Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: Full Self Driving Air Traffic Control Goes To Mars
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:54:20 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2025-02-14 13:10, pothead wrote:

>>>>> You can spin all you want but my statements stand and unless you can prove me wrong
>>>>> crawl back into your cave.
>>>> Your statement about it happening in a day certainly doesn't stand, now
>>>> does it?
>>> Physically Installed.
>>> Built.
>>> Brought online.
>>> Call it what you will.
>>> That's what it was.
>>> And the permit process certainly didn't take 3 years.
>>> Have you ever seen the inside of a Tesla supercharger?
>>> It's literally 75% empty space.
>>> Think of it as a a high current/voltage version of your iPhone charger.
>>> Not exactly rocket science.
>> Your statement that it only took a day was complete an utter bullshit.
> It did only take a day to COMPLETE.

No. It did not.

You're spinning away from the fact that it took a lot longer to go from 
deciding to do it (and therefore budgeting for it)...

...to actually getting it DONE.

>> I'll bet there is a record somewhere where you could show when the
>> decision to put those chargers in place was...
> Probably but it matters not because Biden already allocated the money and
> in 3 years it was barely used yet he bragged about his charger bill.

Biden (and a bipartisan congress) budgeted for a large project that was 
going to run over YEARS.

It is no surprise that it took a long time to get off the ground.

> Newsweek took Mayor pothole Pete apart in that interview and he
> had no explanation which isn't surprising because he rarely does.
> He's a smoke and mirrors type guy who gets a pass, most of the time, because
> he is gay.

No. They reported on a news story.

There is literally no text in there that so much as implies that 
Newsweek has an opinion either way.

You're so used to opinion masquerading as news reporting that you see it 
where it is not there.

>> ...but we know you'll never show it because it will show it was made so
>> long before the chargers actually got installed that it will expose you
>> for the ass you are.
> Whatever you say.
> At this point you lost this one.
Tell me the library and let's look at what they've said publicly.