From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: Lee Lee The Wee Wee Wrangler Thinks Only Black Men Can Be Joint
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:04:14 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-02-23 18:41, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:57:55 -0800, Alan says...
>> And each of those were kept for at least a couple of years.
> Nope.
> Weeks, maybe months, but eventually fired, so I'm right, you're faggot.
I can see you've clipped all of your own text to make showing you up a
little harder...
...but that's easily fixed:
Joint Chief of Staff - Hired, Fired or Resigned
Colin Powell - hired By Bush, fired by Clinton
...on September 30, 1993...
...more than 9 months after Clinton took office.
David E. Jeremiah - hired by Clinton, fired by Clinton
Actually, he was just an acting Chairman for a few weeks.
General John Shalikashvili - hired by Clinton, fired by Clinton
So irrelevant, and you're just making up that he was "fired".
Hugh Shelton - hired by Clinton, fired by Bush
...on September 30, 2001...
...more than 9 months after GW took office.
Richard Myers - hired by Bush, fired by Bush
So irrelevant.
Peter Pace - hired by Bush, fired by Bush
Michael Mullen - hired by Bush, fired by Obama
...on September 30, 2011...
...more than 2 YEARS and 9 months after Obama took office.
Martin Dempsey - hired by Obama, fired by Obama
Irrelevant to the discussion
Joseph Dunford - hired by Obama, fired by Trump
...on September 30, 2019...
...more than 2 YEARS and 9 months after Trump took office.
Mark Milley - hired by Trump, fired by Biden
...on September 30, 2023...
...more than 2 YEARS and 9 months after Biden took office.
Charles Q. Brown Jr. - hired by Biden, fired by Trump
...on February 21, 2025...
...and so the ONLY Chairman of the Joint Chiefs you presented fired in
the first few months of any president regardless of party.
And let's remember that Brown was Trump's choice for Chief of Staff of
the USAF.
Christopher W. Grady - hired by Trump (acting)
What is wrong with you that people like you can't just admit when you're
wrong, Phil?