From: Alan <>
Subject: Poor Phil Phorgets to Check the Phacts (wasRe: Lee Lee The Wee Wee
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 17:23:22 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
On 2025-02-22 15:27, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:41:31 +0000, Lee says...
>> Trump fires Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff CQ Brown
> So... WHO was he SUPPOSED to hire?
> By the by, dumb ass... Brown was a BIDEN appointee, after Biden
> FIRED Milley. Biden fired Milley in the middle of his
> administration. How stupid is that?
> Not many Presidents keep the prior Chief if that Chief was appointed
> by the OTHER party, right?
Actually, in the entire history of the position of Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, there have been 21 people in the position.
From Omar Bradley, who got the job first in August of 1949 until today,
there have been 21.
Of those:
17 served a term that was nearly 4 years or longer.
Only 3 served terms of approximately 2 years:
General Lyman Lemnitzer, who was pretty much fired by JFK for his
actions in trying to create a fake Cuban terrorism scare.
General Maxwell D. Taylor, who served out most of the remainder of what
had been Lemnitzer's term, and who was then replaced by...
...General Earle Wheeler who finished the final portion of Lemnitzer's
term, and then was re-appointed to the postion; making him the only CJCS
to serve more than 4 years.
And then there was General Peter Pace, who again looks like was "fired"
by GW Bush, because he only served 2 years, but still left on the
traditional September 30 date in 2007
From then on, there 4 ordinary terms of 4 years until Trump cut short
the term of General Charles Q. Brown Jr. at 1 year, 143 days.
The only shorter term was the purely acting appointment of Admiral David
E. Jeremiah, who served for 43 days before the position was filled
permanently by Clinton appointee, General John Shalikashvili.
So the real answer is almost all presidents have kept the CJCS until the
end of his term.
You can't make Trump firing Brown look normal, Phil.
Phorget it.