Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Reasons We Don't Know The TRUE Earth Temperature - YOU Are Being Lied To and Too Stupid To Know - Part 4
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:05:00 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

31.	Provincetown, MA has, what appears to be, a floating ghost station, USHCN No. 196681.  This is  number 100, where NOAA now fabricates this station's temperature data.	

32.	Tustin Irvine, CA also has a ghost station - USHCN No. 49087.  Observations began 1899 and stopped 2003.  NOAA now fabricates its temperature data - for a non-standard siting location. 	

33.	A  found in Yuma, AZ.  USHCN No. 29652, which stopped reporting data in 2005, and NOAA now fabricates its temperature data.	

34.	Miami, AZ also has a ghost station, USHCN No. 25512, which is another rural station that's gone.  NOAA now fabricates its temperature data.  	

35.	Another wet  can be seen in Saint Paul, NE ... USHCN No. 257515, where NOAA now fabricates its temperature data.  Maybe the lake was added during the year 2009.  Precipitation only data is 
	collected at a different location.	

36.	York, PA joins the Ghost Station scam, USHCN No. 369933.  Another ideal rural station is gone, while NOAA now fabricates its temperature data.  	

37.	Woodstock, MD is home to another ghost station.  USHCN No. 189750.  This is another rural weather observing station that no longer reports real temperature data.  NOAA now fabricates its 
	temperature data.  	

38.	At the Port Angeles, WA ghost station, they took down a temperature sensor and put up a parking lot.  NOAA now fabricates its parking lot temperatures.  	

39.	Grafton, ND also has a thermometer ghost station, USHCN No. 323594, where NOAA now fabricates its temperature data, even though the ghost appears to be located on a roof top.  	

40.	A golf course claims another rural ghost station.  USHCN No. 423418, Green River, UT.  NOAA now fabricates its temperature data.