Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Another Left-Wing Lie Site
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 16:20:08 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Mon, 24 Feb 2025 10:51:56 -0800,  Alan says...  

> On 2025-02-22 16:50, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:40:51 -0800,  Alan says...
> > 
> >>> Not all, not in the southern hemisphere
> >>
> >> But as your own source confirmed the "vast majority" are melting.
> >>
> > 
> > So?
> > 
> > And?
> > 
> > Prove man is responsible.

> Let's be clear: you admit that it is HAPPENING, correct?


Same as before.

Tell us where it is written or carved in stone, that The Little Ice Age was man's optimal weather, climate and temperature period, when more people died from cold than warm and we grew fewer crop and 
more people died from starvation resulting from worse famines and droughts than now.

Warmer climate is better. More rain is better.

I'll take a minuscule less ice for more food and fewer cold-related deaths.


1)	Russian Drought and Famine of 1601--03 Killing one-third of 
	the population. 

2)	India... Deccan drought and Famine of 1630 -- 32 An estimated 
	two million perished. 

3)	Chinese Drought and Famine of 1907 In a matter of months an 
	estimated 24 million people were killed. (California 
	drought... HA, he said sarcastically)

4)	India Drought and Famine: Took place between 1896 and 1902, 
	claiming an estimated 19 million lives.

5)	Bengal Drought and Famine of 1770 An estimated 15 million 
	perished in the Drought and Famine

6)	Northern Chinese Drought and Famine Lasted from 1876 to 1879 
	and is believed to have killed 13 million people. 

7)	Indian Great Drought and Famine of 1876--78 This tragedy 
	that took the lives of as many as 10.3 million. 

8)	Russian Drought and Famine of 1921 It killed as many as 10 

9)	Soviet Drought and Famine of 1932--33 Between seven and 10 
	million were killed 

10)	Great European Drought and Famine Creating the worst Drought 
	and Famine ever seen in Europe, the Great Drought and Famine 
	of 1315-1317, also known as the Great European Drought and 
	Famine, was actually a series of crises. The tragedy, that 
	killed an estimated 7.5 million people, was caused by 
	strange weather and unrelenting rains.

11)	Bengal Drought and Famine of 1943 Killed between 1.4 and 4 
	million people

12)	Chinese Drought and Famine of 1928--30 Killed an estimated 
	three million people over the three-year span.

13)	Chinese Drought 1941 An estimated three million perished. 

14)	Vietnamese Drought and Famine of 1945 Overall, between 
	400,000 and two million perished as a result. 

15)	Horn of Africa Drought and Famine Over one million 
	reportedly died during that time in the areas of Ethiopia, 
	Sudan and Somalia. 

16)	Finnish Drought and Famine of 1866--68 Killed between 15 and 
	20 percent of the population in the area or roughly 150,000 

19)	Great Irish Drought and Famine One million in fatalities and 
	another one million in residents who emigrated as a result.