Davin News Server

From: tye syding <bn@wy.no>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: Proof Liberals Have ZERO Sense of Humour
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 15:29:52 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 15:40:05 -0800
Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:

> > You LOSE again, binky. =20
> You don't.
Dumb fuck!


What Happens if I Want to Change Judges?
It is not unusual for a party to either a criminal or a civil case to want =
to change judges or to request that a different judge be assigned to their =
case. Typically a party will request a new judge because there are facts th=
at indicate the assigned judge may not be impartial.

Circumstances that might affect impartiality include:

The assigned judge has some financial interest in the outcome of the case.
The assigned judge is related in some way to one of the parties.
The assigned judge has history with one of the parties. For example, when t=
he judge was a lawyer they represented one of the parties in another matter.
A transfer of a case from one judge to another is possible, and the process=
 for requesting a transfer will depend on the laws of the state or federal =
court where the case is being tried. State laws for requesting a transfer f=
rom one judge to another differ from the federal laws.

It is important to request a transfer early on in the proceedings. A transf=
er becomes more difficult and less likely the longer the proceedings have b=
een underway. At that point the party requesting the change will likely hav=
e to prove that the assigned judge has conducted the trial unfairly.

A judge may also recognize that due to circumstances of the case and their =
interest in the outcome or relationship to the parties, it will be difficul=
t for them to be an impartial decision maker. They can decide that another =
judge should hear the case and remove themselves. This is known as a recusa=

How Do I Change Judges in a Child Custody Case?
Changing judges in a child custody case requires showing that the judge is =
impartial or has acted inappropriately in their handling of the case. It is=
 necessary to document any wrongdoing by the judge, such as rulings against=
 you that are not substantiated by the evidence or proof of a relationship =
between the judge and the other party.

Though specific state laws will differ, typically your attorney must file a=
 motion requesting a new judge. The motion will outline the reasons why the=
 judge should be changed and include the documentation and evidence. The ju=
dge might receive the motion and recuse themselves from the case, though th=
ey are under no obligation to do so. If the judge does not rescue themselve=
s, you must ask the court for a different judge to decide the motion and de=
termine whether there should be a change.

Some states have different options for requesting to change the judge assig=
ned to a child custody matter. For example, in California the party request=
ing the change can file a peremptory challenge asking to remove the judge w=
ithout having to provide a reason. Each party is entitled to one peremptory=
 challenge to remove a judge.

The other option in California is to ask to remove a judge from your case f=
or cause. When presenting a challenge for cause the party making the reques=
t must provide specific evidence showing that the judge should be disqualif=
ied because they have:

A conflict of interest, bias
Financial interest
Relationship to one of the parties or their attorney, or
A personal knowledge of the facts.
You must file a written declaration outlining the reasons why the judge sho=
uld be removed and it should be filed as early as possible.

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Can I Change the Judge if I Don=E2=80=99t Like How They are Handling My Cas=
If you do not like how a judge is handling your criminal case you can file =
a motion with the court detailing the reasons why the judge should be remov=

Changing judges will not affect the charges a defendant is faced with becau=
se judges cannot change a charge. The prosecutor decides the charges and co=
ntrols whether they will offer the defendant a plea bargain. The judge cann=
ot overrule the prosecutor=E2=80=99s decision to charge a defendant with a =
particular crime; however, the prosecutor does need the judge to agree to t=
he sentence being offered as part of the plea bargain.

If you are a party to a case and unhappy with how the judge has ruled on a =
matter of law, you may not need to request a new judge in order to get a ne=
w result on that issue. A judge can change their own ruling after being ask=
ed to reconsider how they ruled on a motion, objection, or a sentence.

If you have asked the judge to reconsider their rulings and still think the=
 judge should be removed, you, or your attorney, will follow the applicable=
 procedure outlining how to get a judge removed in the jurisdiction where y=
our case is proceeding. You will file a motion detailing the alleged wrongd=
oing and ask the court to remove the judge and replace them with a differen=
t judge before the trial proceeds any further.

Do I Need an Attorney to Change Judges?
The judge assigned to your case will have a significant impact on your tria=
l. If you are aware of any reason why your judge should be removed, you sho=
uld consult with your attorney about changing judges. The attorney represen=
ting you in your criminal or civil case can file the motion to request a ne=
w judge.

If you have been charged with a crime it is important that you have an expe=
rienced criminal law attorney representing you. Attorneys who are frequentl=
y in court will know the judges and may be aware of any potential bias they=
 may have that will impact your case.

The judge assigned to your child custody case will be deciding very
important issues for you and your family. Consulting an experienced
family law attorney will help you decide whether it is worth trying to
remove a particular judge before proceeding with your child custody


How to request change of judge in your case How-To
Choose a reason to substitute your judge
If you wish to change the judge on your case, you may do so by filing eithe=
r of the following motions at the earliest possible opportunity:=20
A Motion for Substitution of Judge without cause (also known as Substitutio=
n as of Right):=20
Each party is entitled to one substitution as a matter of right. However, y=
ou may not use your one substitution as of right if your motion is filed=20
To delay or avoid a trial
If your judge has already made a substantial ruling in your case=20

A Motion for Substitution of Judge for Cause:=20
To use this reason, you must show that your judge has demonstrated actual p=
rejudice against you. This is a very high legal burden to meet and often re=
quires supporting evidence.

Note that when you file your motion, your judge may transfer the case to an=
 uninvolved judge for a hearing. If the uninvolved judge determines that th=
ere is not a cause to substitute, your case will be sent back to your judge=
. If the uninvolved judge determines that there is cause to substitute, you=
r case will be randomly reassigned to another judge.=20
Your case may move to a new judge for reasons beyond your control, such as:=
In the general course of court administration, or=20
If your judge recuses (removes) themselves from your case. If your
judge recuses themselves, you substitute your judge, or your case is
reassigned in the general course of court administration, your case
will be randomly reassigned to another. For more information on Motions
for Substitution, see 735 ILCS 5/2-1001