From: AlleyCat <>
Subject: Re: Pink-Socks-Wearing Gay Anti-Canada Commie Trudeau, Up To His Old Commie Tricks
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:29:22 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
On Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:38:35 -0800, Alan says...
> On 2025-02-24 14:20, AlleyCat wrote:
> >
> >
> > Our border is broken
> > Our military is underfunded
> > Our troops buy their own gear
> >
> > Trudeau's priority?
> > 25 LAVs for Ukraine
> > F-16 simulators for Ukraine
> > $5 BILLION for Ukraine
> >
> > How much did he promise to fix our own border? A FRACTION of that!
> >
> Would you care to explain how it is that Canada would have F-16 flight
> simulators to give Ukraine...
> ...when Canada doesn't FLY F-16s?
I'm sorry... I meant Boeing P-26 Peashooters, seeing that's about as advanced as your government's military air forces are.
You are an idiot.
WE don't have spaceships, either, but...
Apex Officer is the first and only virtual reality training simulator for the U.S. Space Force. The program allows personnel to train for MISSIONS IN SPACE without leaving the comfort of their homes.
Apex Officer was created with the goal of providing a safe and effective training experience for personnel preparing to serve in the U.S. Space Force.
Not having F-16s, does NOT preclude there being F-16 simulator software in Canada's simulators.
For someone who claims to be smart... wow!
I know you think you know everything and can reads minds and all... but do you know for sure the simulators(4) Canada is giving Ukraine, do not have an F-16 simulator software program?
Others think so.
Ukraine Fighter Pilots Training in Canada - Canadian Aviator Magazine
Mar 2, 2024 - The cadets have already been partially trained on L-39s in Ukraine but the L-39s used by ITTC have more advanced cockpits. Training at the ITTC will also include 40 hours of F-16 GROUND
Canada to provide Ukraine with SIMULATORS FOR F-16 and 25 armoured ...
Today - Details: Canadian PM adds that Canada will separately hand over the first part of the US$5bn aid to Ukraine, funded by proceeds from frozen Russian assets. Background: On the third
anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President António Costa arrived in Kyiv.; The Swedish government plans
to provide ...
Canada will provide Ukraine with another 25 LAV III infantry fighting ...
Today - Canada will provide Ukraine with another 25 LAV III infantry fighting vehicles AND FOUR FLIGHT SIMULATORS FOR THE F-16. Weapons will arrive in the coming months, - the country's prime
minister. Trudeau also said that they are transferring the first part of the $5 billion aid, funded by proceeds from frozen Russian assets.
Canada to double number of F-16 FLIGHT SIMULATORS FOR UKRAINE - Ukrinform
6 days ago - According to Ukrinform, this announcement was made by the Canadian Ministry of National Defense while Minister Bill Blair was in Brussels. "While in Brussels, Minister Blair reaffirmed
Canada's continued support for Ukraine and announced that Canada will deliver two more F-16 flight simulators to Ukraine from Canadian industry," the ministry stated.
Canada to supply Ukraine with 25 LAV III vehicles and 4 F-16 flight simulators - Trudeau
Ukraine will receive 25 more LAV III infantry fighting vehicles from Canada. Four flight simulators for F-16 - S will also be transferred, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says during the ...
Canada announces new military aid package for Ukraine - TV channel Espreso
Today - Canada will support Ukraine with a new military aid package, financial assistance, a grant to bolster energy security. client/title.list_title. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
announced this during the "Support Ukraine" summit in Kyiv. ... - 4 F-16 FLIGHT SIMULATORS, to be delivered in the coming months ...
Canada Strengthens Support for Ukraine Armored Vehicles, FLIGHT SIMULATORS, and Funding
Canada is expanding its military aid to Ukraine with a new package that includes 25 LAV III armored personnel carriers, F-16 FLIGHT SIMULATORS, and ammunition...
Trudeau reports new aid to Ukraine -
Today - FOUR FLIGHT SIMULATORS FOR F-16; millions of ammunition, military equipment, first aid kits. Canada will also provide the first tranche of aid to Ukraine, worth 5 billion Canadian dollars
($3.5 billion), funded by proceeds from frozen Russian assets. And a grant to support energy security. Canada reported the previous aid package in early ...
Canada to send more F-16 FLIGHT SIMULATORS to Ukraine - TV channel Espreso
7 days ago - This was reported by the Canadian Ministry of Defense.. Defense Minister Bill Blair confirmed Canada's support for Ukraine during his visit to Brussels. He announced that TWO ADDITIONAL
F-16 FLIGHT SIMULATORS would be sent, adding to the two already provided by Canada at the end of last year.
Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, And Sadists Trolls Will Lie, Exaggerate, And Offend TO GET A RESPONSE [so true]
Pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing
Of course, these never work, AS INTENDED.
An Internet troll is someone who enters an online discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.
"Dark Tetrad" personality traits include narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.
(someone's been reading my possstss againnnnn)
In a study of 1200 people, Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling was their favorite Internet activity.
In this month's issue of Personality and Individual Differences, a study was published that confirms what we all suspected: Internet trolls are horrible people.
Let's start by getting our definitions straight: An Internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, in fact, it seems
like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response.
What kind of person would do this? Some Canadian researchers decided to find out.
Study: Internet Trolls and Dark Tetrad Personality Traits
They conducted two online studies with over 1,200 people, giving personality tests to each subject along with a survey about their Internet commenting behavior. They were looking for evidence that
linked trolling with the "Dark Tetrad" of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.
They found that Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling was their favorite Internet activity. To get an idea of how much more prevalent these traits were among Internet trolls,
one can refer to tables from the paper showing low Dark Tetrad scores for everyone in the study ... except the trolls. Their scores for all four traits soar on the chart. The relationship between
trolling and the Dark Tetrad is so significant that the authors write in their paper:
"... the associations between sadism and GAIT (Global Assessment of Internet Trolling) scores were so strong that it might be said that online trolls are prototypical everyday sadists." [emphasis
Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because this is a truly quotable article): "Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just
want to have fun ... and the Internet is their playground!"
The next time you encounter a troll online, remember:
These trolls are some truly difficult people.
It is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is ignore them.