From: AlleyCat <>
Subject: Reasons We Don't Know The TRUE Earth Temperature - YOU Are Being Lied To and Too Stupid To Know - Part 1
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:04:56 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
1. Cambridge City, IN has its own ghost station: USHCN No. 121229. Another excellent rural station is gone, which is no longer producing observed temperature data. NOAA now fabricates its
temperature data.
2. The Arrowrock Dam in Idaho hosts another ghost station: USHCN No. 100448. A great rural, mountain weather station - now gone. But, NOAA magically fabricates its temperature data.
3. Merriman, NE has a ghost station: USHCN No. 255470. It was a perfect rural location, but it's now gone. Ever since 2011, NOAA has been fabricating its temperature data.
4. Brawley, CA also has a ghost station: USHCN No. 41048. An excellent rural region, but the station fails NOAA siting standards. It is located on a dirt road and 55 feet from a 4-lane highway
where it will detect inflated temperatures, which NOAA now fabr
5. Gage, NM also has a ghost station: USHCN No. 293368. Although it was a great rural observation location, it failed NOAA siting rules -- and yet NOAA continues to fabricate its temperature
6. Happy Camp, CA is a phantom ghost station: USHCN No. 43761. There is no formal statement saying the station is closed, yet this station stopped reporting observed temperatures in 2009. Ever
since then, NOAA continues to fabricate Happy Camp temperature
7. Corinne, UT is another rural Ghost weather station that is gone: USHCN No. 421731. NOAA now gets to fabricate its temperature data, instead fixing the station and using measured temperature
8. Ashland, WI also has a rural ghost station: USHCN No. 470349. Observations began in 1893, but temperature reporting stopped in 2005. Instead of installing accurate temperature reporting
equipment, NOAA fabricates its temperature data. #NOAAghoststatio
9. The Wellsburg, WV ghost station is a curious one: USHCN No. 469368. It appears the station was located on top of, or under, a carport roof. Even though it fails U.S. siting rules, NOAA
continues to fabricate its temperature data.
10. Okeene, OK has its own ghost station, USHCN No. 346629. Another rural station gone, for which NOAA now fabricates temperature data.