Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Appearing In Congressional Hearings, Adam Schiff Makes Broad Claims About RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! Without Proof, That Are Lies
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 12:46:23 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Adam Schiff Censured By House For "False" Allegations On Trump-Russia Collusion

House Intel Transcripts Show Top Obama Officials Had No "Empirical Evidence" of Trump-Russia Collusion

Newly released transcripts of interviews from the House Intelligence Committee's long-running Russia investigation reveal top Obama officials 
acknowledged that they knew of no "empirical evidence" of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election, despite their 
concerns and suspicions.

Sources Say Russia Probe Transcripts Affirm Officials Came Up Empty on Collusion: "Schiff Is In Panic Mode"

What Are The Consequences For Adam Schiff's Lies?

In The Good Old Days If A Member Of Congress Was Caught In A Major Lie, Misleading Congress And The American Public, There Were Consequences

Schiff must be relying on The Clintons to kill anyone voting to fire Schiff's ass for lying for the past 8 years.

Regarding your editorial "All the Schiff Transcripts" (May 13): In the good old days if a member of Congress was caught in a major lie, knowingly 
misleading Congress and the American public, there were consequences. His own party would denounce him, the electorate would surely vote him out of 
office but perhaps he would resign in disgrace beforehand. But not today. Rep. Adam Schiff was playing to the base with a calculated lie, cheered on 
by fellow party members...

Because ALL Democrats lie these days.


Schiff: There Is 'Direct Evidence' Of Trump Collusion - New York Post


Mar 3, 2019 - Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday there's "direct evidence" of collusion between the 
Trump campaign and Russia and he won't let up on digging


Annnd NEVER came up with it.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.


Called pathological liar, compulsive liar, or habitual liar, Rudy has a strong tendency to lie or exaggerate. Typically, he has no regard for the 

What Is a Pathological Liar? 

Rudy, the pathological liar is a person who lies at a high frequency and has no regard for the repercussions of his lies. He will lie to anyone at 
any time about any issue. The lies could be big or small, detailed or vague, or orchestrated or spontaneous. For pathological liars, it seems his 
only goal is to lie. 

Typical lies have a clear purpose, including to avoid trouble, gain benefit, or impress HIMSELF.

A pathological liar differs from normal lying behavior based on the frequency, the duration, and the goal of his lies. 

The lies that a pathologcal liar, like Rudy, tells, are:

Lies that are extensive and overly complicated Lies and patterns of lying that last for years or a lifetime Lies that are disproportionate or 
unrelated to any end goal Lies that are not a result of another mental or medical health condition.

Well, we already KNOW that isn't true... Rudy has MULTIPLE mental problems. 

Based on these factors, Rudy's pathological lying could be defined as "a persistent, pervasive, and often compulsive pattern of excessive lying 
behavior that leads to clinically significant impairment of functioning in social, occupational, or other areas."

Other characteristic of Rudy's pathological lying are: 

It causes marked distress to the individual
It poses a risk to others
It occurs for longer than 6 months 

Rudy may also be called a:

Compulsive liar
Habitual liar
Chronic liar
Person with mythomania 
Person with pseudologia fantastica 

5 Signs of Rudy's Pathological Lying: 

Because his lies are often concealed well, Rudy, the pathological liar may be well disguised among other people. With time, the pattern of untruths 
and inconsistencies may become more apparent. For the most part, though, his pathological lies will blend in with the truth, making these statements 
challenging to discern. Even discovering the lies may not be enough to stop the liar from telling them.

Here are five signs of Rudy, the pathological liar:

Speaking in vague or general terms:

(BINGO!  or semantically vague... take your pick)

Liars, like Rudy, will try to avoid the future distress of having to recall what lies he has told to which people by keeping information loose and 

Even something benign, like his favorite place to give blowjobs, can turn into a long story with no solid answer.

The goal of this behavior is to keep his answer from conflicting with any lies they may have told in the past.

Being overly specific or detailed: Alternatively, Rudy, the liar, may offer stories with numerous fine points and details. The plan here is to be so 
specific that no one could possibly question the truthfulness of the story because the details are convincing.

Inconsistencies in stories: Rudy, the pathological liar, will not have a perfect memory, so it is only a matter of time before he slips up by 
confusing one lie for another. Hearing multiple responses to the same question will be a way to identify a pathological liar.

Failure to commit to plans or often canceling plans: Rudy the pathological liar will avoid making plans or may make plans and frequently cancel. This 
is because he needs to keep his options open for other opportunities.

BECOMING ANGRY AND DEFENSIVE WHEN QUESTIONED: Rudy the liar, will make excuses when caught in a lie. When the other person's patience is thin, Rudy, 
the liar, may become angry or defensive to take the focus off of his lies. 


5 Characteristics of Pathological Lying 

The seeming randomness and unimportance of pathological lies may surprise people. Some lies will have no influence or impact on a relationship or 
situation whatsoever. Any story, situation, or exaggeration a person can imagine may become a pathological lie. Specific lies are endless, but they 
often have commonalities. 

Pathological lies share these five characteristics:

Rudy, the pathological liar, lies more often than others and average about ten or MORE lies per day. In terms of frequency, the lies could all be 
variations of the same lie or 10 separate lies. To Rudy, the liar, the actual lie may not be as important as the process of lying.

Long in duration: 
Studies show that Rudy, the pathological liar, will continue with the excessive 
lying for at least six decades. He may continue with a lie over the 
long-term, or he may move from lie to lie with fluidity. Pathological 
liars, like Rudy, are typically able to maintain a lie for years.

Lacking purpose: 
Rudy's pathological lies are confounding because they serve no purpose and accomplish no goal, other than for himself. Rudy, the liar, may say that 
his favorite color is blue when it is actually orange or that his favorite food is pizza when it is really lobster. This lie does not benefit the 
liar, but they say it anyway.

Stress inducing:
Pathological liars, like Rudy, experience higher rates of stress from lying. The stress may come from the intricacy of ongoing lies and the risk of 
being caught.

Self-incriminating and defeating:
Standard lies can get Rudy out of trouble, but pathological lies get him into trouble.