Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Obama: "Fuck The Rule of Law"
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:25:54 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

201) Illegally bypassed Congress to delay Obamacare's employer mandate

As the Obamacare law was written, the employer mandate was to begin in January 
2014. This is what the law said when it was passed by the House and Senate, and 
signed by President Obama.

However, in July 2013, Obama delayed the employer mandate part of Obamacare 
until January 2015. Obama did this without approval from Congress.

For Obama to change a law that was passed by Congress, without first getting 
approval from Congress, is a violation of the Presidential oath that Obama took 
to uphold and defend the Constitution.

What Obama did here is an action of a dictator, not an action of a President 
whose power is limited by a written constitution.

If Obama can get away with this, then it sets a horribly dangerous precedent, 
and means that the President can arbitrarily make any change to any law that 
has been passed by Congress, without first getting approval from Congress.

202) Made it too hard for some doctors to continue their practices

In July 2013, ABC News reported that some doctors were shutting down their 
practices in response to Obamacare.

Dr. Robert WcWilliams, an obstetrician/gynecologist with more than 5,000 
patients, said:

"It's going to be run by bureaucrats - and it's going to be run by politicians 
- who have no idea what is in your best interests, then I'm getting out."

203) Falsely told Africans that contaminated water is a smaller problem than 
global warming

In July 2013, while speaking in Johannesburg, South Africa, President Obama 
said that global warming was "the biggest challenge we have environmentally" 
and that it was worse than "dirty water, dirty air."

However, according to the World Health Organization, while global warming kills 
140,000 people each year, air pollution kills 3 million people per year.

According to UNESCO, each year, contaminated water causes 4 billion cases of 
diarrhea, 120,000 cases of cholera, 300 million cases of malaria, 12 million 
cases of typhoid, 6 million cases of trachoma, 200 million cases of 
schistosomiesis, and more than 1 billion incidents of intestinal parasites.

You know what's worse than global warming? How about living your entire life 
without ever having access to a toilet?

The World Health Organization says that dirty water is "the leading cause of 
disease and death around the world."

That Obama would downplay these problems shows how scientifically illiterate he 

That he would do so while giving a speech in Africa, which has the highest rate 
of water borne illness of any continent, shows how thoughtless and insensitive 
he is.

204) Spent $630,000 of taxpayers' money to get more Facebook "likes"

In July 2013, it was reported that Obama had spent $630,000 of taxpayers' money 
in order to get more Facebook "likes."

205) Declared that hacking was an act of war, then hacked the EU

In 2011, the Obama administration issued a statement which said that when one 
country hacked another country's computers, the hacking constituted an "act of 

In July 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had hacked 
computers which were owned by the European Union.

206) Said "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"

In Florida, after a school security camera showed Trayvon Martin marking 
graffiti, a search of his backpack showed that it contained 12 pieces of 
women's jewelry, including silver wedding rings, and earings with diamonds. 
The backpack also had a screwdriver, which is often used as a tool by burglars. 
Martin said that the jewelry belonged to a friend, but refused to say who that 
friend was.

Why would a teenage boy bring a backpack full of silver wedding rings and 
diamond earrings to school? Do Martin's millions of defenders really think that 
he was not a burglar?

The fact that Martin was in possession of stolen jewelry at school is perfectly 
in line with George Zimmerman's claim on the 911 call that Martin was acting 
suspiciously. And there had been quite a few burglaries in the area recently.

Also on the 911 call, Zimmerman had said that Martin was acting as if he was on 
drugs. Martin's autopsy showed that there was THC in his system. And while 
other parts of marijuana can stay in the system for weeks after it's smoked, 
the THC only stays in the person's system for a few hours. Therefore, Martin 
was indeed high when Zimmerman saw him.

So Trayvon Martin was a burglar, used illegal drugs, broke Zimmerman's nose, 
and smashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete.

And how does Obama respond to all of this?

Obama said:

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

207) Falsely said that Secretary of State John Kerry had not been on his yacht 
during the regime change in Egypt

In July 2013, the Obama administration falsely said that Secretary of State 
John Kerry had not been on his yacht during the regime change in Egypt.

Evan after CBS news presented the Obama administration with photographic 
evidence that Kerry had been on his yacht during that time, the Obama 
administration still continued to falsely claim that Kerry had not been on his 

CBS News reported:

On Thursday night, CBS News obtained a photo of Kerry on his boat and sent it 
to the State Department, asking whether they still stand by their denial that 
Kerry was on a boat.

The response: "Yes."

208) Said "the planet will boil over" if African citizens adopt a first world 
standard of living

In July 2013, Obama said "the planet will boil over" if African citizens adopt 
a first world standard of living.
"the planet will boil over

209) "Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea 
Party than radical Muslims."

In June 2013, Rasmussen conducted a poll to find out what people considered to 
be the "nation's top terror threat."

Reporting on the results of the poll, Rasmussen wrote:

"Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party 
than radical Muslims."

210) Illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close, which 
destroyed 120,000 jobs

In 2009, Obama illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to 
close. These dealerships had employed 120,000 people.

211) Subsidized the production of alcoholic beverages

In June 2013, Breitbart reported:

The USDA Rural Development agency also touted a program to subsidize the Wine 
Barn LLC in "marketing and increasing production of its Kansas produced wine." 
That cost $25,000. The USDA Rural Development also said it would hand $300,000 
to the Mackinaw Trail Winery in Michigan, $100,000 for the Appleton Creek 
Winery in New York, $162,500 for the Old Westminster Winery in Maryland, and 
tens of thousands of dollars to wineries in Nebraska and Iowa.

Liquor is the name of the game for the USDA, apparently - they're also 
subsidizing the production of vodka in North Carolina, Bloody Mary mix in West 
Virginia, and hard cider in Virginia.

212) Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who 
all used the same address

In 2011, the IRS gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to 
illegal aliens who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga.

213) Sued private businesses for using "racist" criminal background checks to 
screen employees

In June 2013, the Obama administration filed lawsuits against Dollar General 
and BMW for using criminal background checks to screen employees. The Obama 
administration claimed that such background checks were "racist."

214) Used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against 
George Zimmerman

In March and April of 2012, Obama used tax money to pay federal employees to 
organize protests against George Zimmerman.

215) Illegally continued giving foreign aid to Egypt after it had a coup

Federal law requires that U.S.  foreign aid to Egypt be ended if and when Egypt 
has a coup. However, after Egypt had a coup in July 2013, the Obama 
administration said that it would continue giving foreign aid to Egypt.

216) Broke promise to end Bush's surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not 
suspected of committing a crime

In August 2007, Obama promised that he would end Bush's surveillance of U.S. 
citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime. However, in June 2013, 
such surveillance was still being conducted.

217) Spent $3 million to study the health risks of dating Mexican prostitutes

In July 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $3 
million to study the health risks of dating Mexican prostitutes.

218) Lied about the cost of IRS conferences

In June 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had lied about the 
cost of IRS conferences. While the actual cost was $50 million, the Obama 
administration had claimed that the cost was only 1% of that mount.

219) Spent $890,000 per year on service fees for bank accounts that had no 

In April 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration was spending 
$890,000 each year on service fees for bank accounts that did not have any 
money in them. At the time, the government had 13,712 empty accounts which it 
was supposed to have closed, but which it had kept open anyway.

220) Spent $34 million to construct a new military headquarters in Afghanistan 
after U.S. military commanders said they did not want it

After U.S. military commanders said in 2010 that they did not want a new 
headquarters in Afghanistan, the Obama administration spent $34 million to 
build it anyway.

221) Falsely said that his scandals were "phony"

In July 2013, Obama said

"With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony 
scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball."

These scandals are not "phony." I have cited a huge number of sources in this 
list to show that these scandals are real.

222) Falsely guaranteed that people could keep their doctor

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama said:

"Here is a guarantee that I've made... If you've got a doctor that you like, 
you will be able to keep your doctor."

However, in July 2013, the Obama administration said that people "may" be able 
to keep their doctor.

223) Falsely said the auto bailouts prevented Detroit from going bankrupt

Obama falsely stated that the auto bailouts prevented Detroit from going 

224) Illegally seized a privately owned gun from a law abiding citizen

After a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty, the Obama administration 
announced that it would seize his gun. This violated the double jeopardy clause 
of the U.S. Constitution, as well as the takings clause of the fifth amendment.

225) Broke his promise to have real time verifiability of Obamacare subsidies

In July 2013, Investor's Business Daily wrote:

Meanwhile, the administration tacitly admitted last week that its promise of 
real-time verification of a consumer's eligibility to buy subsidized coverage 
at an ObamaCare exchange wasn't exactly panning out.

Under ObamaCare, only those who don't have access to "affordable" insurance at 
work can buy coverage in an exchange, and only those below certain income 
levels are eligible for tax subsidies.

Rather than a high-tech instant check, the administration told states they 
could simply take the applicants' word for it when it comes to their employer-
provided coverage, as well as their "projected annual household income," 
without the need for "further verification."

226) Signed health care reform whose rules contradicted each other

Obamacare allows insurance companies to charge higher premiums for smokers. At 
the same time, it prohibits insurance companies from charging more than three 
times as much for older people as it does for younger people. In June 2013, 
Obama's computer programmers said that they had been unable to write a computer 
program that simultaneously agreed with both of these rules.

227) Signed a health care reform plan that is so horrible that even the IRS 
agents who run it don't want to participate in it

Obama hired 16,500 new IRS agents to run Obamacare.

But Obamacare is so awful that even the IRS agents who run it don't want to 
participate in it.

In July 2013, the National Treasury Employees Union, which represents the IRS 
employees who will be running Obamacare, provided a form letter to its members 
to send to their Congressmen. The letter stated:

"I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman 
Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health 
Benefits Program and into the insurance exchanges established under the 
Affordable Care Act."

When asked about this, IRS chief Daniel Werfel responded by saying:

"I don't want to speak for the NTEU, but I'll offer a perspective as a federal 
employee myself and a federal employee at the IRS. And that is, we have right 
now as employees of the government, of the IRS, affordable health care 
coverage. I think the ACA was designed to provide an option or an alternative 
for individuals that do not. And all else being equal, I think if you're an 
individual who is satisfied with your health care coverage, you're probably in 
a better position to stick with that coverage than go through the change of 
moving into a different environment and going through that process. So I think 
for a federal employee, I think more likely, and I would - can speak for 
myself, I would prefer to stay with the current policy that I'm pleased with 
rather than go through a change if I don't need to go through that change."

228) Tried to tax small businesses at a higher rate than corporations

Obama raised the top tax rate on small businesses to 39.6%, and tried to lower 
the top tax rate on corporations to 28%.

229) Illegally prevented individual employees of small businesses from choosing 
their own plan during the first year of Obamacare

Obamacare requires that individual employees of small businesses be allowed to 
choose their own insurance plan during the first year of Obamacare. However, in 
March 2013, the Obama administration announced that it would not be allowing 
them to make this choice during the first year.

230) Falsely said that Obamacare had not hurt jobs

In July 2013, the Obama administration said that Obamacare had not hurt jobs.

However, in the real world, in response to the medical device tax that is part 
of Obamacare, some medical device manufacturers have announced plans to layoff 
employees, including Welch Allyn (275 planned layoffs), Stryker (1,170 planned 
layoffs), and Medtronic (1,000 planned layoffs). In December 2012, Al Franken, 
Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry, and 15 other Democrats who supported the passage 
of Obamacare wrote a letter to Harry Reid, asking him to delay the tax on 
medical devices, claiming that the tax would hurt job creation in their 
districts. The New York Times reported that Obamacare "sharply penalizes full-
time employment in favor of part-time employment." In response to the employer 
mandate of Obamacare, some restaurants have announced plans to switch some of 
their employees from full time to part time, including some franchises of Olive 
Garden, Red Lobster, Wendy's, Taco Bell, White Castle, and Fatburger. Community 
College of Allegheny County switched 200 professors and 200 other employees 
from full time to part time in response to Obamacare. Clint Benjamin, an 
English professor at Community College of Allegheny County, said that this 
would reduce his own monthly pay by $600. Also in response to the employer 
mandate of Obamacare, other colleges have announced plans to switch some of 
their employees from full time to part time, including Florida's Palm Beach 
State College, Ohio's Youngstown State University, and New Jersey's Kean 
University. In Virginia, thousands of government employees had their hours 
reduced because of Obamacare. The Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh reduced the 
hours of 48 of its employees in response to Obamacare. Regal Entertainment 
Group, the largest chain of movie theaters in the country, announced that it 
would be switching thousands of its employees from full time to part time in 
response to the Obamacare mandate. Utah's Granite School District reduced the 
hours of 1,200 of its employees in response to Obamacare. In response to 
Obamacare, many Wal-Mart stores have stopped hiring full time workers. In 
response to Obamacare, Forever 21 reduced its employees' hours. As of September 
2013, more than 200 public-sector employers had reduced their employees' hours 
in response to Obamacare. Sea World reduced the weekly hours of its part time 
employees from 32 to 28 in response to Obamacare. Lands' End limited its part 
time employees to 29 hours per week in response to Obamacare. As of September 
2013, at least 34 universities and colleges had reduced some of their 
employees' hours in response to Obamacare. In September 2013, it was reported 
that in response to Obamacare, Indiana University would be laying off 50 of its 
employees and switching them to a temp agency. In July 2013, leaders of the 
Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE sent a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi 
which said that Obamacare will "destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week 
that is the backbone of the American middle class... the law creates an 
incentive for employers to keep employees' work hours below 30 hours a week. 
Numerous employers have begun to cut workers' hours to avoid this obligation."

231) Falsely said that health insurance premiums would be reduced by $2,500 per 
family by the end of his first term

In February 2008, Obama said:

"We are going to work with you to lower your premiums by $2,500. We will not 
wait 20 years from now to do it, or 10 years from now to do it. We will do it 
by the end of my first term as president."

However, by the time his first term was over, family premiums had gotten 
bigger, not smaller. The increase was $3,065 per family.

232) Illegally gave Obamacare waiver to Massachusetts

In August 2013, Obama gave an Obamacare waiver to Massachusetts.

This waiver was illegal for two reasons. First, the waiver was not approved by 
the U.S. Congress. Second, the U.S. Constitution requires that the federal 
government treat all states the same.

233) Betrayed the unions that helped him to get elected

In January 2013, the Wall Street Journal reported:

Some Unions Grow Wary of Health Law They Backed

Labor unions enthusiastically backed the Obama administration's health-care 
overhaul when it was up for debate. Now that the law is rolling out, some are 
turning sour.

Union leaders say many of the law's requirements will drive up the costs for 
their health-care plans and make unionized workers less competitive. Among 
other things, the law eliminates the caps on medical benefits and prescription 
drugs used as cost-containment measures in many health-care plans. It also 
allows children to stay on their parents' plans until they turn 26.

Some 20 million Americans are covered by the health-care plans at issue

Top officers at the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the AFL-CIO and 
other large labor groups plan to keep pressing the Obama administration to 
expand the federal subsidies to these jointly run plans, warning that unionized 
employers may otherwise drop coverage. A handful of unions say they already 
have examined whether it makes sense to shift workers off their current plans

"We are going back to the administration to say that this is not acceptable," 
said Ken Hall, general secretary-treasurer for the Teamsters, which has 1.6 
million members and dependents in health-care plans. Other unions involved in 
the push include the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and 
Unite Here

Sheet Metal Workers Local 85 in Atlanta, which has about 1,900 members. Next 
year it must lift the $250,000 annual cap on the amount it will pay for medical 
claims. The law's requirements will add between 50 cents to $1 an hour to the 
cost of members' compensation package

234) Illegally changed Obamacare to benefit members of Congress and their staff

Obamacare was passed by the House and Senate, and signed by President Obama.

Three years later, members of Congress and their staff complained that 
Obamacare was going to cost them a lot of money, and said that this would 
likely cause a brain drain among their staff. In response to this, Obama made 
changes to Obamacare so that these things would not happen. However, Obama's 
actions were illegal, because he made these changes without Congress voting on 
them first.

The New York Times wrote of this:

... the language of the health care law requires Congressional employees to 
obtain health insurance through an exchange created by the law, but other parts 
of the federal legal code restrict the ability of the federal government to pay 
the usual employer share for group insurance programs approved by the Office of 
Personnel Management.

A straightforward reading of the law thus means that Congressional staff 
members, starting in January 2014, will have to obtain insurance through the 
Affordable Care Act but pay for it on their own without the normal contribution 
from their employer - Congress. This would be a multi-thousand-dollar income 
hit for those affected... many... would potentially feel the pain, giving rise 
to concerns over a potential brain drain of Congressional staff members finding 
other employment.

... the federal personnel office initially ruled that Congressional staff 
members would not be eligible for the subsidies, and then changed this decision 
under pressure from the White House...

235) Told General Mills to stop making true claims about Cheerios

For quite some time, advertisements for the breakfast cereal Cheerios made the 
true and accurate claim that eating Cheerios lowers a person's cholesterol.

However, even though this claim is true and accurate, in May 2009, the Obama 
administration ordered General Mills, the maker of Cheerios, to stop making 
this claim in its commercials.

236) Illegally avoided enforcing the required income verification of people who 
receive subsidies for Obamacare exchanges

Even though Obamacare requires the government to verify the income of people 
who receive subsidies for Obamacare exchanges, in August 2013 it was reported 
that Obama would not be verifying their incomes.

237) Placed a 40% tax on so-called "Cadillac" insurance plans

Obamacare includes a 40% tax on so-called "Cadillac" insurance plans. In August 
2013, unions that supported the passage of Obamacare complained about this tax.

238) Made medical care for special needs children more expensive

In August 2013, it was reported that Obamacare would make it more expensive for 
the parents of special needs children to pay for their children's medical 
equipment and specialized private schools that cater to their medical needs.

239) Responded to the Benghazi attack by going back to bed, and then later got 
up and headed off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser

In September 2012, after Obama found out that U.S. citizens were being killed 
in Benghazi, Libya, he went back to bed. After he got up in the morning, he 
went off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser.

240) Illegally delayed the caps on out of pocket health care payments without 
Congressional approval

As it was passed by the House and Senate and signed by Obama, Obamacare sets 
caps on the out of pocket payments that people pay for health care, and these 
caps were legally required to take effect in January 2014.

However, in August 2013, Obama delayed these caps until January 2015.

Because Obama imposed this delay without it first being approved by Congress, 
Obama's action was illegal. The President does not have the legal authority to 
change an Act that was passed by Congress, without that change first being 
approved by Congress. What Obama did here is not the act of a President whose 
power is limited by a written constitution, but is, instead, the action of a 

241) Holds a double standard when it comes to supporting "gun free" zones

In December 2012, a petition at whitehouse.gov stated:

"Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, 
and establish Gun Free Zones around them"

"Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish 
to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and 
their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service 
agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun 
Free Zones should be good enough for politicians."

The Obama administration rejected the proposal.

242) Outlawed the low-premium, high-deductible health insurance that some 
people prefer

Obamacare bans to the low-premium, high-deductible health insurance that some 
people prefer.

243) Lied about how many people he had helped to protect from mortgage fraud

In August 2013, it was reported that less than one month before the 2012 
election, the Obama administration had lied about the number of people that it 
had helped to protect from mortgage fraud, as well as the total amount of money 
involved. In August 2013, when the truth was revealed, Newsbusters reported:

"Thus, the number of defendants fell by 80% from what DOJ claimed less than a 
month before the presidential election. The number of victims fell by 76%. The 
amount of losses involved dropped by over 90%."

244) Falsely said the NSA review was being conducted by an "independent" body

In August 2013, Obama said that he would establish an "independent" 
investigation of NSA surveillance.

However, three days later, it was reported that this so-called "independent" 
investigation would be run by James Clapper, who had falsely testified to 
Congress that the NSA was not collecting information on U.S. citizens.

245) Used tax money to pay for a separate flight just for his dog

In August 2013, Obama forced taxpayers to pay for a separate airplane flight 
just for his dog Bo.

246) Closed off public roads so he could buy books

In August 2013, Obama had public roads closed to the public so he could go to a 
bookstore. Why didn't he just order the books online?

247) Gave illegal EPA exemption to one oil refinery, and would not say which 
refinery it was

The EPA has a very expensive ethanol mandate that applies to all oil 
refineries.  However, in August 2013, it was reported that Obama had given one 
oil refinery an exemption from this mandate.

This exemption is illegal for two reasons. First, the exemption was not 
approved by Congress. And secondly, the Constitution requires that federal laws 
apply equally to everyone.

In addition, Obama refused to say which refinery it was that received this 
exemption, which is completely contrary to his repeated promises of 

248) Created new fines for charitable hospitals that give treatment to 
uninsured people

In August 2013, it was reported that Obamacare creates new fines for charitable 
hospitals that give treatment to uninsured people.

249) Blamed poverty on zip codes instead of on behavior

In July 2013, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said:

"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest-hit communities, no matter how hard 
a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, 
is determined by the ZIP Code she grows up in. This is simply wrong."

However, let's consider two groups of people in the U.S. The first group has a 
poverty rate of 2%. The second group has a poverty rate of 76%.

The first group consists of people who followed all three of these steps:

1) Finish high school.

2) Get a full-time job.

3) Wait until age 21 and get married before having children.

The second group consists of people who followed zero of those three steps.

Among people who follow all three of these steps, the poverty rate is 2%.

Among people who follow zero of these steps, the poverty rate is 76%.

(My source for that information is this article, which refers to this PDF, and 
the relevant data is on page 15 of the PDF. The study uses data from the U.S. 
Census Bureau.)

250) Nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head the 

In May 2013, Obama nominated Tom Wheeler to head the FCC. Wheeler had 
previously been the head of the National Cable and Telecommunications 
Association, which is a lobbying organization for the cable TV industry. He had 
also been the head of CTIA, a lobbying organization for cellphone carriers. In 
addition, he had also been a fundraiser for Obama.

251) Tried to violate defendants' right to a fair trial

In August 2013, Reuters reported:

A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information 
from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of 
telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal 
investigations of Americans.

Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents 
reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to 
conceal how such investigations truly begin - not only from defense lawyers but 
also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.

The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to "recreate" the 
investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a 
practice that some experts say violates a defendant's Constitutional right to a 
fair trial. If defendants don't know how an investigation began, they cannot 
know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence - information 
that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.

"I have never heard of anything like this at all," said Nancy Gertner, a 
Harvard Law School professor who served as a federal judge from 1994 to 2011. 
Gertner and other legal experts said the program sounds more troubling than 
recent disclosures that the National Security Agency has been collecting 
domestic phone records. The NSA effort is geared toward stopping terrorists; 
the DEA program targets common criminals, primarily drug dealers.

"It is one thing to create special rules for national security," Gertner said. 
"Ordinary crime is entirely different. It sounds like they are phonying up 

252) Threatened Internet service providers with contempt of court if they did 
not install surveillance software

In August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured 
Internet service providers to install surveillance software, so that it could 
monitor Internet traffic without a warrant. Internet service providers who did 
not cave in to this pressure were threatened by the Obama administration with 
contempt of court.  This violated the Constitution's ban on warrantless 
searches. In addition, the executive branch does not have the legal authority 
to declare contempt of court, as this power is reserved exclusively for the 
judicial branch.

253) Sued Louisiana to keep low income blacks trapped in bad schools, and lied 
about why he did it

In August 2013, the Obama administration sued Louisiana to try to bring an end 
to its school voucher program - a program which had just been passed in 2012.

Under the Louisiana program, both of the following criteria had to be met in 
order for a student to get a school voucher. First, the student must come from 
a family whose income is below 250% of the poverty level. And second, the 
current public school that the student is attending must be rated as "C" or 

86% of students who received vouchers had used those vouchers to flee from 
public schools which had been rated as "D" or "F."

Only the most vulnerable children were eligible for the vouchers - the poorest 
students attending the worst schools.

Obama's reason for filing the lawsuit was that "many of those vouchers impeded 
the desegregation process."

However, in response to Obama's claim that the vouchers discriminated against 
blacks, Louisiana Education Superintendent John White pointed out that almost 
all of the students using the vouchers were black, and said that "it's a little 
ridiculous" for Obama to claim that these vouchers caused discrimination 
against blacks. The Washington Post reported that 90% of the students who 
receive the vouchers are black.

It's also worth noting that only students whose parents request such vouchers 
are eligible to participate in the voucher program. Obama is therefore claiming 
that parents want their own children to be discriminated against. Obama is 
extremely wrong on this. These parents do not want their children to be 
discriminated against. In reality, what these parents want is for their 
children to have a chance at a better education.

This also makes Obama a hypocrite, because while he was living in both Chicago 
and Washington D.C., he always sent his own children to private schools. Does 
Obama really want us to believe that he subjected his own children to racial 
discrimination by sending them to private schools?

254) Encouraged 40,000 longshoremen to quit the AFL-CIO

In September 2013, it was reported that 40,000 longshoremen had quit the AFL-
CIO, and that they had cited Obamacare as one of their reasons for doing so.

255) Paid $67 million to so-called "volunteers"

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama has paid $67 million to so-called 
"volunteers" to teach people about Obamacare.

256) Illegally used Obamacare to fund pre-K education without approval from 

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama had illegally used Obamacare to fund 
pre-K education without approval from Congress.

257) Obama's "hunger-free" program left students feeling hungry

In December 2010, Obama signed the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act," which 
limited school lunches to a maximum of 850 calories. Students complained that 
this so-called "hunger-free" program left them feeling hungry.

258) Signed health care reform that is so terrible that less than 3% of federal 
employees want to join it

In August 2013, it was reported that less than 3% of federal employees wanted 
to participate in Obamacare.

259) Avoided doing background checks on Obamacare "navigators"

In August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration would not be 
doing background checks on Obamacare "navigators," despite the fact that these 
"navigators" would have access to people's personal, private, and financial 

260) Illegally paid White House interns less than minimum wage

In June 2013, a federal court ruled that Fox Searchlight Pictures had violated 
the minimum wage law by using unpaid interns. Two months later, it was reported 
that the Obama administration was using unpaid interns. In addition to this 
being illegal, it also makes Obama a hypocrite, because he had previously 
spoken out in favor of raising the minimum wage.

261) Said broccoli was his favorite food

In July 2013, Obama said that broccoli was his favorite food. However, before 
he made this claim, even though the media showed many pictures of him eating, 
and even though there were many articles published about the foods that he ate, 
as far as I know, none of those pictures or articles ever showed or mentioned 
him eating broccoli. While this may seem trivial, it shows that there is 
nothing - absolutely nothing at all - that Obama is not willing to lie about.

262)  Illegally missed half of Obamacare's deadlines

In August 2013, it was reported that Obama had illegally missed 41 of 
Obamacare's 82 deadlines.

263) Tried to give illegal Obamacare subsidies to unions without Congressional 

In August 2013 it was reported that Obama was trying to give illegal Obamacare 
subsidies to unions, without approval from Congress.

264) Made it harder for writers, actors, artists, and musicians to obtain 
health insurance

In September 2013, the Weekly Standard reported:

Nancy Pelosi waxed rhapsodic in 2010 as she imagined the benefits of Obamacare: 
"Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a 
writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health 

But as Obamacare begins to kick in, artists, photographers, writers, and other 
members of the "creative class" who have access to health insurance programs 
through numerous professional organizations will lose that coverage.

Up until now professional organizations have worked with insurance providers to 
craft reduced-rate plans for their members. But thanks to the fine print in the 
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), on January 1, 2014, many of 
these plans will fail to pass legal muster.

The College Art Association website posted a notice this month: "The New York 
Life Insurance Company recently informed CAA that it will no longer offer 
catastrophic healthcare coverage previously available to CAA members."

The Entertainment Industry Group Insurance Trust (TEIGIT) website posts the 
following notice: "All individual and/or Sole Proprietor Health Insurance will 
terminate January 1, 2014. This includes plans acquired as Members of our 
Affiliated Associations & their groups." Those affiliated associations include 
the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, the Dramatists Guild, 
the Graphic Arts Guild, NY Women in Film and Television, and many others.

This will affect huge numbers of freelance artists, musicians, disc jockeys, 
and so forth.

freelance artists, designers, and musicians forced to enter the state-run 
exchanges are far more likely to see their rates go up

Pelosi's vision of a world full of carefree artists, musicians, and writers is 
a mirage and becoming fainter the closer we get to January 1.

265) Banned the sale of flavored cigarettes, but gave an exemption to the most 
dangerous flavor

In September 2009, the Obama administration banned the sale of flavored 
cigarettes, but exempted menthol from the ban. Although I am opposed to this 
ban, it's this exemption that I find to be the most troubling. If Obama thinks 
that flavored cigarettes are so dangerous that they deserve to be banned, then 
why did he exempt one particular flavor?

The Obama administration later announced that menthol cigarettes were more 
dangerous than other flavors such as cherry, cloves, chocolate, coconut, and 
cinnamon, but still continued to exempt menthol from the ban. If Obama thinks 
that flavored cigarettes are so dangerous that they should be banned, then why 
did he knowingly continue to give an exemption to the most dangerous flavor?

266) Tried to censor the Washington Post

In August 2013, the Washington Post reported:

The Obama administration referred all questions for this article to John 
DeLong, the NSA's director of compliance, who answered questions freely in a 
90-minute interview. DeLong and members of the NSA communications staff said he 
could be quoted "by name and title" on some of his answers after an unspecified 
internal review. The Post said it would not permit the editing of quotes. Two 
days later, White House and NSA spokesmen said that none of DeLong's comments 
could be quoted on the record and sent instead a prepared statement in his 
name. The Post declines to accept the substitute language as quotations from 

267) Dumbed down math education to make wrong answers acceptable

In August 2013, the Daily Caller reported:

Quick: what's 3 x 4?

If you said 11 - or, hell, if you said 7, pi, or infinity squared - that's just 
fine under the Common Core, the new national curriculum that the Obama 
administration will impose on American public school students this fall.

In a pretty amazing YouTube video, Amanda August, a curriculum coordinator in a 
suburb of Chicago called Grayslake, explains that getting the right answer in 
math just doesn't matter as long as kids can explain the necessarily faulty 
reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer.

"Even if they said, '3 x 4 was 11,' if they were able to explain their 
reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words 
and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the 
final number wrong, we're really more focused on the how," August says in the 

268) Broke his promise to label genetically modified food

Before the 2008 election, Obama promised to require labeling of genetically 
modified food. He broke that promise.

269) Asked the Supreme Court to allow warrantless cell phone searches

In August 2013, the Obama administration asked the U.S Supreme Court to allow 
warrantless cell phone searches.

270) Used an armed SWAT team to check for water pollution

In September 2013, the Alaska Dispatch reported:

When agents with the Alaska Environmental Crimes Task Force surged out of the 
wilderness around the remote community of Chicken wearing body armor and 
jackets emblazoned with POLICE in big, bold letters, local placer miners didn't 
quite know what to think.

Did it really take eight armed men and a squad-size display of paramilitary 
force to check for dirty water? Some of the miners, who run small businesses, 
say they felt intimidated.

Miners suggest it might have been better all around if officials had just shown 
up at the door - as they used to do - and said they wanted to check the water.

The EPA has refused to publicly explain why it used armed officers as part of 
what it called a "multi-jurisdictional" investigation of possible Clean Water 
Act violations in the area.

271) Purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for the Department of Homeland 
Security to use in the U.S.

In March 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had purchased 1.6 
billion rounds of ammunition for the Department of Homeland Security to use in 
the U.S.

272) Released 2,837 convicted sex offenders from prison

In September 2013, the Obama administration released 2,837 convicted sex 
offenders from prison.

Although the Obama administration had released these sex offenders in response 
to a court order to alleviate prison overcrowding, it could have released non-
violent drug offenders instead. See #7 on this list for how Obama has carried 
out the biggest war against medical marijuana of any President in history.

Apparently, Obama thinks that people with doctors' prescriptions for medical 
marijuana are a bigger threat than rapists and child molesters.

273) Refused to fire or prosecute Obamacare employee who released private info 
of 2,400 people

In September 2013, it was reported that an Obamacare employee had released the 
private information of 2,400 people. Obama refused to fire or prosecute this 
Obamacare employee.

274) Tried to monitor 80% of all credit card transactions

In September 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration was trying to 
monitor 80% of all credit card transactions.

275) Tried to censor the AFL-CIO

In September 2013, Associated Press reported:

The AFL-CIO on Wednesday approved a resolution critical of parts of President 
Barack Obama's health care law in spite of efforts by White House officials to 
discourage the labor federation from making its concerns so prominent.

The strongly worded resolution says the Affordable Care Act will drive up the 
costs of union-sponsored health plans to the point that workers and employers 
are forced to abandon them. Labor unions still support the law's overall goals 
of reducing health costs and bringing coverage to all Americans, the resolution 
says, but adds that the law is being implemented in a way that is "highly 
disruptive" to union health care plans.

Some individual unions have complained about the law's impact for months. The 
resolution marks the first time the nation's largest labor federation has gone 
on record embracing that view. Unions were among the most enthusiastic backers 
of the law when it passed in 2010.

A labor official told The Associated Press that White House officials had been 
calling labor leaders for days to urge them not to voice their concerns in the 
form of a resolution.

276) Falsely said that he had not declared a "red line" on Syria

In August 2012, while talking about Syria, Obama said:

"A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving 
around or being utilized."

However, in September 2013, while talking about Syria, Obama said:

"I didn't set a red line."

277) Falsely gave himself credit for John Kerry's idea about Syria

In September 2013, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that Syria turn 
over all of its chemical weapons to an international body.

The Obama's administration initially responded to Kerry's statement by saying 
that Kerry had not been serious, and that his statement had just been a 
"rhetorical" answer to a hypothetical question.

However, after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that Kerry's idea 
made sense, Obama falsely stated that he had talked about the idea a week 

278) Made it more difficult and bureaucratic for restaurant employees to 
collect automatic tips from parties of eight or more

In September 2013, the Obama administration announced new paperwork 
requirements for restaurants that collect automatic tips from parties of eight 
or more. These new regulations create additional paperwork for restaurants each 
and every time a party of eight or more leaves an automatic tip. It also means 
that restaurant employees would have to wait extra time to receive these 
automatic tips from parties of eight or more. In addition, in some cases, 
restaurant employees might not get any tip at all from some parties of eight or 
more, because their employer might decide that the paperwork is too burdensome, 
and stop collecting automatic tips altogether.

There's also the fact that Obama imposed these new regulations without approval 
from Congress, which means that Obama's actions were illegal.

279) Secretly and illegally reversed NSA restrictions without approval from 

In September 2013, the Washington Post reported:

The Obama administration secretly won permission from a surveillance court in 
2011 to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency's use of 
intercepted phone calls and e-mails, permitting the agency to search 
deliberately for Americans' communications in its massive databases, according 
to interviews with government officials and recently declassified material.

In addition, the court extended the length of time that the NSA is allowed to 
retain intercepted U.S. communications from five years to six years - and more 
under special circumstances, according to the documents, which include a 
recently released 2011 opinion by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, then chief 
judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Together the permission to search and to keep data longer expanded the NSA's 
authority in significant ways without public debate or any specific authority 
from Congress. The enlarged authority is part of a fundamental shift in the 
government's approach to surveillance: collecting first, and protecting 
Americans' privacy later.

The court decision allowed the NSA "to query the vast majority" of its e-mail 
and phone call databases using the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of 
Americans and legal residents without a warrant, according to Bates's opinion.

The court in 2008 imposed a wholesale ban on such searches at the government's 
request, said Alex Joel, civil liberties protection officer at the Office of 
the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The government included this 
restriction "to remain consistent with NSA policies and procedures that NSA 
applied to other authorized collection activities," he said.

280) Encouraged employers to use temp agencies

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, Indiana 
University would be laying off 50 of its employees and switching them to a temp 

In June 2013, Time magazine wrote:

Why Temp Agencies Are Learning to Love the Affordable Care Act

Staffing companies like Robert Half International and On Assignment have seen 
their stock prices soar since President Obama's reelection in November, as the 
election made it nearly certain that the implementation of the law would 
continue as planned. "In general  is viewed as something that will lead to 
increases in the penetration rate of temporary workers," says Tobey Sommer, an 
analyst with SunTrust Robinson Humphrey. Firms like Robert Half International 
are especially well positioned to benefit from the law, Sommer says, because 
they specialize in small and medium-sized companies, the very sort that may be 
using temporary workers to help them stay below that all-important 50-worker 

There's also an opening for staffing companies to present themselves as experts 
in the labor rules of the Obamacare law, and as a resource that other 
businesses can turn to for help with its many rules and regulations. "The 
increasing burden of these regulations will cause some clients to throw up 
their hands and say, 'I can't deal with all of this," says Sommer. And when 
that happens, a full-service staffing company could be the perfect place to 
seek help navigating the unknown waters of Obamacare.

281) Encouraged layoffs of health care workers

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, Emory 
Healthcare, which is in Georgia, would be laying off more than 100 of its 

In September 2013, it was reported that in response to Obamacare, the Cleveland 
Clinic would be laying off some of its employees.

282) Encouraged insurance companies to reduce their customers' choices of 
doctors and hospitals

In September 2013, the Los Angeles Times reported:

The doctor can't see you now.

Consumers may hear that a lot more often after getting health insurance under 
President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

To hold down premiums, major insurers in California have sharply limited the 
number of doctors and hospitals available to patients in the state's new health 
insurance market opening Oct. 1.

New data reveal the extent of those cuts in California, a crucial test bed for 
the federal healthcare law.

These diminished medical networks are fueling growing concerns that many 
patients will still struggle to get care despite the nation's biggest 
healthcare expansion in half a century.

Consumers could see long wait times, a scarcity of specialists and loss of a 
longtime doctor.

In September 2013, the New York Times reported:

... under President Obama's health care law... many insurers are significantly 
limiting the choices of doctors and hospitals available to consumers.

From California to Illinois to New Hampshire, and in many states in between, 
insurers are... restricting the number of providers who will treat patients in 
their new health plans.

... insurers... have created smaller networks of doctors and hospitals than are 
typically found in commercial insurance.

Consumers should be prepared for "much tighter, narrower networks" of doctors 
and hospitals, said Adam M. Linker, a health policy analyst at the North 
Carolina Justice Center, a statewide advocacy group.

In a new study, the Health Research Institute of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the 
consulting company, says that "insurers passed over major medical centers" when 
selecting providers in California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, 
among other states.

Juan Carlos Davila, an executive vice president of Blue Shield of California, 
said the network for its exchange plans... did not include the five medical 
centers of the University of California.

Daniel R. Hawkins Jr., a senior vice president of the National Association of 
Community Health Centers, which represents 9,000 clinics around the country, 
said: "... insurers have shown little interest in including us in their 
provider networks."

Dr. Bruce Siegel, the president of America's Essential Hospitals, formerly 
known as the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, said 
insurers were telling his members: "We don't want you in our network. We are 
worried about having your patients, who are sick and have complicated 

In New Hampshire, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, a unit of WellPoint, one 
of the nation's largest insurers, has touched off a furor by excluding 10 of 
the state's 26 hospitals from the health plans that it will sell through the 
insurance exchange.

283) Encouraged a hospital to close

In September 2013, WCYB reported:

Jonesville, Va. - A local hospital is closing its doors.

Wellmont Health System is citing unprecedented changes in health care as the 
reason for closing Lee Regional Medical Center.

Company officials say three reasons led to the decision reimbursement cuts 
associated with the Affordable Care Act, extremely low community use of the 
hospital and a lack of consistent physician coverage.

Lee Regional will cease all operations on October 1.

284) Required doctors to ask patients sexual questions and put their answers in 
an electronic database

In September 2013, it was reported that Obamacare requires doctors to ask 
patients personal questions about their sex lives, and to put their answers 
into an electronic database. Doctors who avoid doing this will be penalized.

Dr. Adam Budzikowski, a New York cardiologist, said these sex question were 
"insensitive, stupid and very intrusive," and that he could not think of any 
reason why a cardiologist would need such information.

Dr. Richard Amerling, an associate professor of medicine at Albert Einstein 
Medical College, said that a patient's medical record should be "a story 
created by you and your doctor solely for your treatment and benefit," and that 
Obamacare turns doctor appointments "into an interrogation, and the data will 
not be confidential."

The New York Civil Liberties Union said that these requirements were a 
violation of patients' privacy.

The Obama administration said that patients who wished to keep their 
information out of the electronic database should pay in cash.

285) Listed wrong prices for Obamacare

On September 20, 2013, just 10 days before the Obamacare exchanges were legally 
required to be ready, it was reported that they had the wrong prices.

286) Made it easier for people to commit health care fraud

In September 2013, CNBC reported:

Deep staff cuts are hitting a federal agency responsible for investigating 
health care fraud just as Obamacare is due to kick in, leaving less people to 
investigate an ever-growing crime that costs taxpayers billions of dollars.

And in a perverse twist, the funding cuts at the Health and Human Services 
Department's Inspector General's Office might save money in the short term for 
the U.S. taxpayer. But over the long run, more money that could have been 
recouped from the fraud cases now going un-pursued, is being left on the table, 
the agency said.

For every $1 spent on health-care fraud probes, nearly $8 is recouped in fines, 
restitution or settlements, according to HHS.

287) Included a so-called "family glitch" in his health care reform

In September 2013, USA Today reported:

A so-called "family glitch" in the 2010 health care law threatens to cost some 
families thousands of dollars in health insurance costs and leave up to 500,000 
children without coverage, insurance and health care analysts say.

 That's unless Congress fixes the problem, which seems unlikely given the 
House's latest move Friday to strip funding from the law, which is also called 
the Affordable Care Act.

Congress defined "affordable" as 9.5% or less of an employee's household 
income, mostly to make sure people did not leave their workplace plans for 
subsidized coverage through the exchanges. But the "error" was that it only 
applies to the employee - and not his or her family. So, if an employer offers 
a woman affordable insurance, but doesn't provide it for her family, they 
cannot get subsidized help through the state health exchanges.

That can make a huge difference; the Kaiser Family Foundation said an average 
plan for an individual is about $5,600, but it goes up to $15,700 for families.

288) Made it harder for Canadian politicians to get health care

Canada has had so-called "universal health care" for a long time.

However, when Robert Bourassa, the premier of Quebec, Canada, needed cancer 
treatment, he came to the United States and paid for his health care with his 
own money.

And when Canadian Liberal MP Belinda Stronach needed cancer treatment, she also 
came to the United States and paid for her health care with her own money.

And when Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams needed heart surgery, 
he, too, came to the United States and paid for his health care with his own 

Now that Obama has given the U.S. so-called "universal health care," where will 
Canadian politicians go when they get sick?

289) Gave married couples an annual tax of up to $11,028 for being married 
instead of single

In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued that 
Obamacare is a tax.

According to the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare places an annual tax on 
married couples for being married instead of single. The amount of this tax 
depends upon the ages, incomes, and parental status of the married couple.

According to the Obamacare calculator, the extreme case of this tax occurs with 
a 60-year-old married couple with no children, where the two spouses have 
identical incomes totaling $62,041 per year. Under this scenario, according to 
the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare gives them an annual tax of $11,028 for 
being married instead of single.

290) Gave people an annual tax increase of up to $12,214 for earning one more 
dollar of income

In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued that 
Obamacare is a tax.

Obamacare gives some people a tax increase if they increase their income by one 
dollar. The amount of this tax increase depends upon the person's age, income, 
and marital status.

According to the Obamacare calculator, the extreme case of this occurs with a 
64-year-old married couple with a combined income of $62,041. Under this 
scenario, according to the Obamacare calculator, Obamacare gives them an annual 
tax increase of $12,214 when their income increases by one dollar, in the case 
of their income going from $62,040 to $62,041.

This amounts to a marginal tax rate of 1,221,400%. That's not a typo - the 
marginal tax rate on that one dollar of additional income is more than one 
million per cent.

291) Refused to fire IRS employees who "lost" $67 million from Obamacare "slush 

In September 2013, it was reported that IRS employees had "lost" $67 million 
from a "slush fund." Obama refused to fire those employees. Obama had created 
the "slush fund" as part of Obamacare.

292) Refused to fire ATF employees who "lost" 420 million cigarettes

In September 2013, it was reported that ATF employees had "lost" 420 million 
cigarettes. Obama refused to fire them.

293) Falsely said his mother's insurance company had refused to pay for her 
cancer treatment

During the 2008 election campaign, Obama falsely said that his mother's health 
insurance company had refused to pay for her cancer treatment.

294) Had 19.5 million fake Twitter followers

As of September 2013, Obama had 19.5 million fake Twitter followers.

295) Illegally delayed online registration of Obamacare for small businesses

Obamacare requires that the online registration for small businesses be ready 
by October 1, 2013. However, five days before that date, Associated Press 
reported that this deadline would not be met.

296) Encouraged 30,000 Puget Sound grocery workers to vote in favor of 
authorizing a strike

In September 2013, a union representing 30,000 employees at Safeway, Fred 
Meyer, QFC, and Albertson's in the Puget Sound area of Washington state voted 
in favor of authorizing a strike. Union members said that one of their reasons 
for voting in favor of the strike was that their employers were trying to 
switch their part time employees form employer provided insurance to the 
Obamacare exchanges.

297) Waived the U.S. ban on arming terrorists

In September 2013, the Washington Examiner reported:

Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition

President Obama waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the 
supply of arms to terrorist groups to clear the way for the U.S. to provide 
military assistance to "vetted" opposition groups fighting Syrian dictator 
Bashar Assad.

Some elements of the Syrian opposition are associated with radical Islamic 
terrorist groups, including al Qaeda

The law allows the president to waive those prohibitions if he "determines that 
the transaction is essential to the national security interests of the United 

298) Caused a family's monthly insurance premium to increase from $333 to $965

Andy and Amy Mangione and their two sons live in Louisville, Kentucky. In 
September 2013, they received a letter from Humana, their insurance company, 
which said that Obamacare would be causing their monthly premium to increase 
from $333 to $965.

299) Caused Michelle Malkin's family to lose their health insurance policy

In September 2013, conservative writer Michelle Malkin, who has always opposed 
Obamacare, wrote:

Like an estimated 22 million other Americans, I am a self-employed small-
business owner who buys health insurance for my family directly on the 
individual market. We have a high-deductible PPO plan that allows us to choose 
from a wide range of doctors.

Or rather, we had such a plan.

Last week, our family received notice from Anthem BlueCross BlueShield of 
Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of "changes from 
health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA)." The letter 
informed us that "(t)o meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan 
can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date."

This isn't just partisan business. It's personal. Our cancellation letter 
states that Anthem is "not going to be selling new individual PPO plans." When 
we asked whether we could keep our children's doctors, an agent for Anthem told 
my husband and me she didn't know.

300) Tried to force Little Sisters of the Poor and other Catholic organizations 
to violate their religious principles

In September 2013, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty sued the Obama 
administration on behalf of Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic charity. 
Other Catholic organizations were also represented in the lawsuit.

Sister Loraine Marie said of this lawsuit:

"We cannot violate our vows by participating in the government's program to 
provide access to abortion-inducing drugs."

Mark Rienzi, one of the lawyers representing these Catholic organizations, 

"These women just want to take care of the elderly poor without being forced to 
violate the faith that animates their work. The money they collect should be 
used to care for the poor like it always has - and not to pay the IRS."

301) Signed health care reform that broke his promise not to increase taxes on 
families making less than $250,000 a year

On September 12, 2008, Obama promised:

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a 
year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll 
tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

In 2010, Obama signed Obamacare.

In 2012, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued 
that Obamacare is a tax.

302) Pushed millions of working people "into a regulatory health coverage no 
man's land"

In February 2013, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (Democrat-Oregon) said:

"We've got millions of people - working-class, middle-class people - who are 
going to be pushed into a regulatory health coverage no man's land. They are 
unable to afford the family coverage through their employer and ineligible for 
the subsidy that could be used by dependents on the exchange."

303) "Unfairly" forced federal lawmakers and their aides to participate in the 
same health care reform as everyone else

In June 2013, U.S. Congressman John Larson (Democrat-Connecticut) said that it 
is "not fair" to force federal lawmakers and their aides to participate in the 
same health care reform as everyone else.

304) Encouraged SEIU union to go on strike

The Service Employees International Union supported Obama in both elections, 
and also supported the passage of Obamacare.

However, in September 2013, member of the Chicago chapter of the SEIU went on 
strike over jobs cuts that were caused by Obamacare.

305) Removed promise of "free" health care from Obamacare website

In September 2013, the Obamacare website removed its promise of "free" health 

306) Exposed the hypocrisy of MSNBC host Ed Schultz

After Obamacare was passed, MSNBC host Ed Schultz praised it almost every day 
for three years. However, on September 26, 2013, just five days before the 
Obamacare exchanges were to begin, Schultz said that unions should be exempt 
from it.

307) Punished people who were unable to accurately predict their income a year 
in advance

Obamacare requires people to predict their income a year in advance. If their 
prediction is wrong, they can be punished by the IRS.

308) Created Obamacare website where less than 1% of the people who visited on 
its first day actually registered for Obamacare

U.S. Congressman Congressman Jim Himes (Democrat-Connecticut) said that out of 
the 28,000 people from Connecticut who had visited the Obamacare website on its 
first day, only 167 had actually signed up for Obamacare.

309) Obama administration falsely said it did not know how many people had 
enrolled in Obamacare

On October 3, 2013, the third day that the Obamacare website was in operation, 
White House spokesman Jay Carney said that "7 million" people had visited the 
Obamacare website so far. However, when asked how many of those people had 
actually enrolled in Obamacare, he said, "We don't have that data."

Carney was lying. Of course the Obama administration had that data. CBS News 
was able to get a copy of that data, and reported that during the first 24 
hours after the Obamacare website went online, only six people had used the 
website to enroll in Obamacare.

310) Broke promise that Obamacare "navigators" would not go door to door

On October 1, 2013, the very first day that Obamacare registration was taking 
place, the Obama administration broke its promise that Obamacare "navigators" 
would not go door to door.

311) Created Obamacare website where reporters from various news agencies were 
unable to register on its first day

On October 1, 2013, a CNN reporter was unable to register at the Obamacare 

On October 1, 2013, an MSNBC reporter was unable to register at the Obamacare 

On October 1, 2013, a reporter from the Tennessean was unable to register at 
the Obamacare website.

312) Created Obamacare phone line that was answered by "navigators" who had no 

President Obama signed Obamacare in March 2010. The Obama administration had 
three and a half years to hire and train the "navigators" who answer the 
Obamacare phone line.

However, on October 1, 2013, one of the "navigators" who answered the Obamacare 
phone line said "We have not been trained yet."

313) Created Obamacare website that can't handle as much traffic as a website 
which is run by one guy in his pajamas from his apartment

drudgereport.com is run by Matt Drudge, who runs the website in his pajamas 
from his apartment. I've visited his website just about every day since the 
late 20th century. It runs very well. His website has gotten as many as 45 
million hits per day.

On the first day of the Obamacare website, it had 5 million visitors. It could 
not handle that amount of traffic.

314) Created Obamacare phone line where "navigators" told people to go to a 
building that turned out to be empty

Obamacare "navigators" who answered the Obamacare phone line told people to go 
to a building that turned out to be empty.

315) Created Obamacare phone line with a number that when spelled out is "F*** 

When spelled out, the Obamacare phone number is "F*** YO."

This is not a complaint on my part. On the contrary, I consider this to be 
truth in advertising. For once, the Obama administration is telling us the 
truth about Obamacare.

316) Tried to censor a book about the "Fast and Furious" scandal

In October 2013, the ACLU announced that it would be defending John Dodson's 
first amendment right to free speech, against the Obama administration, which 
was trying to prevent Dodson from publishing a book about Obama's "Fast and 
Furious" scandal.

317) Michelle Obama said she could not tweet as often after the federal 
shutdown caused layoffs of her 16 "assistants," who have salaries as high as 

Michelle Obama has 16 taxpayer funded "assistants," whose salaries are as high 
as $172,200.

During the government shutdown in October 2013, her 16 "assistants" were laid 
off, and her twitter account said:

"Due to Congress's failure to pass legislation to fund the government, updates 
to this account will be limited."

318) Hypocritically blocked Texas's voter ID law for being "racist"

In March 2012, Obama's Justice Department blocked Texas's voter ID law, 
claiming that it was "racist."

However, the very same Obama Justice Department that did this, also requires 
photo ID for everyone who enters it. In this video, beginning at 2:39, we see 
that a security guard at Obama's Justice Department requires photo ID for 
everyone who enters.

319) Falsely said that his negotiating over the debt ceiling would be 

In October 2013, Obama falsely said that his negotiating over the debt ceiling 
would be unprecedented.

320) Blocked access to outdoor memorials and monuments during the government 
shutdown, even though it would have been cheaper to leave them open

During the government shutdown in October 2013, Obama shut down the Vietnam 
Memorial, despite the fact that it would have been cheaper to leave it open.

Obama also shut down the World War II Memorial. Obama used metal fences and 
yellow police tape to block the entrances.

Obama put up orange cones to prevent drivers from stopping and taking pictures 
of Mount Rushmore.

Obama put up yellow police tape in front of the Lincoln Memorial to prevent 
people from entering.

During previous government shutdowns, these memorials and monuments had 
remained open.

Since it's more expensive to close these outdoor memorials and monuments than 
it is to leave them open, I have to wonder what Obama's reason was for shutting 
them down.

321) Kicked people out of their privately owned vacation homes on federal land 
during government shutdown

During the government shutdown in October 2013, Obama forced people to leave 
their privately owned vacation homes along Lake Mead. The privately owned homes 
were situated on land owned by the federal government. All of the homes in 
question were vacation homes, not primary residences, so no one was forced into 
homelessness. Nevertheless, there was no legitimate justification for Obama to 
do this.

322) Forced private businesses on federal land to close during government 

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama forced privately owned 
marinas, restaurants, inns, and concessions stands which were situated on 
federal land to close. Although the Obama administration claimed that this was 
done because the government did not have enough money to allow them to stay 
open, the government actually spent extra money to have federal guards prevent 
people from entering these private businesses.

323) Kept one of his favorite golf courses open during government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, while Obama was busying closing 
federal parks, monuments, and memorials, he made one exception - he allowed one 
of his favorite golf courses to stay open.

324) Spent $98,670 to build an outhouse

In September 2013, the Obama administration spent $98,670 to build an outhouse 
at the Swede Park Trail Head in Alaska.

325) Engages in "a sign of leadership failure"

In March 2006, Senator Obama said:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a 
sign of leadership failure."

However, in September 2013, President Obama argued in favor of raising the debt 

326) Used armed guards to imprison law abiding tourists inside a locked 
building at Yellowstone National Park

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama used armed guards to 
imprison law abiding tourists inside a locked building at Yellowstone National 

327) Illegally denied death benefits to the families of dead U.S. soldiers

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama illegally denied death 
benefits to the families of dead U.S. soldiers. Prior to the government 
shutdown, the funding for these death benefits had already been authorized by 

328) Spent $47,174 on a mechanical bull during government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, while Obama was busy closing 
parks, memorials, and monuments, and denying death benefits to the families of 
dead U.S. military personnel, he did manage to spend $47,174 on a mechanical 

329) Seized $35,000 from a law abiding owner of a grocery store without any 
warning , explanation, or charges

For 30 years, Terry Dehko has been legally operating a grocery store near 
Detroit, Michigan. In January 2013, the Obama administration seized $35,000 
from Dehko's bank account, without giving any warning or explanation, and 
without charging Dehko with any crime.

330)  Ran "the most closed, control-freak administration I've ever covered"

For the past 20 years, David Sanger has been a New York Times reporter 
stationed in Washington, D.C. In October 2013, he said:

"This is the most closed, control-freak administration I've ever covered."

331) Fined a runner $100 for running in Valley Forge

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration fined a 
runner $100 for running in Valley Forge.

332) Ordered Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down, even though it was 
privately funded

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered 
Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down, even though it was privately funded.

333) Ordered a volunteer to stop cleaning up the National Mall

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered 
Chris Cox, a volunteer, to stop cleaning up the National Mall.

334) Told students to remove two amendments from the "outdated" Bill of Rights

As part of Obama's "Common Core" education program, students in a sixth-grade 
history class in Bryant, Arkansas, were told to removed two amendments from the 
"outdated" Bill of Rights.

335) Ordered people to appear in federal court because they had entered the 
Grand Canyon

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered 
people to appear in federal court because they had entered the Grand Canyon.

336) Ordered volunteers to stop bringing therapy dogs to visit sick children in 
the hospital

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration ordered 
volunteers to stop bringing therapy dogs to visit sick children in the 

337) Had veterans arrested for visiting the Vietnam Memorial

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama had veterans arrested for 
visiting the Vietnam Memorial

338) A "lead navigator" for Obamacare falsely told applicants that they must 
provide their credit score

In October 2013, Anne Packham, a "lead navigator" for Obamacare, falsely told 
applicants that they had to provide their credit score.

339) Created Obamacare website which "looks like nobody tested it"

President Obama signed Obamacare in March 2010. He had three and a half years 
to create and test the Obamacare website.

However, in October 2013, CBS News quoted Luke Chung, an online database 
programmer who supports Obamacare, as saying the following about the Obamacare 

"It wasn't designed well, it wasn't implemented well, and it looks like nobody 
tested it... It's not even close. It's not even ready for beta testing for my 
book. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my organization delivered something 
like that."

340) Obamacare's first publicized "enrollee" turned out to be a Democratic 
activist who had not actually enrolled in Obamacare

After the Obamacare website went online, the media tried and tried to find 
someone who had actually enrolled, but could not find anyone, because the 
website was so badly designed.

After much searching, they finally reported that they had found someone - a 21-
year-old guy from Georgia named Chad Henderson.

On October 3, 2013, the Washington Post reported:

Meet Chad Henderson, the Obamacare enrollee tons of reporters are calling

Ask and, apparently, you shall receive.

Just moments after writing a blog post Thursday morning, about the lack of 
information on Obamacare enrollees, Enroll America reached out with contact 
information for Chad Henderson, a 21-year-old in Georgia who had successfully 
enrolled in coverage on the federal marketplace.

It was a little difficult to reach Henderson, mostly because so many other 
reporters wanted to talk to him. "I'm supposed to talk to the Chattanooga Times 
Free Press in a half hour," Henderson said. "And The Wall Street Journal is 
supposed to call."

Luckily, Henderson managed to squeeze me in for a few minutes. He's a student 
at Chattanooga State University who lives across the state border in 
Flintstone, Ga.

Politico reported:

Rare health exchange enrollee gets 15 minutes of Obamacare fame

Chad Henderson, a college student who is one of the few people to have signed 
up for health insurance on a federal exchange, is having his 15 minutes of 
Obamacare fame.

But wait.

It turns out that Henderson had not actually enrolled in Obamacare.

In addition, Henderson is actually a member of Organizing for Action, the 
organization that ran Obama's election campaign.

341) Said it's "unfair" to ask for Obamacare enrollment numbers just one week 
after Obamacare website went online

U.S. Congressional representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democrat-Florida) 
is the chairperson for the Democratic National Committee. When a reporter asked 
her how many people had enrolled in Obamacare during its first week, she said 
it was "unfair" to ask that question so early.

When a new movie comes out, we know how many people bought tickets in the first 
week. When a new video game, or a new CD, or a new book comes out, we know how 
many people bought it in the first week.

But when a news reporter asks "the most transparent administration in history" 
how many people signed up for its new health care program during its first 
week, we are told that such a question is "unfair."

342) Declined to identify the private contractors who screwed up the Obamacare 

When the New York Times asked the Obama administration to identify the private 
contractors who had screwed up the Obamacare website, the Obama administration 
refused to answer.

343) Refused to answer why businesses, but not individuals, were able to delay 
the Obamacare mandate for a year

When Jon Stewart asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius 
why businesses, but not individuals, were able to delay the Obamacare mandate 
for a year, Sebelius refused to answer.

344) Gave people Obamacare "rate shock"

Many news sources, including the Washington Post, the Christian Science 
Monitor, Investor's Business Daily, the Daily Caller, CBS News, Forbes, CNN, 
the San Jose Mercury News,  and the San Francisco Chronicle, have been 
reporting on something called Obamacare "rate shock."

For example, Tom Waschura, a self employed engineer who lives in Portola 
Valley, California, said that he supports Obamacare, and that he voted for 
Obama in both elections.

However, on October 5, 2013, Waschura said:

"I was laughing at Boehner - until the mail came today."

"I really don't like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand 
why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family's 
pocket each year, that's otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that 
will not be going into our local economy."

This next quote is one of the funniest things that I've heard anyone say about 
Obamacare so far. It comes from Cindy Vinson, a retired teacher from San Jose, 
California, who said that she supports Obamacare, and that she voted for Obama 
in both elections. This is what she said in October 2013, after she found out 
that Obamacare would be causing her insurance premium to increase:

"Of course, I want people to have health care. I just didn't realize I would be 
the one who was going to pay for it personally."

CNN reported:

One North Carolina reader was upset to learn her current $267 a month plan was 
being canceled and the cheapest option on the exchange would cost her family 
$750 a month. They don't qualify for a subsidy.

"Obamacare is a nightmare for my family," she wrote.

345) Made sure that Obamacare "rate shock" did not happen until after the 2012 

Obamacare was deliberately written so that Obamacare "rate shock" would not 
occur until after the 2012 election.

On October 9, 2013, Obama's approval rating was only 37%. Obamacare "rate 
shock" was a significant factor in this low approval rating. If Obamacare "rate 
shock" had happened in October 2012 instead of in October 2013, it's highly 
unlikely that Obama would have won the 2012 election.

346) Had the Obamacare website built by cronies instead of by qualified 

Obama had the Obamacare website built by cronies instead of by qualified 

347) Used 55 different contractors to build the Obamacare website

Instead of choosing just one contractor or a few contractors who could properly 
build the Obamacare website, Obama decided to spread the work out over 55 
different contractors, which made it much harder to get all the parts to run 
together properly.

348) Waited until after the 2012 election to issue major rules for the 
Obamacare website

Obama signed the Obamacare law in March 2010. The law requires the online 
exchanges to be up and running by October 2013. So Obama had three and a half 
years to get the website ready.

However, Obama waited until after the 2012 election to release some of the 
major rules for how the website was supposed to be designed. So instead of 
having three and a half years to get the website ready, Obama made sure the 
programmers had less than one year.

349) New York Times reporter was never able to log in to Obamacare website 
during more than 40 attempts over 11 days

During more than 40 attempts to log in to the Obamacare website over a period 
of 11 days beginning on October 1, 2013, a New York Times reported was never 
able to log in.

350) Hired illegal immigrant as Obamacare "navigator"

Obama hired an illegal immigrant to work as an Obamacare "navigator."

351) Hired someone with an outstanding arrest warrant as Obamacare "navigator"

Obama hired someone with an outstanding arrest warrant to work as an Obamacare 

352) IRS collected taxes but did not send out refunds during government 

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the IRS collected taxes but did 
not send out tax refunds.

353) Prevented Catholic volunteers from practicing their religion at military 
bases during government shutdown

During the October 2013 government shutdown, the Obama administration prevented 
Catholic volunteers from practicing their religion on military bases.

354) Spent more than $500 million to build unusable Obamacare website

Obama spent more than $500 million of taxpayers' money to build the unusable 
Obamacare website.

355) Refused to fire Kathleen Sebelius, even after the failure of the Obamacare 

Even after the Obamacare website failed, Obama still refused to fire Secretary 
of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.

356) There is "no reasonable expectation of privacy" at Obamacare website

The source code for the Obamacare website states:

"You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or 
data transiting or stored on this information system. At any time, and for any 
lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search 
and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information 
system. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information 
system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose."

357) Requires users to reveal private info before shopping at Obamacare website

Legitimate shopping websites such as amazon.com allow users to browse 
merchandise without having to enter their personal information. However, the 
Obamacare website requires users to enter their name, social security number, 
and other personal information before they are allowed to look at the insurance 

358) Michelle Obama refused to pick vegetables from her own garden without 
federal help

During the October 2013 government shutdown, Michelle Obama decided to avoid 
picking her own vegetables from her own garden, and instead, allowed them to 

Reuters reported:

In the famous White House kitchen garden, tomatoes are rotting on the vine. 
Herbs have gone to seed. And the sweet potatoes - a favorite of President 
Barack Obama - have become worm food.

It's another impact of the government shutdown, one that only the fox and the 
many squirrels that live on the White House grounds could love.

359) The Obamacare website is "a hacker's wet dream"

John McAfee, the computer programmer who founded McAfee, Inc., said the 
Obamacare website is "a hacker's wet dream."

360) Caused a leukemia patient to lose his insurance

Michael Cerpok lives in Fountain Hills, Arizona. He has leukemia.

In 2012, his health care cost more than $350,000. But because he had insurance, 
he only had to pay $4,500 of that amount.

However, in October 2013, his insurance company sent him a letter which said 
that because of Obamacare, his insurance policy would be canceled on January 1, 

361) Added 11 million words of regulations to Obamacare, which is 30 times as 
many words as the law itself

The regulations that Obama added to Obamacare after he signed it are 11 million 
words long. That's 30 times as many words as the actual Obamacare law that 
Obama signed in March 2010. Because Obama added these 11 million words without 
approval from Congress, his actions are illegal.

362) Threatened to arrest people for telling jokes

In October 2013, the Obama administration announced the following on 
loudspeakers at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas:

"Inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest."

363) Changed Obamacare registration deadline at the last minute

For three and a half years, the Obama administration repeatedly said that 
people had to register for Obamacare by March 31, 2014.

However, in October 2013, the Obama administration changed that deadline to 
February 14, 2014.

364) Ignored the  successful methods of eHealthInsurance.com

The website eHealthInsurance.com has been successfully selling health insurance 
since 1998. The website is simple and easy to use.

However, when Obama created the Obamacare website, he chose to ignore the 
successful methods that are used by eHealthInsurance.com.

365) For two weeks, CNN reporter was never able to log in to Obamacare website

During the first two weeks of October 2013, a reporter from CNN repeatedly 
tried to log in to the Obamacare website, and was never able to log in.

366) Paid $500 per gallon for gasoline

In October 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had paid $500 per 
gallon for gasoline.

367) Referred people to uncertified Obamacare "navigators" and "assisters"

In October 2013, the Obamacare website referred people to uncertified 
"navigators" and "assisters."

368) While the Obamacare website was not working, 700 counterfeit Obamacare 
websites were working

It's not Obama's fault that criminals created 700 counterfeit Obamacare 
websites. However, it is interesting to note that while the Obamacare website 
was not working, those 700 counterfeit websites were working.

369) Asked Blue Cross Blue Shield not to release Obamacare exchange numbers

On October 22, 2013, three weeks after the failed Obamacare website went 
online, the Obama administration asked Blue Cross Blue Shield not to release 
information on the number of people who had signed up for their policies 
through the Obamacare website.

370) 100% of Senate Democrats up for reelection planned to support a delay in 
Obamacare's individual mandate

On October 23, 2013, CNN's Dana Bash tweeted:

"new: senior dem source tells me to expect every sen dem running in 2014 to 
back @JeanneShaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollment deadline"

371) Sold aircraft carrier for scrap metal for one cent

In October 2013 it was reported that the Obama administration had sold the 
1,067-foot long U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Forrestal for scrap metal for one 
cent, to a Texas company called All Star Metals.

372) Obamacare website gave wrong prices

In October 2013, CBS News reported:

A new online feature can dramatically underestimate the cost of insurance.

In some cases, people could end up paying double of what they see on the 

Industry executives CBS News spoke with could not believe the government is 
providing these estimates, which they said were useless and could easily 
mislead consumers. They also said that the website repeatedly states the actual 
prices could be lower, but it makes no mention that they could be higher. 

373) Obamacare website sent false information to insurance companies

In October 2013, it was reported that the Obamacare website was sending false 
information to insurance companies

374) Threatened to punish people for not buying health insurance from a website 
that wasn't even working

The Obama administration threatened to impose tax penalties on people who did 
not buy health insurance from the Obamacare website, even though the website 
was not working.

375) In the first two weeks of the Obamacare website, "no more than 5,000? 
enrollees had successfully completed the enrollment process

Two weeks after the Obamacare website went online, it was reported that "no 
more than 5,000? enrollees had successfully completed the enrollment process.

376) Falsely said "No one is more frustrated than I am" regarding the Obamacare 

On October 21, 2013, regarding the failure of the Obamacare website, Obama 

"No one is more frustrated than I am."

Obama has absolutely no right to be "frustrated" about any of the Obamacare 
website's problems, because he is the person who chose to cause those problems 
in the first place.

It was Obama who signed a 2,600 page law that he hadn't read.

It was Obama who added an additional 20,000 pages of regulations that he hadn't 
read to Obamacare without Congressional approval.

It was Obama who chose to hire cronies instead of competent programmers to 
create the Obamacare website.

It was Obama who waited until after the 2012 election to issue some of the main 
rules for the Obamacare website, which gave the programmers less than one year 
to comply with those rules, instead of the three and half years they would have 
had if Obama hadn't waited.

It was Obama who falsely said that the price of annual family insurance 
premiums would fall by $2,500.

It was Obama who falsely told people that they could keep their insurance if 
they were happy with it.

It was Obama who gave employers a huge financial incentive to switch their full 
time employees to a part time, 29 hour week.

It was Obama who refused to fire Secretary of Health and Human Services 
Kathleen Sebelius after the Obamacare website failed.

Every thing that's bad about the Obamacare website is the direct result of 
choices that Obama made.

Obama has no right to be "frustrated" at the website's failure.

You want to know the people who really do have the right to be "frustrated" at 
Obamacare's problems? It's the people who have opposed Obamacare from the 
start. It's the people who predicted that these problems would happen. It's the 
people who called the bluff from the very start on Obama's many lies about 
Obamacare. These are the people who have the right to be "frustrated" at 
Obamacare's problems.

And yet somehow, not only does Obama falsely say that he is "frustrated," but 
he also falsely says that he is more frustrated than anyone else.

The people who are truly "frustrated" are the millions of people who were 
against Obamacare but are now being forced to participate in it.

Obama owns this - he created it. He has no right to be "frustrated" about it.

377) Obamacare website was built using 10-year-old technology

The Obamacare website was built using 10-year-old technology.

378) Required note from doctor for a mother to feed her own child

A federal preschool program sent a note home to the parents of the students. 
The note said:

Dear Parents,

I have received word from Federal Programs Preschool pertaining to lunches from 
home. Parents are to be informed that students can only bring lunches from home 
if there is a medical condition meriting a specific diet, along with a 
physicians note to that regard.

I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions concerning this 
matter, please contact , the Health Coordinator for Federal Programs Preschool 
at .

379) Obamacare website violates copyright laws

The Obamacare website violates copyright laws.

380) Repeatedly promised that the Obamacare website would be ready on October 
1, 2013

This video shows Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's Secretary of Health and Human 
Services, repeatedly promising that the Obamacare website would be ready on 
October 1, 2013.

381) Called the Obamacare website "the easiest, most consumer friendly website 
to use"

Beginning at 0:44 in this video, Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's Secretary of Health 
and Human Services, calls the Obamacare website "the easiest, most consumer 
friendly website to use."

382) Obamacare website had between 10 and 20 times as many lines of code as it 
should have had

The Obamacare website has 500 million lines of code.

Dave Kennedy, the CEO of information-security company Trusted Sec, said that a 
website for a project on the scale of Obamacare should actually have between 25 
million and 50 million lines of code.

383) Jared Polis opposes delaying Obamacare's individual mandate for the entire 
country, but favors such a delay for his own district

U.S. Congressional representative Jared Polis (Democrat-Colorado) voted against 
delaying Obamacare's individual mandate for the entire country, but later 
requested such a delay for his own district.

When Polis requested a special delay for his own district, he said:

"We will be encouraging a waiver. It will be difficult for Summit County 
residents to become insured. For the vast majority, it's too high a price to 

384) Gave a no-bid contract to CGI Federal to build the Obamacare website

Obama gave a no-bid contract to CGI Federal to build the Obamacare website.

385) Broke promise to have Spanish version of Obamacare website up and running 
on October 1, 2013

Obama broke his promise to have a Spanish version of the Obamacare website up 
and running by October 1, 2013.

386) Broke promise that Spanish version of Obamacare website would be up and 
running by "mid October" 2013

After Obama broke his promise to have the Spanish version of the Obamacare 
website up running by October 1, 2013, his administration made a new promise to 
have it up and running by "mid-October." However, Obama broke that promise too 
- as of October 25, 2013, the Spanish version of the website was still not up 
and running.

387) Fired an Obamacare phone operator for truthfully answering a caller's 

In October 2013, a caller to the Obama phone line asked:

"Have you ever gotten anyone who really likes it yet?"

The phone operator, a woman named Earline Davis, answered:

"Um, not really."

Davis was fired for her answer.

388) Gave contract for Obamacare website to Michelle Obama's college classmate

Instead of having the Obamacare website built by someone who was qualified, 
Obama had it built by CGI Federal, a company that was run by Toni Townes-
Whitley, who attended Princeton University with Michelle Obama.

389) Spent $634 million for Obamacare website as of October 1, 2013, even 
though it was only supposed to cost $94 million

The Obamacare website was originally supposed to cost $94 million. However, 
when it went online on October 1, 2013, it had already cost $634 million.

390) New York Times writer gave Obama a grade of 'F' for rollout of Obamacare 

On October 25, 2013, New York Times writer Uwe E. Reinhardt wrote:

"... who exactly should be assigned the F for the troubled rollout of 

"Once elected, a president becomes chief executive of a giant federal 
enterprise. Anyone familiar with corporate management would have thought that 
for as ambitious and technically a complex project as the initial rollout of 
HealthCare.gov - so important to many uninsured Americans and so politically 
important to the White House - the chief executive would have remained in very 
close touch with the management team overseeing the project and thus would have 
been briefed daily or at least weekly on the progress of the project and 
especially on any problems with it."

"... the blame for the disastrous rollout of HealthCare.gov goes to its entire 
management team, to be sure, but primarily to the chief executive on top of 
that project. In my view, not only the proverbial buck stops on the chief 
executive's desk, but, for the management of this particular project, the grade 
of F goes there as well."

391) Said "Don't believe what you've heard" regarding criticism of Obamacare

On October 25, 2013, regarding the various criticisms of Obamacare, Health and 
Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius said:

"Don't believe what you've heard."

In other words, the Obama administration says we shouldn't believe the 
Washington Post, the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Associated 
Press, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, Politico, the Wall St. 
Journal, the Christian Science Monitor, Investor's Business Daily, Forbes, the 
BBC, Huffington Post, the Nation, Mother Jones, or New Republic.

392) Closed a public beach and prevented a private charity from raising money 
for art in the schools

For the past 30 years, a privately run charity in San Francisco called Leap has 
had a charity event where they build sand castles to raise money to support art 
in the schools. In 2012, this contest raised more than $250,000 for art in the 

However, during the October 2013 government shutdown, Obama closed the public 
beach where the charity event was to take place, and prevented it from 

393) Monitored phone calls of 35 world leaders

In October 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had monitored 
the phone calls of 35 world leaders.

394) Refused to answer question about whether or not Obama administration had 
monitored Angela Merkel's phone

In October 2013, the New York Times wrote:

... yesterday, Der Spiegel reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked 
Mr. Obama "for a thorough explanation of serious indications that U.S. 
intelligence agencies had declared her private mobile phone to be a target in 
their operations."

The White House press secretary, Jay Carney said, "The president assured  that 
the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications" of 
the chancellor." Please note: IS not monitoring and WILL NOT monitor. The 
allegation, not addressed, was that the United States HAD been monitoring her 
calls (until it was caught in the act).

395) Hacked the email of Mexican presidential candidate

In October 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had hacked the 
email account of Mexican presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, who later 
won the election.

396) Illegally seized documents from reporter Audrey Hudson

Audrey Hudson is a reporter who lives in Shady Side, Maryland. In 1986, her 
husband, Paul Flanagan, was convicted of resisting arrest. Because of this, he 
is legally prohibited from possessing a firearm.

In August 2013, federal agents entered their home, with a warrant that 
specifically said they were allowed to search for firearms. However, the 
federal agents illegally seized documents that belonged to Hudson, which were 
not listed on the warrant.

397) Required law abiding citizens to purchase insurance coverage for treatment 
for heroin addiction

Obamacare requires law abiding citizens to purchase coverage for treatment for 
heroin addiction.

398) Required men to purchase insurance coverage for maternity care

Obamacare requires men to purchase coverage for maternity care.

399) Obamacare website could not even handle "just a few hundred people" at the 
same time

The Washington Post reported that during testing, the Obamacare website could 
not even handle "just a few hundred people" at the same time.

400) Falsely blamed the Obamacare website's problems on too much traffic

The Obama administration blamed the problems of the Obamacare website on too 
much traffic.

However, the Washington Post reported that during testing, the Obamacare 
website could not even handle "just a few hundred people" at the same time.

In addition, CBS News quoted Luke Chung, an online database programmer who 
supports Obamacare, as saying the following about the Obamacare website:

"It wasn't designed well, it wasn't implemented well, and it looks like nobody 
tested it... It's not even close. It's not even ready for beta testing for my 
book. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my organization delivered something 
like that."