From: -hh <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,,,can.politics
Subject: Re: Full Self Driving Air Traffic Control Goes To Mars
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 12:21:17 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2/13/25 12:06, Skeeter wrote:
> In article <vol75e$2vt9q$>, says...
>> On 2025-02-13 07:54, Skeeter wrote:
>>> In article <vojlpk$2k2g1$>, says...
>>>> On 2025-02-12 18:32, pothead wrote:
>>>>> On 2025-02-12, Alan <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 2025-02-12 05:40, pothead wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2025-02-10, NoBody <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 09 Feb 2025 10:04:14 -0500, NoBody <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 8 Feb 2025 14:01:45 -0500, -hh
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 2/8/25 11:40 AM, AlleyCat wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 8 Feb 2025 05:24:24 -0500, -hh says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compared to Biden's EV initiative where $7.5 billion
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollars has built ~10 chargers?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you research *why* before making that complaint?
>>>>>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>>>>>> The chargers were promised... the money was taken.
>>>>>>>>>>> WHERE are the chargers?
>>>>>>>>>> If you'd done your research, you'd know.
>>>>>>>>> Show us (if you can).
>>>>>>>> Well?
>>>>>>> The point is in 2021 the money, $7.5 billion, was allocated to build
>>>>>>> a charging network across the US. So how many were built in the
>>>>>>> subsequent 3 years?
>>>>>>> THAT is the point.
>>>>>>> P.S. This is the kind of waste and government mismanagement that
>>>>>>> DOGE is uncovering.
>>>>>> That money was allocated doesn't mean it was SPENT.
>>>>>> That is the point.
>>>>> Did I have claim it was spent?
>>>> 'This is the kind of waste and government mismanagement that DOGE is
>>>> uncovering.'
>>>> That doesn't apply until the money is SPENT and you can look at what you
>>>> got for the money.
>>>>> Read what I wrote.
>>>>> So again how many chargers did Biden build in ~3 years?
>>>> How is that relevant?
>>>> How much was actually SPENT to get the chargers that were built?
>>> and away he spins again.
>> Nope.
>> It's a key part of the discussion.
>> You agree that if they spend just $10,000 to build 10 chargers that
>> would be a bargain, right?
> They didn't and I didn't. How many did they build in 3 years?
Looks like a direct reply is appropriate for this *clearly he's never
been project manager* poster too:
In 1962, JFK promised to land a man on the moon in ten years.
By 1967, how many moon landings were there?
Structurally, the charger rollout is a slow boil because of "States
Rights", not the Feds.
You're apparently assuming that the Fed was doing everything top-down
and dictating to the States that they're going to install a charger on
3rd & Main, with a Federal level contractor rolling up to do the work.
That's false.
It's a trickle-down where the Feds funded the States, and the States
have the responsibility to run the project.
Deciding the chargers are going to be sited?
State's responsibility.
Permitting process?
State's responsibility.
Contracts to purchase the hardware?
State's responsibility.
Contracts for site installation?
State's responsibility.
State's responsibility.
Plus FYI, individual States weren't required to run it at the State
level: they could delegate it to the local counties/municipalities.
That's an additional layer which is 100% responsibility of the State,
not the Fed.
So to answer your "where are the chargers?" question, the answer is to
go ask your shitty local Florida politicians where the money went and
what's taking them so damn long.
Likewise, if there's waste/fraud/abuse/graft/fraud, that's also the
responsibility of your local government too.
FYI, for those that have already been built, I'd research why. It could
be that that State lit a fire under their people, and/or had some
existing "Shovel Ready" or demonstration projects that effectively just
needed money to accelerate their build schedules.