesel fuel (known as a distillate 
fuel in the trade). Current trends suggest that only about half of that refined product would be exported, and it could easily be lower.

A report released in February by IHS Energy, which consults for energy companies, concluded that "Canadian crude making its way to the USGC  will 
likely be refined there, and most of the refined products are likely to be consumed in the United States." It added that "for Gulf refineries, heavy 
bitumen blends from the oil sands are an attractive substitute for declining offshore heavy crude supply from Latin America." It concluded that 70 
percent of the refined product would be consumed in the United States.

Enviromentalists dismiss IHS as a biased source, but the analysis mirrors the conclusions of the State Department's final environmental impact 
statement on the Keystone XL project. This is what is especially strange about Obama's remarks, as he appears to be purposely ignoring the findings 
of the lead Cabinet agency on the issue.

1,016) Proposed a new rule that would falsely define ditches, drains, seasonal puddle-like depressions, intermittent streams, and ponds as "navigable 

In February 2015, the EPA proposed a new rule that would falsely define ditches, drains, seasonal puddle-like depressions, intermittent streams, and 
ponds as "navigable waters."

1,017) "Why This Liberal No Longer Supports Universal Health Care: An Open Letter to President Obama"

Melissa Klein lives in San Francisco, California. In February 2015, she wrote:

Why This Liberal No Longer Supports Universal Health Care: An Open Letter to President Obama