From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: #FelonDon threatens Panama with war over the canal???
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 14:17:59 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-02-13 13:33, mxplztylc wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:10:07 -0800 Alan <> wrote:
>> On 2025-02-13 09:49, mxplztylc wrote:
>>> On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 12:10:54 -0500 -hh
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> It's not even $200 B.
>>>> And most of that was military hardware, not cash.
>>> That's a Goddamned lie Huntzy!
>>> 1.) The real number is roughly $600 billion.
>> Let's see your source for that.
> It's an estimate, we all know the real books are still cooked and
> offshored.
> rare-earth-metals-from-kyiv-says-ukraine-may-be-russian-someday-
> a87937
> "We are going to have all this money in there, and I say: 'I want it
> back.' And I told them that I want the equivalent, like $500 billion
> worth of rare earth," Trump said during the Fox News interview. "And
> they have essentially agreed to do that, so at least we don't feel
> stupid."
Sorry. That's a claim from Trump, and he lies more easily than he breathes.
>>> 2.) Most of it obfuscated in shell companies and LLCs.
>> And this.
> Fuck you, canuckleheaded shitbird traitor.
> companies-to-conceal-foreign-cash-bank-records-obtained-by-house-gop-
> reveal/
> The Biden family and its business associates created a complicated
> web of more than 20 companies, according to bank records obtained by
> the House Oversight Committee
Lots of families have "complicated webs" of companies, doofus.
> Sixteen of the companies were limited liability companies formed
> during Joe Bidenâs tenure as vice president, the committee said in a
> press conference on Wednesday. The Biden family, their business
> associates, and their companies received more than $10 million from
> foreign nationalsâ and their related companies, the records show.
> These payments occurred both while Biden was in office as vice
> president and after his time in office ended.
Then let's see those records...
...because "GOP lawmakers say"...
...isn't nearly good enough.
>>> 3.) The notion that our military hardware has solved anything
>>> there is dismissed!
>> I bet the Ukrainian people are pretty grateful.
> Yeah they;r real "grateful" to have to import foreign mud race
> workers for their rebuild because they managed to kill all their
> working age young males off with our military aid and equipment.
Ah. We get to the meat of the situation.
You're a bigot.
> ukraine-how-migrant-workers-are-lured-with-reconstruction-jobs
> You exterminable scumbag!
So that's RUSSIA doing it.
>>>> Plus a lot of the hardware sent has been "leftovers"
>>> Even more was NOT!~
>>>> To use an analogy, we're sending them old F16s and the budget
>>>> appropriation is being spent in the USA to buy a new F35 for
>>>> ourselves.
>>> Thereby looting the boneyards like DAMARC in Tucson of the spare
>>> parts we inevitably need when we do things like revive the A-10
>>> for cartel elimination runs.
>> Are you kidding?
> Google may be your friend, you tundra-hopping hoser asshat.
> boneyard.htm
I know all about US aircraft boneyards.
It's your claim that this is in any way a hardship for the US that is
>>> Of course there is the great hand washing that funnels even MORE
>>> US tax dollars into an air frame that is already obsolete and
>>> prone to unexplained crashes.
>> What are you even talking about?
> in-7-years-raise-alarm-over-safety/3465679
> > TIMELINE - F-35 fighter jets: 11 crashes in 7 years raise alarm over
> safety Facing reliability, maintainability challenges, 11 F-35
> Lockheed Martin fighter jets crashed since 2018, mainly in US,
> according to data compiled by Anadolu
Is 11 crashes in 7 years really that bad a record, doofus?
In the first 7 years of the F-16, there were 10 crashes.
And if you look at the lifetime rates for all "mishaps", the F35
destroys the F16.
It's not even close.