From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: Lee Lee The Wee Wee Wrangler Thinks Only Black Men Can Be Joint
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:57:55 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-02-23 17:46, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:30:15 -0800, Alan says...
>> When reality is that almost ALL presidents have ALWAYS kept the current
>> Chairman of the Joint Chiefs regardless of who appointed him?
> Wrong, or not for long and definitely not for the term.
> Joint Chief of Staff Hired, Fired or Resigned (fired could equal resigned)
> General Colin Powell - hired By Bush, fired by Clinton
> Admiral David E. Jeremiah - hired by Clinton, fired by Clinton
> Acting General John Shalikashvili - hired by Clinton, fired by Clinton
> General Hugh Shelton - hired by Clinton, fired by Bush
> General Richard Myers - hired by Bush, fired by Bush
> General Peter Pace - hired by Bush, fired by Bush
> Admiral Michael Mullen - hired by Bush, fired by Obama
> General Martin Dempsey - hired by Obama, fired by Obama
> General Joseph Dunford - hired by Obama, fired by Trump
> General Mark Milley - hired by Trump, fired by Biden
> General Charles Q. Brown Jr. - hired by Biden, fired by Trump
> Admiral Christopher W. Grady - hired by Trump (acting)
But what you said was:
"Not many Presidents keep the prior Chief if that Chief was appointed by
the OTHER party, right?"
And each of those were kept for at least a couple of years.
And that's why when I first examined this question, you ran.